April 28, 2022

Yin and Yang - Operator and Supervisor

 In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang are the permanently existing entities. Of course, they also represent the two genders male and female.

In work places also there will be operators and supervisors in factory set ups. Factory is place where multiple workers are working to produce outputs. In the factory system, there are managers to plan and direct the workers. Factories are established to use mass production methods and produce goods at lower costs. Lower costs permit selling at lower prices that give bigger demand for products. Today, as we know there are markets covering the entire country or even globe for products of certain companies. Such global markets came into existence because of the economies of mass marketing and production techniques.

Factories require supervisors willing to manage operators and operators willing to be guided by supervisors.


  1. In a well run factory, there would be some sort of balance between the managers and the operators to make them more productive and successful. A good working environment would mean that both supervisors and operators would celebrate the successes of their efforts.

    1. Thank you. Yes. There has to be mutual affection and recognition of their respective roles among them.
