July 10, 2023

Leadership - Subject Update


Passionate People, Powerful Results: CEO's Guide to Motivating and Inspiring Teams
Founder & CEO at Lean Focus | Transforming Businesses for Good
July 10, 2023


What Makes Great Leaders? Ask the People Who Work for Them
June 21, 2022
Five core characteristics shine through.
John Baird
Edward Sullivan

The following is an excerpt from the new book Leading with Heart: 5 Conversations That Unlock Creativity, Purpose, and Results by John Baird and Edward Sullivan (Harper Business: 2022).

1. They are aware of their people’s needs. 

2. They confront their people’s fears. 

3. They understand their own desires and what drives their people. 

4. They leverage their gifts. 

5. They connect with purpose.

Interesting ideas


Gallup 2022  - 7 People Management Skills You Need to Succeed This Year
JANUARY 28, 2022
7 People Management Skills You Need to Succeed This Year

Build relationships. 
Create partnerships, build trust, share ideas and accomplish work.

Develop people. 
Help others become more effective through strengths, expectations and coaching.

Lead change. 
Embrace change and set goals that align with a stated vision.

Inspire others. 
Encourage others through positivity, vision, confidence, challenges and recognition.

Think critically. 
Gather and evaluate information that leads to smart decisions.

Communicate clearly. 
Share information regularly and concisely.

Create accountability. 
Hold yourself and your team responsible for performance.

Don't try to improve all of your team management skills at once.
Choose one of the seven competencies to focus on each quarter. 
Apply your talents to develop strength in each area. 

Ryan Pendell is a Workplace Science Writer at Gallup.
Sara Vander Helm is Performance Manager for Content at Gallup.


Why People Follow the Leader: The Power of Transference
by Michael Maccoby
From the HBR Magazine (September 2004)

Top 21 Leadership Qualities

Leaders today are tasked with delivering results, understanding people and creating/maintaining their image or personal brand.Leaders today are tasked with delivering results, understanding people and creating/maintaining their image or personal brand.

6 Leadership Paradoxes for the Post-Pandemic Era
by Paul Leinwand, Mahadeva Matt Mani, and Blair Sheppard
April 23, 2021

Leaders need new skills and capabilities. 

Strategic Executor
Leaders must be strategic executors, balancing vision with execution. 

Humble Hero
Second, they must be humble heroes, willing to make bold decisions while being great listeners and champions of inclusivity. 

Tech-Savvy Humanist
Third, they must be tech-savvy humanists, adopting new technologies while understanding and caring for their people. 

Traditioned Innovator
Fourth, they must be traditioned innovators, preserving the mission and purpose of their companies while pushing innovation to the extreme. 

High-Integrity Politician
Fifth, they must be high-integrity politicians, willing to compromise, accrue support, and form coalitions while doing so with the utmost integrity. 

Globally-Minded Localist
Finally, they must be globally-minded localists, expanding their reach while also looking for privileged insights into their own customers.

Leadership: In Pursuit of Purpose.
Rune Todnem 
Journal of Change Management 
Reframing Leadership and Organizational Practice
Volume 21, 2021 - Issue 1: Changing Leadership in Changing Times – Part 1, Pages 30-44.
Has historical account of leadership theory development.
Full article for reading.

Compassionate Leadership Is Necessary — but Not Sufficient
by Rasmus Hougaard, Jacqueline Carter, and Nick Hobson
December 04, 2020, HBR

For effective leadership, compassion must be combined with wisdom.

By wisdom, we mean leadership competence, a deep understanding of what motivates people and how to manage them to deliver on agreed priorities.

Leaders operating have to balance concern for their people with the need to move their organizations forward in an efficient, productive manner.


How to Be a Leader Everyone Loves to Work With

Care about the people along with the process and results.
Listen instead of thinking I  know it all.
Empower and make others feel good about themselves and their contribution to group activity.
Create small wins - Appreciate and Celebrate.
Display high EQ instead of only high IQ.

Buddhist tradition describes three styles of compassionate leadership

Buddhist tradition describes three styles of compassionate leadership: the trailblazer, who leads from the front, takes risks, and sets an example; the ferryman, who accompanies those in his care and shapes the ups and downs of the crossing; and the shepherd, who sees every one of his flock into safety before himself. Three styles, three approaches, but what they have in common is an all-encompassing concern for the welfare of those they lead. - Dalai Lama., 2019, HBR article

Making others better as a result of your presence, your communication, your direction, decision and action  are at the heart of leadership.

Leadership is not wielding authority; it's empowering others.

It is the ability to transfer power. It is the ability to make others powerful.
Lolly Doskal - TedX Talk


4 Ways to make sure people working for you love you.

1. Create a work place you love as a person.
2. Encourage creativity and involvement.
3. Don't focus only on pay, make work flexible and comfortable
4. Give rest breaks and allow persons to recover from fatigue. Insert work gaps for even small durations.

Seven Stages of Strategic Leadership

30-second activities for Leaders

Leaders do not to have a lot of free time on their hands to spend with their followers. .

That’s where the 30-second activities become very useful. There’s a lot you can do in 30 seconds.

In 30 seconds you can a big impact.

You could…

Give 30 seconds of encouragement.

Give 30 seconds of conveying value of a team member.

Give 30 seconds of acknowledgment.

Give 30 seconds of gratitude.

Give 30 seconds of praise.

Give 30 seconds to change their attitude. No matter what’s in their past, they can always become the best version of themselves.

When leaders acknowledge the role and contribution of team members,  leadership becomes memorable and impactful.



Be selfless - Be compassionate

Become Better Leader – Human Relations First Perspective



Leading So People Will Follow You - The six key behaviour related attributes

Far-sightedness, passion, courage, wisdom, generosity, and trustworthiness

Leadership Coach and Author: Lolly Daskal

Founder and CEO of Lead From Within. Her proprietary leadership program is based on a mix of modern philosophy, science, and nearly thirty years coaching top executives, Lolly’s perspective on leadership continues to break new ground and produce exceptional results.

Lolly was designated a:
Top-50 Leadership and Management Expert by Inc.com
100 Great Leadership Speakers for Your Next by Inc. magazine.
Huffington Post honored Lolly with the title of The Most Inspiring Woman in the World.
Her writing has appeared in HBR, Inc.com, Fast Company (Ask The Expert), Huffington Post,
and Psychology Today, and others.
Lolly Daskal’s new book, The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness is
a Wall Street Journal Bestseller.
Previous bestseller is Thoughts Spoken From the Heart

Recently circulated articles of Lolly Daskal

50 Forms of Dysfunction in the Workplace

61 Ways to Get Your Employees Super Engaged

JUN 15, 2018
In Leadership, Influence Is Not A Given
Michelle Braden

MSBCoach CEO, author of 3 leadership books, committed to inspire/challenge leaders, maximize engagement, and impact organizational success.

Servant Leadership for 21st Century



Leadership is not wielding authority; it's empowering others.

6 Mantras That Will Set You Apart as a Genuine Leader

To create the right climate, you need leadership, not GREEDership.



December 2017

If You Aspire to Be a Great Leader, Be Present
Rasmus Hougaard and Jacqueline Carter
HBR, DECEMBER 13, 2017

Nov 11, 2016 Accenture Veterans Day Keynote







The Potential Project Upload

August 2017

 Leadership Instincts: Listen, Amplify, Include
General Martin E. Dempsey
August 25, 2017

22 Qualities That Make a Great Leader

June 2017

The 10 (and a Half) Commandments of Leadership

10 Questions Great Bosses ask periodically

The Dynamics of 8 Different Styles of Leadership
April 11, 2017 - by  Paul E. Fein

Four Behaviors That Define Successful Leaders
Elena Lytkina Botelho

May 2017

45 Questions Every Leader Should Answer

By Frank Sonnenberg

Good Bosses Switch Between Two Leadership Styles

Jon Maner
Jon Maner is a professor of management and organizations at Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University.
DECEMBER 05, 2016, HBR Article

The two styles are termed Dominance and Prestige. They could have been termed Single Person Dominance (Lone Boxer) and Team Decision Making (Foot Ball Team).






Leadership Freak - A popular blog on leadership      https://leadershipfreak.blog/

What Great Managers Do Daily

Ryan Fuller & Nina Shikaloff
DECEMBER 14, 2016

Decoding Leadership: What really matters

Our most recent research, however, suggests that a small subset of leadership skills closely correlates with leadership success, particularly among frontline leaders. Using our own practical experience and searching the relevant academic literature, we came up with a comprehensive list of 20 distinct leadership traits. We did a survey and  found  that leaders in organizations with high-quality leadership teams typically displayed 4 of the 20 possible types of behavior; these 4, indeed, explained 89 percent of the variance between strong and weak organizations in terms of leadership effectiveness .

• Solving problems effectively: The process that precedes decision making is problem solving, when information is gathered, analyzed, and considered.

• Operating with a strong results orientation: Leadership is about not only developing and communicating a vision and setting objectives but also following through to achieve results. Leaders with a strong results orientation tend to emphasize the importance of efficiency and productivity and to prioritize the highest-value work.

• Seeking different perspectives: This trait is conspicuous in managers who monitor trends affecting organizations, grasp changes in the environment, encourage employees to contribute ideas that could improve performance, accurately differentiate between important and unimportant issues, and give the appropriate weight to stakeholder concerns. Leaders who do well on this dimension typically base their decisions on sound analysis and avoid the many biases to which decisions are prone.


The Art of Giving and Receiving Advice.

By: Garvin, David A.; Margolis, Joshua D. Harvard Business Review. Jan/Feb2015, Vol. 93 Issue 1/2, p60-71.

Seeking and giving advice are central to effective leadership and decision making, and they require emotional intelligence, self-awareness, restraint, diplomacy, and patience on both sides. In this article, the authors argue that they are practical skills one  can learn and apply to great effect. The most common obstacles to effectively seeking and giving advice are  thinking one already has the answers, defining the problem poorly, and overstepping boundaries.  They  offer practical guidelines for getting past them.

Five stages of advising are identified: (1) finding the right fit; (2) developing a shared understanding; (3) crafting alternatives; (4) converging on a decision; and (5) putting advice into action. Each stage includes suggestions for seekers and for advisers.

The Authenticity Paradox. 

By: Ibarra, Herminia. Harvard Business Review. Jan/Feb2015, Vol. 93 Issue 1/2, p52-59.

INSEAD professor Herminia Ibarra argues, a simplistic understanding of what authenticity means can limit leaders' growth and impact.  In this article, Ibarra explains how leaders can develop an "adaptively authentic" style.  It's OK to change tactics from one day to the next, she says by figuring  out what's right for the challenges and circumstances we face.



The Skills Leaders Need at Every Level

by Jack Zenger and Joseph Folkman
HBR Blog Post
16 Skills are listed in order of importance. Top 7 are said to be important.

1. Inspires and motivates others.
2. Displays high integrity and honesty
3. Solves problems and analyzes issues
4. Drives for results
5. Communicates powerfully and prolifically
6. Collaborates and promotes teamwork
7. Builds relationships

Leadership Development Beyond Competencies: Moving to a Holistic Approach
Marian N. Ruderman, Cathleen Klerkin, and Carol Connelly
Center for Creative Leadership - White Paper

Book review of Jane Dutton and Gretchen Spreitzer, How to Be a Positive Leader: Small Actions, Big Impact.



How to be a better boss?

Ask a person whether he wants to recommend his boss to his friends as the ideal boss to work under.

Knowledge@Wharton article
Social Technology and the Changing Context of Leadership
Social technology is changing the way leaders do conversations with their group members especially in large organizations. The article presents ideas on this issue

Sloan Management Review Article Spring, March 2012

How to Become a Better Leader

The article describes Big 5 Personality factors and use of them in developing oneself as a better leader.

Leadership Basic Articles

Organizational Behavior Articles

Theories of Leadership 
Cognitive Resources Theory of Leadership
Leadership Styles, Roles, Activities, Skills and Development

Principles of Management Articles

Updated  2021, 9 Nov 2021,

2019 - 25 December 2019, 25 August 2019, 4 August 2019, 29 April 2019,  19 January 2019,

2018 - 15 July 2018, 10 July 2018,  8 February,  28 January

22 December 2017,  22 August 2017,  24 June 2017,  6 June 2017,  29 May 2017,  22 February 2017, 6 December 2016, 12 October 2016, 10 December 2015


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