September 17, 2024

Manufacturing Process Design - Work Flow


Introduction to Modern Industrial Engineering.  

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What is Industrial and Systems Engineering?

IISE Definition of Industrial Engineering

Industrial and systems engineering (ISE) is concerned with the design, improvement and installation of integrated systems of people, materials, information, equipment and energy. It draws upon specialized knowledge and skill in the mathematical, physical, and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design, to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems.


Industrial and systems engineering (ISE) is concerned with the design, improvement and installation of integrated systems ...   to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems.

It is result orientation. Primarily productivity orientation.

Simple Explanation by Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.

Industrial engineering is system efficiency engineering. Its main components are productivity science, productivity engineering and productivity management.


Proposed Procedure for  Process Design and Communication

1. First Specify the output required. Find out indicated volume for annual production.

2. Determine possible inputs.

3. For each input determine the material transformation stages (Find out  the best machine available in the market for various volume levels. Incorporate existing machines in the company also in the proposal. Incorporate pure manual method also as an alternative).

4. Subject the initial proposal to technical feasibility analysis.

5. Do cost analysis for each alternative.

6. Select techno-economically feasible alternative for each operation in the process.

7. Decide quality related inspection activities for each material transformation operation.

8. Find out the best possible instruments for the inspection and related data processing. Incorporate existing instruments and pure manual alternatives also.

9. Subject the initial proposal to technical feasibility analysis.

10. Do cost analysis for each alternative.

11. Select techno-economically feasible alternative for each operation in the process.

12. Determine tentative batch quantity for manufacture.

13. Determine working process storage provision required. Determine the storage facility after  techno-economic analysis including best facility currently available and existing facilities.

14. Determine the transport of material required between machine, inspection station and storage location.

15. Indicate the equipment to be used for transportation. Incorporate best possible equipment, existing equipment, and pure manual alternatives also.

16. Subject the initial proposal to technical feasibility analysis.

17. Do cost analysis for each alternative.

18. Select techno-economically feasible alternative for each operation in the process.

19. Present the complete process as a flow process chart.

This flow process chart is still a high level chart.

Each operation has to be designed and documented further. At the lowest level each element of machine work and manual motion are to be specified and even the motion pattern of the operator needs to be specified. Process design requires many hours of planning and design work by knowledgeable and experienced manufacturing engineers, quality engineers, material handling engineers, facility planners and industrial engineers. Industrial engineers provide productivity related input. Operations managers and process managers provide strategy related input, demand related inputs, and manpower management related inputs apart from technical inputs.

Interaction between steps, that is revising a design finalized in the earlier step may be revised based on the decisions in the later stage. For instance, based on the knowledge gained during planning inspection operation, material processing operation may be changed.


The whole point of process design is to make sure that the performance of the process is appropriate for whatever it is trying to achieve. For example, if an operation competed primarily on its ability to respond quickly to customer requests, its processes would need to be designed to give fast throughput times.

Similarly, if an operation competed on low price, cost-related objectives would be likely to dominate its process design.

More ‘micro’ and detailed set of objectives. 

These are largely concerned with flow through the process. When whatever are being ‘processed’ enter a process they will progress through a series of activities where they are ‘transformed’ in some way. Between these activities they may dwell for some time in inventories, waiting to be transformed by the next activity. This means that the time that a unit spends in the process (its throughput time) will be longer than the sum of all the transforming activities that it passes through. Also the resources that perform the process’s activities may not be used all the time because not all items will necessarily require the same activities and the capacity of each resource may not match the demand placed upon it. So neither the items moving through the process, nor the resources performing the activities may be fully utilized. Because of this the way that items leave the process is unlikely to be exactly the same as the way they arrive at the process. It is common for more ‘micro’ performance flow objectives to be used that describe process flow performance. For example: 

● Throughput rate (or flow rate) is the rate at which items emerge from the process, i.e. the number of items passing through the process per unit of time. 

‘Paced’ processes like moving belt assembly lines. It is the ‘beat’, or tempo, of working required to meet demand. 

● Throughput time is the average elapsed time taken for inputs to move through the process and become outputs. 

● The number of items in the process (also called the ‘work in progress’, or in-process inventory), as an average over a period of time. 

● The utilization of process resources is the proportion of available time that the resources within the process are performing useful work.

Standardization is also an important objective in the design of some services and products, for similar reasons. The practical dilemma for most organizations is how to draw the line between processes that are required to be standardized, and those that are allowed to be different.

See page 616 in Buffa and Sarin

Chapter 19 - Design of Processes, Jobs and Work Measurement

 Chopra, S. , Anupindi, R. , Deshmukh, S.D. , Van Mieghem, J.A. and Zemel, E. ( 2012 ) Managing 

Business Process Flows, 2nd edn , Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ. An excellent, although 

mathematical, approach to process design in general. 

 Hammer, M. ( 1990 ) Reengineering Work: Don’t automate, obliterate, Harvard Business Review , July–August. This is the paper that launched the whole idea of business processes and process management in general to a wider managerial audience. 

Smith, H. and Fingar, P. ( 2003 ) Business Process Management: The Third Wave , Meghan-Kiffer Press, Tampa, FL. A popular book on process management from a BPR perspective.

The Basics of Process Mapping, 2nd Edition

By Robert Damelio

Design and management of service processes

by Ramaswamy, Rohit, 

Publication date 1996

Includes bibliographical references (pages 411-414) and index

Ch. 1. Designing Services -- an Introduction -- Ch. 2. The Service Design and Management Model -- A Methodological Overview -- Ch. 3. Developing Design Specifications -- Part 1: Defining Design Attributes -- Ch. 4. Developing Design Specifications -- Part 2: Setting Design Performance Standards -- Ch. 5. Generating and Evaluating Design Concepts -- Ch. 6. Performing Detailed Process Design -- Part 1: Generating Design Alternatives -- Ch. 7. Performing Detailed Process Design -- Part 2: Evaluating and Testing Alternatives -- Ch. 8. Implementing the Design -- Ch. 9. Measuring Performance -- Ch. 10. Assessing Customer Satisfaction -- Ch. 11. Improving Service Performance -- Ch. 12. Conclusion

Essentials Of Service Design
November 2011Journal of Service Science (JSS) 4(2):43
Jr. Harry Katzan

Bitner, M., Ostrom, A., and F. Morgan. 2007. Service Blueprinting: A Practical Technique for Service 
Innovation. Center for Service Leadership, Arizona State University.

Service blueprinting: A practical technique for service innovation
M J Bitner, Amy Ostrom, Felicia N. Morgan
Journal California Management Review
Issue number 3, 2008

Process Strategy and Analysis - Important Points - Summary - Krajewski - 12th Edition

Process Design - A Note - Nigel Slack et al. - Chapter 4 in 7th edition

Process Analysis - Chase, Aquilano, Chase Book - Operations Management, 11th Ed.

Manufacturing Process Selection and Design - Review Notes - 11th Edition Chase & Jacobs & Aquilano

Production Process Planning of Machining

64. Production Process Planning - Foundation for Production

65. Assembly Design - Process Planning & Industrial Engineering Perspective

66. Technical Drawings - Important Guidelines - Process Planning and Industrial Engineering

67. Selection of Metal Removal Processes - Initial Steps - Process Planning and Process Industrial Engineering

68. Fixturing and Clamping the Work Piece - Process Planning and Process Industrial Engineering

69. Determining Operation Type, Feed and Depth of Cuts for Multiple Cuts - Process Planning and Process Industrial Engineering

70. Selecting Cutting Speed - Process Planning and Process Industrial Engineering

71. Selecting a Machine for the Operation - Process Planning and Process Industrial Engineering

72. Selecting Tools for a Machining Operation - Process Planning and Process Industrial Engineering

Inspection Operations Improvement






Transport - Material Handling Operations




Supporting Materials





Storage - Warehousing Operations

146 - 155



Pub. 15.9.2024 - Engineers Day India

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