August 23, 2024

Management Science - JNTUK - Kakinada - Syllabus and Notes


Syllabus MANAGEMENT SCIENCE R13 Regulation JNTUK-kakinada Syllabus 


Unit - I

Introduction to Management: Concept – Nature and Importance of Management, Functions-Evaluation of Management, Motivation Theories – Leadership Styles – Decision Making Process-designing Organization Structure – Principles and types of Organization.

Unit - II

Operations and Project Management: Work-Study-Statistical Quality Control Through Control Charts-Inventory Control-EOQ & ABC Analysis (Simple Problems) Project Management-PERT/CPM-Project Crashing (Simple Problem).

Unit - III

Functional Management: Concept and Functions of Finance, HR, Production, Marketing Management and Services – Job Evolution and Merit Rating – Product Life Cycles – Channels of Distribution – Types/Methods of Production.

Unit - IV

Strategic Management: Vision, Mission, Goals, Strategy – Corporate Planning Process – Environmental Scanning – SWOT analysis – Different Steps in Strategy Formulation, Implementation and Evaluation.

Unit - V

Business Ethics & Communications: Ethics in Business and Management – Ethics in HRM, Finance & Marketing Management – Business Ethics & Law

Unit - VI

Contemporary Management Practices: Basic concepts of MIS, MRP, Just- In-Time (JIT)System, Total Quality Management (TQM), Six Sigma and Capability Maturity Models (CMM) Levies, Supply Chain Management, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Performance Management, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), Business Process Re-Engineering and Bench Marking, Balance Score Card.

Text Books

Kumar/Rao/Chhalill ‘Introduction to Management Science’ Cengage, Delhi, 2012.

Dr. A. R. Aryasri, Management Science’ TMH 2011

Reference Books

Koontz & Weihrich: ‘Essentials of Management’ TMH 2011

Seth & Rastogi: Global Management Systems, Cengage Learning, Delhi, 2011.

Robbins: Organizational Behaviors, Pearson Publications, 2011

Kanishka Bedi: Production & Operational Management, Oxford Publications, 2011.

Manjunath: Management Science, Pearson Publications, 2013.

Biswajit Patnaik: Human Resource Management, PHI, 2011.

Hitt and Vijaya Kumar: Strategic Management, Cengage Learning.

Dr. PG. Ramanujam, BVR Naidu, PV Rama Sastry : Management Science Himalaya Publishing House, 2013.

Syllabus MANAGEMENT SCIENCE R13 Regulation JNTUK-kakinada Syllabus 


Unit - I

Introduction to Management: Concept – Nature and Importance of Management, Functions-Evaluation of Management, Motivation Theories – Leadership Styles – Decision Making Process-designing Organization Structure – Principles and types of Organization.

Unit - II

Operations and Project Management: Work-Study-Statistical Quality Control Through Control Charts-Inventory Control-EOQ & ABC Analysis (Simple Problems) Project Management-PERT/CPM-Project Crashing (Simple Problem).

Unit - III

Functional Management: Concept and Functions of Finance, HR, Production, Marketing Management and Services – Job Evolution and Merit Rating – Product Life Cycles – Channels of Distribution – Types/Methods of Production.

Unit - IV

Strategic Management: Vision, Mission, Goals, Strategy – Corporate Planning Process – Environmental Scanning – SWOT analysis – Different Steps in Strategy Formulation, Implementation and Evaluation.

Unit - V

Business Ethics & Communications: Ethics in Business and Management – Ethics in HRM, Finance & Marketing Management – Business Ethics & Law

Unit - VI

Contemporary Management Practices: Basic concepts of MIS, MRP, Just- In-Time (JIT)System, Total Quality Management (TQM), Six Sigma and Capability Maturity Models (CMM) Levies, Supply Chain Management, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Performance Management, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), Business Process Re-Engineering and Bench Marking, Balance Score Card.

JNTUK R16 4-2 Management Science


To familiarize with the process of management and to provide basic insight into select contemporary management practices

To provide conceptual knowledge on functional management and strategic management.


Introduction to Management: Concept –nature and importance of Management –Generic Functions of Management – Evaluation of Management thought- Theories of Motivation – Decision making process-Designing organization structure- Principles of organization – Organizational typology- International Management: Global Leadership and Organizational behavior Effectiveness(GLOBE) structure


Operations Management: Principles and Types of Management – Work study- Statistical Quality Control- Control charts (P-chart, R-chart, and C-chart) Simple problems- Material Management: Need for Inventory control- EOQ, ABC analysis (simple problems) and Types of ABC analysis (HML, SDE, VED, and FSN analysis).


Functional Management: Concept of HRM, HRD and PMIR- Functions of HR ManagerWage payment plans(Simple Problems) – Job Evaluation and Merit Rating – Marketing Management- Functions of Marketing – Marketing strategies based on product Life Cycle, Channels of distributions. Operationlizing change through performance management.


Project Management: (PERT/CPM): Development of Network – Difference between PERT and CPM Identifying Critical Path- Probability- Project Crashing (Simple Problems)


Strategic Management: Vision, Mission, Goals, Strategy – Elements of Corporate Planning Process – Environmental Scanning – SWOT analysis- Steps in Strategy Formulation and Implementation, Generic Strategy Alternatives. Global strategies, theories of Multinational Companies.


Contemporary Management Practice: Basic concepts of MIS, MRP, Justin- Time(JIT) system, Total Quality Management(TQM), Six sigma and Capability Maturity Model(CMM) Levies, Supply Chain Management , Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Business Process outsourcing (BPO), Business process Re-engineering and Bench Marking, Balanced Score Card


Dr. P. Vijaya Kumar & Dr. N. Appa Rao, ‘Management Science’ Cengage, Delhi, 2012.

Dr. A. R. Aryasri, Management Science’ TMH 2011.


Koontz & Weihrich: ‘Essentials of management’ TMH 2011

Seth & Rastogi: Global Management Systems, Cengage learning , Delhi, 2011

Robbins: Organizational Behaviour, Pearson publications, 2011

Kanishka Bedi: Production & Operations Management, Oxford Publications, 2011

Philip Kotler & Armstrong: Principles of Marketing, Pearson publications

Biswajit Patnaik: Human Resource Management, PHI, 2011

Hitt and Vijaya Kumar: Starategic Management, Cengage learning

Prem Chadha: Performance Management, Trinity Press(An imprint of Laxmi Publications Pvt. Ltd.) Delhi 2015.

Anil Bhat& Arya Kumar : Principles of Management, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2015.


After completion of the Course the student will acquire the knowledge on management functions, global leadership and organizational behavior.

Will familiarize with the concepts of functional management project management and strategic management.  

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