September 19, 2022

Top 25 Management Theory Articles - Online

1 Jan 2013 to 31 August 2022 


Top 25 Management Theory Articles - Online

Marketing Communication: Channels and Promotion Tools

Organizational Buying Processes and Buying Behavior

Marketing Strategy - Marketing Process - Kotler's Description

Evolution of Management Thought and Theory - Review Notes

Human Resource Management - Introduction

Marketing Strategy - Differentiating and Positioning the Market Offering

Philip Kotler - Keller Definition and Explanation of Marketing Management for 21st Century - 14th Edition

Marketing and New Product Development - Kotler and Keller's Book Chapter Summary

Communication: Importance and Definition

Analyzing Competitors - Market Research and Analysis

Concepts and Techniques for Crafting and Executing Strategy - Summary of Chapters - Strickland

Management - Definition and Process

Work Analysis and Design -Bernardin HRM Chapter - Review Notes

Defining Marketing for the New Realities - Kotler - Keller 15 Edition - Summary

Market Segmentation and Selection of Target Segments

Supply Chain Management - Coordination

Selling Process - 10 Steps

Kotler and Keller - Marketing Management - Brief - All Chapters - Core Themes

Operations Strategy and Competitiveness - Review Notes



 Top 10 Management Theory Articles - Blog Posts

 1 Principles of Management – Koontz and O’Donnell

Organizational Buying Processes and Buying Behavior

Marketing Communication: Channels and Promotion Tools

Marketing Strategy - Marketing Process - Kotler's Description

The Nature and Purpose of Planning - Review Notes

The Marketing Concept - Kotler

Marketing and New Product Development - Kotler and Keller's Book Chapter Summary

Costing for Spoilage, Rework and Scrap

Ch.1. Defining Marketing for the New Realities - Kotler - Keller 15 Edition - Summary


Management - Definition: Koontz and O’Donnell – Narayana Rao - Slides Content

Evolution of Management Thought and Theory - Review Notes

Moral Standards and Moral Judgments – Approaches

Philip Kotler - Keller Definition and Explanation of Marketing Management for 21st Century - 14th Edition

Leadership - Koontz and O'Donnell - Review Notes

Competitive Strategies for Followers and Nichers

Planning - A Management Process

Direct Marketing and Its Management - Kotler's Chapter - Topic Summary

Managerial Skills

21 to 25

Organizational Behavior – Theoretical Frameworks

Reward Systems and Organizational Behavior - Review Notes

Supply Chain Drivers and Obstacles - Review Notes

Principles of Efficiency - Harrington Emerson

25. Management - Definition and Process

Top 25 Management Theory Articles - Blog Posts

#Management #top100  #blogpost #article

Ud. 20.9.2022,  9.9.2022
pub 18.7.2021

September 8, 2022

The Certified Six Sigma Black Belt - Donald Benbow and T.M. Kubiak - Book Information

The Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Handbook
Thrid Edition, 2017
T.M. Kubiak, Donald W. Benbow
Quality Press, 16-Dec-2016 - Business & Economics - 946 pages

A comprehensive reference manual to the Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Body of Knowledge and study guide for the CSSBB exam.

The Certified Six Sigma Master Black Belt Handbook
T.M. Kubiak
Quality Press, 19-Nov-2010 - Business & Economics - 672 pages

A comprehensive reference manual to the Certified Six Sigma Master Black Belt Body of Knowledge and study guide for the CSSMBB exam


Book copyright by American Society for Quality Inc., 2005

Published by Pearson Power

Chapters -

1. Enterprise-wide Deployment

2. Business Process Management

3. Project Management

4. Six Sigma Improvement Methodology and Tools - Define

5. Six Sigma Improvement Methodology and Tools - Measure

6.  Six Sigma Improvement Methodology and Tools - Analyze

7. Six Sigma Improvement Methodology and Tools - Improve

8.  Six Sigma Improvement Methodology and Tools - Control

9. Lean Enterprise

10. Design for Six Sigma

Preview the Book

The ASQ Pocket Guide for the Certified Six Sigma Black Belt
T. M. Kubiak
Quality Press, 15-Oct-2013 - Business & Economics - 300 pages

Unlike other pocket guides, this guide is designed specifically to address topics that the author has found to cause problems, issues, and concerns for most Black Belts over the years. As such, its primary purpose is to serve as a useful reference guide for the Black Belt throughout his or her busy day, and particularly in meetings. Though not intended to be a tool guide like other pocket guides or a preparation guide for the ASQ certifications, it will nonetheless serve as a useful reference guide for both the ASQ Black Belt and Master Black Belt certification examinations.

Black belts will enjoy reading this pocket guide and find it invaluable in their daily work.     

Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan - One Year Plan

January - February - March - April - May - June

Acquired the book today (15 May 2014). Going through it.
Started reading it again on 8 September 2022.

August 28, 2022

Quality Control - Feigenbaum - 1951 - Book Information


Quality control: principles, practice and administration; an industrial management tool for improving product quality and design and for reducing operating costs and losses., .


Feigenbaum, A. V. (Armand Vallin)


1st ed.


New York,McGraw-Hill,1951.

Table of Contents 






















August 27, 2022

BUSINESS Essential Books to Read - Book Information

 BUSINESS Essential

Bloomsbury Publishing

Bloomsbury Publishing, 20-Mar-2015 - Business & Economics - 704 pages

The abridged, updated edition of international bestseller BUSINESS: The Ultimate Resource. This essential guide to the world of work and careers is crammed with top-quality content from the world's leading business writers and practitioners.

Now in a handy paperback format, it is ideal for time-pressed managers, small business owners and students alike. A free eBook will be available for purchasers of the print edition. This book includes:

Actionlists: more than 200 practical solutions to everyday business and career challenges, from revitalising your CV to managing during difficult times.

Management library: time-saving digests of more than 70 of the best and most influential business books of all time, from The Art of War to The Tipping Point. We've read them so you don't have to.

Best Practice articles: a selection of essays from top business thinkers.

Business Dictionary: jargon-free definitions of thousands of business terms and concepts.

Gurus: explanations of the lives, careers, and key theories of the world's leading business thinkers

Understanding Japanese Management - Publications in English


First-generation writings on Japanese management:  various published articles, then books, notably Ezra Vogel’s Japan as Number One (1979), William Ouchi’s Theory Z (1981), and Richard Pascale and Anthony Athos’s The Art of Japanese Management (1981). 


Book: Japan As Number 1: Lessons for America

Ezra Vogel

My first inclination was to examine how such Japanese virtues as hard work, patience, self-discipline, and sensitivity to others. contributed to their success. But the more I examined the Japanese approach to modern organization, the business community, and the bureaucracy; the more I became convinced that Japanese success had less to do with traditional character traits than with specific organizational structures, policy programs, and conscious planning. For several years I have been. wrestling with the problem of understanding Japan’s successes, and this book is the result of my intellectual labors.

William Ouchi’s Theory Z (1981)

Theory Z - Type Z Organizations

Richard Pascale and Anthony Athos’s The Art of Japanese Management (1981)

B. Keys, T. Miller, ‘The Japanese Management Theory Jungle’, 

Academy of Management Review, Vol. 9, No. 2, 1984, p. 342.





Japanese Management: 50 Years of Evolution of the Concept


No. 26, 2013


D. Eleanor Westney

Sloan Fellows Professor of Management Emerita, MIT Sloan School of Management

Westney, Eleanor. "Reflecting on Japan’s contributions to management theory." Asian Business & Management 19, 1 (July 2019): 8–24 © 2019 Springer Nature Limited

August 25, 2022

What is Operational Excellence in Manufacturing and Supply Chain?

Browse  Online MBA Management Theory Handbook 

What is Operational Excellence in Manufacturing and Supply Chain?

Operational Excellence - Effectiveness and Efficiency in Operations. 
Effectiveness: Customer Acceptance of the Product. Payment. Expected Profit Realization by the Company. 
Efficiency: Minimum Use of Resources in Achieving Effectiveness.
Operational Excellence - Effectiveness and Efficiency Synthesis. - Narayana Rao

Operational excellence is meeting the customer specifications in the order given to the delight of the customer. It includes quality of the product, price of the product, ease of delivery, flexibility of delivery, speed of delivery, communication associated with the delivery, instructions related to use of the product. As far as customer is concerned, price is part of the order. As regards the organization, cost is part of operational excellence. Operational excellence will make cost minimum in comparative terms (in comparison to competitors) and provide the competitive advantage through more profits and cash flows that can be reinvested to grow the business through product improvements and process improvements and facilities expansion.

Another interesting explanation of OE

Operational Excellence: Operations performance that delivers result expectations of customers.

It is based on design of operations facilities, processes and production plans. Operations done with the enthusiastic involvement of trained operations people and continuous improvement activities.

Page xxxiv

Operational excellence is achieving results planned in the strategy and improving all aspects of operations for future performance.

Results in the current period as per strategy and strategic plan - Improvement or continuous improvement in products, processes, people and partners. Capturing all improvements in new designs of products, processes, people and partners.

There is a lot of content created around Operational Excellence and its companion disciplines – including; Leadership, Lean, Six-Sigma, Theory of Constraints, Project Management, and so on – which together comprise Operational Excellence (including the content produced by myself).

What is unique about the current operational excellence? I would offer two suggestions:

Clarity of Purpose: Whenever the human endeavor has achieved greatness, the objectives have been crystal clear throughout the entire organization. Everyone knew what the goal was. The people saw the work clearly. 

Minimizing and Stabilizing Priorities: If everything is a priority, then nothing is a priority. Don’t spread your efforts more thinly than you can engage with efficiency and effectiveness. Set the priorities early and rally your resources accordingly. Once the priorities are set, resist shifting them. Sure, you need to have the flexibility to re-prioritize as changes in circumstances might dictate, but make sure to set the bar for re prioritization is set very high. You change,  because there are real threats to the successful realization of the goal, or perhaps because there are threats that would render meaningless the realization of the goal.

These two leadership/managerial initiatives  creating a State of Readiness across your value-chain, and offer the opportunity for your company to become the High-Performance Organization achieving operational excellence.

Is Industrial Engineering now made part of Operational Excellence?

Novartis doing good in operational excellence using  Industrial Engineering:
Activity related to developing the most efficient ways to utilize people, assets, materials, information, and energy to make a product or service.  (Explanation of Novartis)

What is Operational Excellence in Manufacturing and Supply Chain?

“Operational Excellence is a state of readiness attained as the efforts throughout the enterprise reach a state of alignment for pursuing its strategies; where the corporate culture is committed to the continuous and deliberate improvement of company performance AND the circumstances of those who work there - – and is a precursor to becoming a high-performance organization.” – Joseph F Paris Jr.

In Introduction to  Operational Excellence Linked Group

1988 - Shingo Prize for Excellence in Manufacturing (Name changed to Operational Excellence later)

Operational Excellence - Michael Treacy and Fred Wiersema

"Operational excellence  mean providing customers with reliable products or services at competitive prices and delivered with minimal difficulty or inconvenience."

"Customer intimacy means segmenting and targeting markets precisely and then tailoring offerings to match exactly the demands of those niches. Companies that excel in customer intimacy combine detailed customer knowledge with operational flexibility so they can respond quickly to almost any need, from customizing a product to fulfilling special requests. As a consequence, these companies engender tremendous customer loyalty."

"Product leadership means offering customers leading-edge products and services that consistently enhance the customer’s use or application of the product, thereby making rivals’ goods obsolete."

Companies that push the boundaries of one value discipline while meeting industry standards in the other two gain such a lead that competitors find it hard to catch up

Customer Intimacy and Other Value Disciplines
by Michael Treacy and Fred Wiersema
From HBR January–February 1993 Issue


How Baldrige Works

Organizations everywhere are looking for ways to effectively and efficiently meet their missions and achieve their visions. 

Baldrige provides a framework to improve your organization's performance and get sustainable results. Whether your organization is— large or small, service or manufacturing, education or health care, government or nonprofit, has one site or worldwide locations, Baldrige can work for you. Your Organization’s Success Is Our Goal!

Performance Excellence
An integrated approach to organizational performance management that results in (1) delivery of ever-improving value to customers and stakeholders, contributing to ongoing organizational success; (2) improvement of your organization’s overall effectiveness and capabilities; and (3) learning for the organization and for people in the workforce.

Product Quality, Productivity and Customer Retention

Product quality, productivity and customer retention are the pillars of operational excellence. They are critical to profitable manufacturing concerns. Operational excellence has emerged as the key management initiative to sustainable revenue and business growth.

What is Operational Excellence?

As defined by Michael Treacy and Fred Wiersema in a seminal Harvard Business Review article, “Companies pursuing operational excellence are indefatigable in seeking ways to minimize overhead costs, to eliminate intermediate production steps, to reduce transaction and other ‘friction’ costs and to optimize business processes across functional and organizational boundaries.”

With respect to time we can say,  "there is a three way break up of time in a process."

Value added activity time + Non-value added activity time + No value added time.

Cost is incurred all the time.

Operational excellence is ultimately about delighting your customers, setting a new standard of performance in your industry and becoming the preferred supplier in your industry.  As a preferred supplier, you grow revenue with existing customers and  attract business away from your competition.

Operations is the delivery mechanism of the manufacturing enterprise, providing what the business sells and how that product gets to market. It is an engine driving the work in purchasing, production, distribution, logistics and inventory management. That engine depends on input from the front line of the business—sales, marketing and is supported by finance.

To connect processes with performance goals, companies need business intelligence (BI) capabilities, including metrics, key performance indicators (KPIs), dashboards and advanced reporting. With the right BI solution, manufacturers can gain crucial visibility into performance and ensure Operations is functioning at peak levels.

You can get a continuous view into key areas, can gain the ability to see problems as they happen, can see trends developing, which allows you to take proactive action to prevent problems in real time or  before they happen. This means you can solve problems quickly and guarantee they have a minimal effect on your business. It helps to prevent losses and to improve revenues by identification of new, potentially profitable business opportunities.

Reference - IBM White Paper on Operational Excellence

The Use of Operational Excellence Principles in a University Hospital

Front. Med., 13 July 2017
Sec. Intensive Care Medicine and Anesthesiology 

Leading Principles Operational Excellence

The leading overall principles are that the realization of value for the customer is top priority in everything, that only activities that contribute to realizing that value should be pursued, that the complete process leading to this value should be optimized, and that all of this should be continuously improved. Improvement should  focus on  total optimization of quality, costs, throughput times, customer satisfaction, safety, and employee satisfaction. New measures for success are needed, including throughput times, the ratio of value adding activities to non-value adding activities, the number of transfers of information, distances walked, productivity per day (per doctor, employee, operating room), number of complications, etc.

A careful balance must be found between  efficiently creating specific value and flexibility to produce sufficient product variety to cater to different target populations.

Reducing Waste
The following forms of waste are focused on:

– Inventory (documents, materials, machinery)

– Overproduction (space, over-prescription)

– Correction (apologizing for waiting, extra visits)

– Transport (samples, documents, materials)

– Processing (invoicing, dictating)

– Waiting (in waiting rooms, on the wards)

– Movement (searching, on the wards, etc.)

– Waste of talent (menial tasks, micromanaging, etc.).

Synchronizing Streams, Push, and Pull Systems
Reducing waste is often a result of carefully synchronizing streams. The MUMC+ identifies the following types of streams of patients, patient materials, personnel, medication, materials, visitors, and information. The end goal is to have all departments synchronize their streams to each other, creating one tempo that the whole organization works by. Specific capacity is then adjusted to match the desired overall tempo. Any process should not work any slower than this tempo but also not faster.

The information stream is of special importance in a hospital, because so many operational aspects depend on it. Two complementary strategies may be combined to improve information processing: the level of required information processing may be reduced and the organizational capacity to process information may be increased. Once the required balance has been achieved, the hospital can start organizing activities as “pull” systems instead of the traditional “push” systems. 

Examples of push are admission planning, OR capacity planning, the fixed allocation of beds, an inventory of drugs or other materials, and staff bound to specific departments. Examples of pull are patient scheduling instead of capacity allocation, flexible OR planning, and hospitals with minimal inventories.

From the beginning, it was understood that its success largely depended on the way the leadership would be able to combine a top-down introduction with an open field for bottom-up filling in and execution. The realization of Operational Excellence is, therefore, directly controlled by the board of directors, led by the chairman of the board, who is ultimately responsible.

Ideas propagate down by way of the heads of the “Result Responsible Units” (RRU; broad organizational units in the hospital, such as Surgical Medicine, Imaging and Laboratory, and so on), staff directorates, and staff services. The line managers are responsible for taking the initiative for improvement and executing their plans. Support is provided through the central and decentral program organizations.

The central organization is led by the board of directors and the Operational Excellence program directors. The central organization can be seen as a platform which further includes all first and second echelon management and representatives of the Employees Council (representing all employees), the Staff Assembly (representing the medical staff), and the Nurses Advisory Board (representing all nurses). Also included is the program office, consisting of five (master) black belts. These are generally tasked with supporting complex and/or RRU broad projects; coaching and mentoring current Lean practitioners and green belts; training new Lean practitioners/green belts and Lean managers; and coordinating and running the program office. It is important not to waste talent by making inefficient or ineffective use of the black belts.

The decentral organization consists of the Lean practitioners/green belts initiating and executing the decentralized projects.

MUMC+ leaders are expected to be culture bearers of Operational Excellence. They must be completely committed to the underlying philosophy. The hospital provides them with the necessary training in applying Lean management, but after that they must drive themselves to become experts in change and become active in executing projects. They are expected to “walk the gemba,” i.e., visit the work floor and observe the work methods and processes there for themselves. There is no substitute for direct supervision. They should coach their teams in finding improvements each and every day, without determining the solution themselves. Any change should be tested as experiment first and frequent experimentation is encouraged. Focus should be on the improvement of the total process.

Focusing on patient value, continuous improvement and the reduction of waste have proven to be very fitting principles for healthcare in general and specifically for application in a university hospital. Approaching improvement at a systems level while directly involving the people on the work floor in observing opportunities for improvement and realizing these has shown itself to be essential.

(The above content needs to be rewritten.)

Books on Operational Excellence

Discover Excellence: An Overview of the Shingo Model and Its Guiding Principles

Gerhard J. Plenert
Taylor & Francis, 03-Nov-2017 - Business & Economics - 198 pages

A facility-wide improvement initiative is expensive in terms of both time and money. Perhaps the most disappointing thing about them is that they often end up as temporary measures that may produce early results but are unsustainable in the long run. The unseen cost is that after they see such initiatives come and go, employees begin to see them as futile, temporary annoyances rather than the permanent improvements they are meant to be.

The Shingo ModelTM begins with culture informed by operational excellence principles that lead to an understanding of what aligns systems and tools and can set any organization on a path toward enterprise excellence with sustainable continuous improvement.

The Shingo Model is not an additional program or another initiative to implement. Instead, it introduces Shingo Guiding Principles on which to anchor current initiatives. Ultimately, the Shingo Model informs a new way of thinking that creates the capability to consistently deliver ideal results to all stakeholders. This is enterprise excellence – the level of excellence achieved by Shingo Prize recipients.

In Discover Excellence: An Overview of the Shingo Model and Its Guiding Principles, readers will learn the basics of the Shingo Model, discover the Three Insights of Enterprise ExcellenceTM, and explore how the Shingo Guiding Principles inform the kind of ideal behaviors that lead to sustainable results. This book is the introduction to the Shingo Model and prepares the reader for a deeper dive into the Shingo Guiding Principles.

State of Readiness: Operational Excellence as Precursor to Becoming a High-Performance Organization

Joseph F. Paris Jr.
Greenleaf Book Group, 16-May-2017 - Business & Economics - 400 pages

“Operational Excellence is a state of readiness attained as the efforts throughout the enterprise reach a state of alignment for pursuing its strategies; where the corporate culture is committed to the continuous and deliberate improvement of company performance AND the circumstances of those who work there - – and is a precursor to becoming a high-performance organization.” – Joseph F Paris Jr.

Accelerated Strategy Development and Execution

The company of today has its supply chains and finances stretched further around the globe than ever before while simultaneously having increasing pressures to drive value across a complicated and fluid set of metrics and deliver innovations, products, and services more quickly and reliably. The competitive advantage belongs to the companies that can quicken their vision-building and strategy-execution efforts—the ones that can identify challenges more swiftly and accelerate their decision making so they are better able to formulate and deploy responses decisively yet with greater agility. To successfully accomplish this, companies will have to prioritize creating a culture of leadership that strengthens communication skills and emphasizes systems thinking by building capacity and capability that  permeates the entire organization.

In State of Readiness, Joseph F. Paris Jr. shares over thirty years of international business and operations experience and guides C-suite executives and business-operations and -improvement specialists on a path toward operational excellence, the organizational capability and situational awareness that is attained as the enterprise reaches a state of alignment for pursuing its strategies. In doing so, create a corporate culture that is committed to the continuous and deliberate improvement of company performance and the circumstances of those who work there—a precursor to becoming a high-performance organization.

Operational Excellence Maturity Model

In examining the level of support given (actual, not stated) by the company to the Operational Excellence efforts and the net-benefit of impact those involved in the Operational Excellence initiatives drive to their company,  there  are three levels of maturity; Logistical (lowest), Tactical (middle), and Strategic (highest). Of course, the Operational Excellence efforts at any given time, and within 
any given company, will possess characteristics of all three – it is the level of organization, structure, consistency, and orientation to the company vision which determines what level of maturity actually exists. 

First, you need to know what is Company Vision. The vision statement with specific objectives to describe the uture state of the company or business unit. It might have to do with products, or market-share (even specific markets), or how the company might bring products to market, or even with regards to mergers and acquisitions (and the realization of the synergies expected). The objective here is to 
align the efforts towards the realization of this vision. 

The executive leadership has to  see their efforts as facilitators of the company vision – and best if seen as accelerators of their realization. Here, it is important to 
understand that the single most critical responsibility of executive leadership is to 
achieve the vision for the company and anything that does not help in that effort is of 
secondary importance (at best) to them. Take the time, and make the effort, to 
understand what is of value to the executive leadership and align your efforts 
accordingly – then you will gain the support (and respect) you need. 

Detailed of the three maturity levels of Operational Excellence (or Continuous Improvement) efforts below and some of their characteristics. 

• Logistical; This is the lowest level of Continuous Improvement maturity. It is most 
likely found in organizations that are in the early and unproven stages of their journey.

• Organized Around Projects; A characteristic at this level of maturity will be that the efforts are organized around individual projects that are not related. The efforts are largely reactive in that resources are deployed when and where problems manifest themselves. If there is any capturing and replication of improvement efforts and lessons learned, they are minimal. 
• Emphasis on Optimizing Processes; As one might expect with an emphasis on projects, 
the field of view for the efforts is usually linear and the efforts are largely dedicated to 
eliminating variants and increasing the velocity of the throughput. 
• Little Alignment to the Vision of the Company; It is highly likely that the deployment 
resources have little real knowledge of what the vision (future state) of the company 
might be and the efforts are not deliberately designed around the pursuit of the 
vision. )  
• Incremental Performance Impact; The benefits realized by the company for the efforts 
made certainly exist, but they are made step-by-step. After all, I have never seen or 
heard of a Continuous Improvement effort that resulted in things worse-off than when 
they started – normally, the disappointment occurs because the benefits realized are 
not what was expected or promised. 
• Role Viewed as Cost-Cutting; The opinion held by those in the company of those in the 
effort is that of cost-cutting – the reduction of inventory, waste, even personnel. As a 
result, those involved in the effort are not embraced by the rank-and-file and, in fact, 
will most likely result in a stiffening of the resistance against improvements. Spies and 
assassins are never trusted or loved – by anyone. 

• Tactical 
• Organized Around Business Departments or Functions; As the Continuous Improvement efforts become more  mature, the efforts will begin to become more structured and organized, becoming 
initiatives. These efforts will look  within business departments within the organization such as; production, logistics, sales, etc.… The  efforts are more proactive. 
• Emphasis on Optimizing Systems; Instead of focusing the efforts on individual 
processes, those involved in the efforts will begin to consider the vast number of 
processes that constitute a system within the business silo and the efforts will begin to 
examine the impact of improvements throughout the entire value-stream. 
• Increasing Alignment to the Vision of the Company; Even if it is not completely 
conscious and deliberate, at the tactical level of maturity, there is growing awareness of 
the desired future state of the company by the Continuous Improvement deployment 
professionals and the efforts become increasingly aligned with this vision. 
• Growing Performance Impact; The magnitude of the benefits realized by the company 
when the improvement goals are placed on optimized and balanced systems (a 
collection of related and integrated processes) over individual processes are expected 
to significantly greater than optimizing processes alone. 
• Role Viewed as Efficiency Experts; The perception (and the reality) of those involved in 
a Continuous Improvement effort that has achieved a Tactical level of maturity become 
increasingly viewed as value-creators and not just cost-cutters (as is the case at the 
Logistical level). 
•  As the Continuous 
Improvement capacity and capability mature within an organization – and along with it, 
greater confidence – the emphasis will be on seeking opportunities to address more 
complex business systems. This will be the goal of those efforts maturing from the 
Tactical to the Logistical, and will also be used extensively in the support of those efforts 
which have matured to the Strategic level. 

• Strategic 
• Organized Around the Organization; When the efforts have evolved to the point where 
they are structured around the organization as a whole, the entire value-chain – from 
the vendor’s vendor to the customer’s customer ȋeven if not all involved are 
immediately involved or touched) – then the efforts can be properly reclassified and 
referred to as Operational Excellence rather than Continuous Improvement. The basis 
of this premise is that an organization (and its value-chain) operates through a variety 
of systems across business silos, and systems are comprised of processes. 
• Emphasis on Building Programs; The efforts of an Operational Excellence initiative that 
has matured to the Strategic level is dedicated to creating a culture of excellence in an 
engineered manner; that is to say deliberate and guided by planning. When they build 
capacity and capability by investing in their people, they are doing it in a manner that 
was designed to build an Operational Excellence program – letting the demand create 
the pull for talent-building and for what purpose (as opposed to just building talent 
inventory that will sit idly on the shelf waiting for a purpose). 
• Aligned to the Vision of the Company; The Operational Excellence program is first and 
foremost dedicated to the acceleration of the realization of the company’s vision – that 
is its primary mandate. Cutting costs and increasing efficiencies throughout the 
organization will be a by-product of the efforts, but they are not the principal 
• Maximum Performance Impact; By Dzorganizing the team around the missiondz and 
having those missions aligned with the company’s vision and dedicated to the 
accelerated achievement of that vision, benefit to the company (both top-line and 
bottom-line) will be as good as it can be. At this level of maturity, the emphasis is no 
longer confined to Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) and General and Administrative Expense 
(G&A), but also placed on Revenue and the effective use of assets (specifically; capital, 
plant, and equipment). At the highest level of Strategic Maturity (and in addition to 
accelerated vision realization), the company will also be able to more readily recognize 
and respond to opportunities or threats that might be presented in a rapid and decisive 
• Role Viewed as Value Creators; When the Operational Excellence efforts have matured 
to a level where they become a primary driver of the company’s strategy, those involved 
in the Operational Excellence program will no longer have to seek recognition and 
support from the executive leadership – the executive leadership will seek them out. At 
this point, Operational Excellence has evolved to fulfilling a key role in Strategy 
Execution and become instrumental in the company becoming the Dz(igh Performance 
Priority Level Dzͳdz; The opportunities that exist to accelerate the realization of the 
company’s strategy ȋand also the threats that might be inhibitorsȌ are assigned a 
Priority Level of Dzͳdz – the highest priority. And the company and its resources should 
naturally behave as one would expect for Priority-1 situations and circumstances – do 
them first. 
If you want the efforts to evolve from being Logistic or Tactic (Continuous 
Improvement), which is the present-state of most efforts, to becoming Strategic 
(Operational Excellence), you need to align the efforts to the Corporate Vision – become 
an accelerant of that Corporate Vision. Take the time to learn what that is and to build 
your allegiances (and alliances) towards that. 
Start looking at the big-picture. Don’t look at your shoes, look down the road. Evolve 
your perspective from processes, to systems, to organization. Consider the impact of 
your efforts on the entirety. Seek to create an organization that works at an optimal 
state where all the efforts are working in a balanced and harmonic manner. Cut across 
the business silos and create cross-functional integrations and the related 
communication and collaboration protocols. 
Work to accelerating the decision-making process. Learn to see the opportunities and 
threats more quickly and to configure and deploy an effective and thorough response 
more rapidly and decisively. Here, openness and understanding the capabilities and 
capacity of the resources available (and also the weaknesses) are of critical importance. 
Work towards achieving all of this and you will gain a level of Operational Excellence 
and become the High-Performance Organization. 
By Joseph F Paris Jr

The 12 Principles of Manufacturing Excellence: A Leader's Guide to Achieving and Sustaining Excellence

Larry E. Fast
CRC Press, Oct 11, 2011 - 266 pages

Explaining how to implement and sustain a top-down strategy for manufacturing excellence, The 12 Principles of Manufacturing Excellence: A Leader’s Guide to Achieving and Sustaining Excellence provides a comprehensive, proven approach for delivering world-class performance while also cultivating the right culture through leadership and mentoring.

Tapping into four decades of leadership experience, 35 years of it in the manufacturing industry, Larry Fast explains how to achieve vertical and horizontal alignment across your organization. He details a clear pathway to excellence via the 12 Principles of Manufacturing Excellence and provides a method for tracking progress—plant by plant and function by function. Emphasizing the importance of using Lean and Six Sigma tools to improve your business, the book:

Integrates strategy and leadership development

Paves a path for culture change–Operator-Led Process Control (OLPC)—that prepares hourly employees to take control of their processes and prepares management to enable them to do it.

Details an audit process for tracking progress and ensuring sustainability
Includes a CD with color versions of the images in the book as well as a sample Manufacturing Excellence Audit, a sample Communications Plan, and a sample Training Plan that can all be easily customized for the reader’s use

This resource-rich book will allow you to spell out leadership expectations and provide your employees and associates with a clear understanding of their individual roles. Helping you keep everyone in your organization focused during the quest towards sustainable manufacturing excellence, the accompanying CD supplies the tools you and your team will need to pursue it with passion, confidence, and urgency.

Fit Sigma: A Lean Approach to Building Sustainable Quality Beyond Six Sigma
Ron Basu
John Wiley & Sons, 05-Jul-2011 - Business & Economics - 256 pages

To some, the near perfection of the Six Sigma management system appears to be an impossible ideal, especially for small and medium enterprises. FIT SIGMATM, a flexible and more sustainable approach, was developed through the integration of the ‘hard' Six Sigma approach with Lean Enterprise philosophy. It consists of three elements; fitness for purpose, fitness for improvement and integration, and fitness for sustainability.

FIT SIGMA: A Lean Approach to Building Sustainable Quality Beyond Six Sigma shows how this tripartite approach can be used to add value to both large and small organisations through improved use of resources, and through the provision of improved customer satisfaction. It shows that a holistic approach to operational excellence underpinned by a data driven methodology can be applied equally to the manufacturing, service or public sectors.

Harvard Business Review on Manufacturing Excellence at Toyota

Harvard Business Press, 2008 - 246 pages
Few companies have so consistently inspired management best practices as Toyota. In everything from strategic operational design and quality improvement to integrated product development and management training, the company has achieved success through constant innovation. This collection shows just how Toyota does it and how you can apply these same lessons to fuel success in your company.

Leading Manufacturing Excellence: A Guide to State of Art Manufacturing

Patricia E. Moody

Improving Operational Excellence in Industry 4.0 Manufacturing Environment

Continuous improvement isn’t enough: Industry 4.0 sets a new bar. Technology allows manufacturers to drastically improve  processes.

A Large Industrial is Reinventing Operational Excellence with Digital Technology

Posted by Matthew Littlefield on Mon, Jan 22, 2018

Analyzing Business Impact in Industry 4.0: Value Proposition of Cyber Physical Systems

Updated on 26.8.2022,  10.7.2022, 5.12.2021,  6.10.2021, 19 July 2021,  17 May 2021

17 April 2020,  26 October 2019,  13 July 2018,  12 July 2018
First published on 27 March 2015

August 23, 2022

Market Demand Estimating and Forecasting - Kotler's Description

Demand Estimation

When a company finds an attractive market, it must estimate that market's current size and future potential carefully. From these estimates profit estimates and project feasibility is ascertained. Also for each planning period, say a year, demand estimate or forecast needs to be prepared to guide annual plan of the firm.

Demand is measured and forecast on many levels. Kotler gives 90 types of demand measurement. Demand might be measured for six different product levels  (product item, product form, product line, company sales, industry sales and total sales); five different apace levels (customer, territory, country, region, world); and three different time levels (short range, medium range and long range). [6*5*3 = 90].

Measuring Current Market Demand

Marketers need to estimate total market demand; area (sales territory) market demand; and actual sales and market shares.

Estimating Total Market Demand of the Industry

The total market demand for a product or service is the total volume that would be bought by a defined consumer group in a defined geographic area in a defined time period in a defined marketing environment under a defined level and mix of industry marketing effort.

Estimating Area and Market Demand

Companies face the problem of estimating sales of various territories to allocate  their marketing budget optimally among these territories. Therefore they need to estimate the market potential of different cities, regions and even nations (in case of global marketing budget). Two main methods are available; the market-build-up method, used primarily by business-goods firms; and the market-factor index method, used primarily by consumer-goods firms.

The market-build-up method identifies all the potential buyers in each market and estimates their potential purchases.

Estimating Actual Sales and Market Shares

Besides estimating total and area demand, a company will want to know the actual industry sales in its market. It would also identify its competitors and estimate their sales.

The industry's trade association will often collect and publish total industry sales, although not listing individual company sales separately. Because the company knows its own sales,  each company can determine its market share. Another way to know actual sales of various companies in the industry is to buy reports from marketing research firms that audit total sales and brand sales.

Forecasting Future Demand

Forecasting is the art of estimating future demand by anticipating what buyers are likely to do under a given set of Conditions,

Companies commonly use a three-stage procedure to arrive at a sales forecast. First they make an economy-wide forecast for GDP or GNP, followed by an industry forecast, followed by a company sales forecast. The macroeconomy forecast calls for projecting inflation, interest rates, consumer spending and saving, business investment, government expenditures, net exports and other economic information important to the company. The result is a forecast of gross national product, which is used along with other indicators to forecast industry sales. Then the company prepares its sales forecast assuming a certain share of industry sales.

Companies use several specific techniques to forecast their sales.  All forecasts build on one of three information bases: what people say, what people do, or what people have done. 

To know what people say, surveys of the opinions of buyers or those close to them, such as salespeople or outside experts are conducted. It includes three methods: surveys of buyer intentions, composites of sales force opinions and expert opinion. Building a forecast on what people do involves the test market method to assess buyer response to various types of offer involving the product. The final basis —'what people have done —involves analyzing records of past buying behavior or using time-series analysis or statistical demand analysis.

Empathy - Introduction



The English word empathy is derived from the Ancient Greek ἐμπάθεια (empatheia, meaning "physical affection or passion"). That word derives from ἐν (en, "in, at") and πάθος (pathos, "passion" or "suffering"). 

Theodor Lipps adapted the German aesthetic term Einfühlung ("feeling into") to psychology in 1903,[7] and Edward B. Titchener translated Einfühlung into English as "empathy" in 1909.

 In modern Greek εμπάθεια may mean, depending on context, prejudice, malevolence, malice, or hatred.

Business and management

In the 2009 book Wired to Care, strategy consultant Dev Patnaik argues that a major flaw in contemporary business practice is a lack of empathy inside large corporations. He states that without empathy people inside companies struggle to make intuitive decisions and often get fooled into believing they understand their business if they have quantitative research to rely upon. He says that companies can create a sense of empathy for customers, pointing to Nike, Harley-Davidson, and IBM as examples of "Open Empathy Organizations". Such companies, he claims, see new opportunities more quickly than competitors, adapt to change more easily, and create workplaces that offer employees a greater sense of mission in their jobs. 

In the 2011 book The Empathy Factor, organizational consultant Marie Miyashiro similarly argues for bringing empathy to the workplace, and suggests Nonviolent Communication as an effective mechanism for achieving this. 

In studies by the Management Research Group, empathy was found to be the strongest predictor of ethical leadership behavior out of 22 competencies in its management model, and empathy was one of the three strongest predictors of senior executive effectiveness. 

A study by the Center for Creative Leadership found empathy to be positively correlated to job performance among employees as well.

August 22, 2022

Marketing Research and Market Demand Forecasting

Top 100 Management Theory Article

Marketing Management Revision Article Series

Marketing Information System

Every marketing department has to put in place marketing information system.

Marketing information system consists of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely and accurate information to marketing decision makers. (Kotler)

Internal records on orders, sales, prices, inventory levels, receivables, payables etc. are part of the marketing information system and they have to be organized for providing information to marketing personnel. The internal records provide information about the actual results.

Marketing Intelligence System

Marketing intelligence system is a set of procedures and sources used by marketers to obtain every day information about pertinent developments in the marketing environment (Kotler)

Marketing intelligence focuses on current happenings.

Marketing Research System

Marketing research is formal study of future opportunities and current problems.

Kotler's definition of marketing research:
"Marketing research is the systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing the company.

Kotler emphasised market research, research into a particular market is only one component of marketing research activities. Kotler gave as illustration of marketing research product-preference test, sales forecast by region and advertising evaluation.

John Tanner and Mary Anne Raymond (chap. 10) list more applications of marketing research.

Developing product ideas and designs
Determining if there is demand for a product
Identifying market segments for the product
Pricing preferences of customers
Evaluating packaging types
Marketing channel preferences
Evaluating in-store promotions
Measuring the satisfaction of  customers
Evaluating the effectiveness of the Web site
Testing the effectiveness of ads and their placement
Measuring the satisfaction of  channel partners

The Marketing Research Process

Five steps are involved in marketing research

1. Defining the problem and research objectives

The starting for research is the research problem and its objectives. The marketing manager sponsoring the research and the marketing researcher have to agree on them. Kotler explained this step using the example of a proposal to provide phone call facility to airline passengers. The telecommunication company indicated that cost will be $1000 for flight. So an initial idea was that the call can be charged at $25 and around 40 persons using the service would result in breakeven. But when the research question or problem was finalized, the issue was broadened to give a wider scope to the issue. The problem was stated as "Will offering an in-flight phone service create enough incremental preference and profit for American Airlines to justify its cost against other possible investments that American might make?"

Further more detailed questions were the following:
1. What are the main reasons that airline passengers need to make phone calls while flying?
2. What category of passengers are likely to make most phone calls?
3. How many phone calls will be made at different price levels?
4. Will more passengers travel by the Airline due to this service?
5. How much good will will be earned by the Airline by becoming the first airline to provide this service?
6. How important is phone service provision in relation to improving flight schedules, food quality and baggage handling.

Thus the questions are very specific in this example of research study. But in every research study, such specific questions may not be possible.

Some research can be exploratory. In exploratory research preliminary data is gathered to shed light on the nature of the marketing situation. (At this stage the research has no prior guidance or knowledge of the phenomenon either through internal information or through external information) Research projects can also be descriptive. In this type of study, magnitudes can be estimated. How many persons will you a particular product? (To estimate magnitudes, first based on exploratory research, relevant variables which are to be measured have to be decided. Then scales or measuring instruments for measuring them have to be developed). Research studies can also find cause-effect relations which investigate the response of people to certain actions given as stimulus. Marketers are interested to know the response of users to increased advertisement, sales promotion etc.

2. Developing the research
Research plan development includes decisions on data sources, research approaches, research instruments, sampling plan and contact methods.

Data Sources: For answering some research questions, secondary data may be available. If secondary data is not available primary data is to be gathered. Gathering primary data will result in higher expenses.

Research Approaches: Observation, Focus group discussion, Surveys, Behavioral data, and Experiments.

Behavioral research is based on store buying data linked to various socioeconomic data. This gives the behavior people classified into various clusters.

In experiments, various stimuli  in terms of advertisement, sales promotion, packaging can be tried on experimental groups and control groups and the difference in behavior can be observed to answer the research questions.

Research Instruments:  Questionnaires, Qualitative Measures, Technological Devices

Sampling Plan

Sampling Unit and Sampling Frame

Sample Size

Sampling Procedure: Normally random samples are preferred as we get error estimates.

Contact Methods: Mail contacts, Telephone contacts, Personal contacts, Online contacts,

3. Collection of the information
Data is collected using the instruments developed for the project.

4. Analysis of the information
The information is tabulated and measures that give the desired answer are calculated.

5. Presentation of the findings.
The research report is to be prepared for circulation to various decision makers.

In the fifteenth edition, Kotler and Keller, the marketing research question is slightly changed to reflect the current prices of providing internet services. The answer was provided that at $25 per the trip 5 persons will use the wi-fi service and at $15, six will use the service. Therefore, pricing the service at $25 is advisable. Per service, the revenue is $125. We can calculate the annual revenue by multiplying by number of days the service is offered in a year.

6. Make a Decision

The Characteristics of Good Marketing Research

Kotler listed seven characteristics

1. Research creativity
Research is done to help in marketing decision making. Right from defining the objective of research to the submission of the report, effort has to be made by people involved, to come out with ideas that would help the firm in a significant way. Creativity means generation of number of alternatives so that the best way of doing a project or task of a project is selected and pursued.

2. Scientific method

3. Multiple methods: Business decisions involve expenditures to get expected profits. Using multiple methods to confirm a finding is preferred rather than stopping with a method that gives a positive answer.

4. Interdependence of models and data: The model chosen for doing the research determines the data to be collected based on the concepts involved in the model.

5. Value and cost of information: Marketing researchers have to understand the value of the information and come out with designs that cost less than the value of the information.

6. Healthy skepticism: Researchers should not accept opinions and conclusions made by marketers about the marketing issues and have to develop research studies that test these opinions and conclusions. This is healthy skepticism.

7. Ethical marketing: Good marketing research has to benefit both the sponsoring company and consumers. Self serving research studies increase consumer resentment. Marketing research companies have to develop unbiased approach to doing marketing research studies.

Market Demand Forecasting

Marketing is responsible for preparing sales forecasts.  Sales forecasts are used by finance to raise the needed cash for investment and operations in every planning period as well as any new projects. More detailed description of this topic is available in Market Demand Estimating and Forecasting - Kotler's Description.

Updated 23 August 2022, 26 February 2017,  15 Jan 2015, 10.12.2012

August 18, 2022

Emotional Intelligence - Subject Update

REVIEW article
Front. Psychol., 28 May 2019
Sec. Emotion Science

The Measurement of Emotional Intelligence: A Critical Review of the Literature and Recommendations for Researchers and Practitioners
Peter J. O'Connor, Andrew Hill, Maria Kaya, and Brett Martin

Emotional Intelligence (EI) emerged in the 1990s as an ability based construct analogous to general Intelligence. However, over the past 3 decades two further, conceptually distinct forms of EI have emerged (often termed “trait EI” and “mixed model EI”) along with a large number of psychometric tools designed to measure these forms. Currently more than 30 different widely-used measures of EI have been developed. Although there is some clarity within the EI field regarding the types of EI and their respective measures, those external to the field are faced with a seemingly complex EI literature, overlapping terminology, and multiple published measures. In this paper we seek to provide guidance to researchers and practitioners seeking to utilize EI in their work. We first provide an overview of the different conceptualizations of EI. We then provide a set of recommendations for practitioners and researchers regarding the most appropriate measures of EI for a range of different purposes. We provide guidance both on how to select and use different measures of EI. We conclude with a comprehensive review of the major measures of EI in terms of factor structure, reliability, and validity.

How to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence
An overview of the importance of Emotional Intelligence for your own success and the success of your organization.
Harvard Professional Development
Aug 26, 2019

Books on Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence: Learn to get the most of your emotions
Juan Moises de la Serna - 2017 - ‎Preview

Building Emotional Intelligence: How To Control Your Emotions
Thi Tamara - 2017 - ‎Preview

Emotional Intelligence At Work
Miku Kui - 2017 - ‎Preview

Emotional Intelligence: Journey to the Centre of Your Self
Jane Wharam - 2017 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions
Jane Wharam s book, Emotional Intelligence, provides a giant step towards emotional mastery.

Emotional Intelligence: why E.Q is the new I.Q
Jimmy Lama - 2017 - ‎Preview

HBR Guides to Emotional Intelligence at Work Collection (5 Books) ...
Harvard Business Review, ‎Karen Dillon, ‎Amy Gallo - 2017 - ‎Preview
Packed with how-to essentials from leading experts, the HBR Guides provide smart answers to your most pressing work challenges.

Emotional Intelligence
Sunshower Printables - 2017 - ‎Preview

Harvard Business Review Everyday Emotional Intelligence: Big Ideas.
Harvard Business Review - 2017 - ‎Preview
And it's not innate--it's a skill that all of us can improve. 

Emotional Intelligence for IT Professionals.

Emilia M. Ludovino - 2017 - ‎Preview

Emotional Intelligence
Christine Wilding - 2017 - ‎Preview 
This book combines detailed, practical application of Emotional Intelligence principles along with insights from the fields of mindfulness and positive psychology to create a a powerful tool for change which you can use right away.

Making Sense of Emotion: Innovating Emotional Intelligence
M. John D. Ninivaggi - 2017 - ‎Preview
Making Sense of Emotion grasps the Yale integrative emotional intelligence ability model. 
Adding key missing elements, this book unlocks its potential to trigger “emotion performance utilization” in real life and real-time.

Emotional Intelligence Has 12 Elements. Which Do You Need to Work On?
by Daniel Goleman and Richard E. Boyatzis
HBR, Feb 2017

Four Domains - 12 Elements

Self Awareness

Emotional Self Awareness

Self Management

Emotional self control
Achivement orientation
Positive outlook

Social Awareness

Organizational awareness

Relationship Management

Coach and mentor
Conflict management


Prof Marc Brackett
Google Talks
6 July 2017




Prof Marc Brackett - Yale University


Updated on 19.8.2022,  23.4.2022, 30.7.2018

August 15, 2022

Vedic Business and People Management Related Statements in RigVeda - A Selection


Based on Vedic Management by Dr. S. Kannan

Taxmann Publications 

The book is based on PhD Thesis of Dr. Kannan in Sanskrit and Management

A Presentation by me on the contents in this article.

Vedic Business Management some statements from Rig Veda,  Prof KVSS Narayana Rao.

Chapter 7. Vedas and Modern Business Management Practices

7.1 Financial management 

1906  v-55-10

Fortune, wealth, treasures and riches are solicited from celestials

यू॒यम॒स्मान्न॑यत॒ वस्यो॒ अच्छा॒ निरं॑ह॒तिभ्यो॑ मरुतो गृणा॒नाः। जु॒षध्वं॑ नो ह॒व्यदा॑तिं यजत्रा व॒यं स्या॑म॒ पत॑यो रयी॒णाम् ॥१०॥

yūyam asmān nayata vasyo acchā nir aṁhatibhyo maruto gṛṇānāḥ | juṣadhvaṁ no havyadātiṁ yajatrā vayaṁ syāma patayo rayīṇām ||

यू॒यम्। अ॒स्मान्। न॒य॒त॒। वस्यः॑। अच्छ॑। निः। अं॒ह॒तिऽभ्यः॑। म॒रु॒तः॒। गृ॒णा॒नाः। जु॒षध्व॑म्। नः॒। ह॒व्यऽदा॑तिम्। य॒ज॒त्राः॒। व॒यम्। स्या॒म॒। पत॑यः। र॒यी॒णाम् ॥१०॥

हे (गृणानाः) स्तुति करते हुए (मरुतः) विद्वान् मनुष्यो ! (यूयम्) आप लोग (वस्यः) अति धन से युक्त (अस्मान्) हम लोगों की रक्षा कीजिये और (अंहतिभ्यः) मारते हैं जिनसे उन अस्त्रों से पृथक् (अच्छा) उत्तम प्रकार (निः, नयत) निरन्तर पहुँचाइये और (नः) हम लोगों की (जुषध्वम्) सेवा करिये। और हे (यजत्राः) मिलनेवाले जनो ! हम लोगों के लिये (हव्यदातिम्) देने योग्य दान को प्राप्त कराइये जिससे (वयम्) हम लोग (रयीणाम्) धनों के (पतयः) पालन करनेवाले (स्याम) होवें ॥१०॥

Meanings for words Rearranged by me.

(वस्यः) अति धन से युक्त (अस्मान्) हम लोगों की  ( न॒य॒त॒) रक्षा कीजिये (protect according to disctionary) और  

(जुषध्वम्) सेवा करिये।  (नः) हम लोगों की

(यजत्राः) मिलनेवाले जनो ! 

(हव्यदातिम्) हम लोगों के लिये देने योग्य दान को प्राप्त कराइये जिससे (वयम्) हम लोग 

(रयीणाम्) धनों के (पतयः) पालन करनेवाले (स्याम) होवें 

जिज्ञासुजन विद्वानों की प्रार्थना इस प्रकार करें कि आप लोग हम लोगों को दुष्ट आचरण से अलग करके धर्मयुक्त मार्ग को प्राप्त कराइये ॥१०॥

People with intellect and wisdom, please help us with ideas to protect our wealth, to become masters of wealth and to become capable of creating right goods that can be traded or given in charity.

It can be interpreted that God says it is good for society, if people with intellect and wisdom,  help wealth creators  with ideas (prayers or recitations) to protect the wealth, to become masters of wealth and to become capable of creating right goods that can be traded or given in charity.

1921 vii-32-21

The Vedas caution that wealth does not come to the niggardly person.1921

न दु॑ष्टु॒ती मर्त्यो॑ विन्दते॒ वसु॒ न स्रेध॑न्तं र॒यिर्न॑शत्। सु॒शक्ति॒रिन्म॑घव॒न् तुभ्यं॒ माव॑ते दे॒ष्णं यत्पार्ये॑ दि॒वि ॥२१॥

na duḥṣṭutī martyo vindate vasu na sredhantaṁ rayir naśat | suśaktir in maghavan tubhyam māvate deṣṇaṁ yat pārye divi ||

न। दुः॒ऽस्तु॒ती। मर्त्यः॑। वि॒न्द॒ते॒। वसु॑। न। स्रेध॑न्तम्। र॒यिः। न॒श॒त्। सु॒ऽशक्तिः॑। इत्। म॒घ॒ऽव॒न्। तुभ्य॑म्। माऽव॑ते। दे॒ष्णम्। यत्। पार्ये॑। दि॒वि ॥

स्वामी दयानन्द सरस्वती

मनुष्य धन की प्राप्ति के लिये क्या-क्या कर्म करें, इस विषय को अगले मन्त्र में कहते हैं ॥

 -हे (मघवन्) परमपूजित धनयुक्त ! जैसे (मर्त्यः) मनुष्य (दुष्टुती) दुष्ट प्रशंसा से (वसु) धन को (न) न (विन्दते) प्राप्त होता है (स्रेधन्तम्) और हिंसा करनेवाले मनुष्य को (रयिः) लक्ष्मी और (सुशक्तिः) सुन्दर शक्ति (इत्) ही (न) नहीं (नशत्) प्राप्त होती है इस प्रकार (मावते) मेरे समान (तुभ्यम्) तुम्हारे लिये (पार्ये) पालना वा पूर्णता करने के योग्य (दिवि) काम में (यत्) जो (देष्णम्) देने योग्य को न प्राप्त होता वह और को भी नहीं प्राप्त होता है ॥२१॥

(मर्त्यः) मनुष्य (दुष्टुती) दुष्ट प्रशंसा से (वसु) धन को (न) न (विन्दते) प्राप्त होता है| 

(स्रेधन्तम्) हिंसा करनेवाले मनुष्य को (रयिः) लक्ष्मी और (सुशक्तिः) सुन्दर शक्ति (इत्) ही (न) नहीं (नशत्) प्राप्त होती है|

(तुभ्यम्) तुम्हारे लिये (पार्ये) पालना वा पूर्णता करने के योग्य (दिवि) काम में  (देष्णम्) useful to participate.

जो अधर्माचरण से युक्त दुष्ट, हिंसक मनुष्य हैं उनको धन, राज्य, और उत्तम सामर्थ्यं नहीं प्राप्त होता है, इससे सबको न्याय के आचरण से ही धन खोजना चाहिये ॥२१॥

The person who is careless, unjust and cruel will not become strong, rich and leader and even if gets them he will lose them. So people have to use proper moral and legal approaches to create wealth and grow it.

1922  x-31-2

Earn wealth through lawful path.

परि॑ चि॒न्मर्तो॒ द्रवि॑णं ममन्यादृ॒तस्य॑ प॒था नम॒सा वि॑वासेत् । उ॒त स्वेन॒ क्रतु॑ना॒ सं व॑देत॒ श्रेयां॑सं॒ दक्षं॒ मन॑सा जगृभ्यात् ॥

pari cin marto draviṇam mamanyād ṛtasya pathā namasā vivāset | uta svena kratunā saṁ vadeta śreyāṁsaṁ dakṣam manasā jagṛbhyāt ||

परि॑ । चि॒त् । मर्तः॑ । द्रवि॑णम् । म॒म॒न्या॒त् । ऋ॒तस्य॑ । प॒था । न॒म॒सा । वि॒वा॒से॒त् । उ॒त । स्वेन॑ । क्रतु॑ना । सम् । व॒दे॒त॒ । श्रेयां॑सम् । दक्ष॑म् । मन॑सा । ज॒गृ॒भ्या॒त् ॥ १०.३१.२

(मर्तः-द्रविणं परिचित्-ममन्यात्) मनुष्य ज्ञानधन की सब ओर से कामना करे (ऋतस्य पथा मनसा विवासेत्) अमृत अर्थात् मोक्ष के मार्ग से अपने अन्तःकरण अर्थात् श्रद्धा से उसे सेवन करे (उत स्वेन क्रतुना सं वदेत) और अपने प्रज्ञान से-चिन्तन से विचार करे (श्रेयांसं दक्षं मनसा जगृभ्यात्) श्रेष्ठ बल अर्थात् आत्मबल को मनोभाव से पकड़े ॥२॥

Meaning modified by me

(मर्तः-द्रविणं परिचित्-ममन्यात्) मनुष्य ज्ञानधन की सब ओर से कामना करे (ऋतस्य पथा मनसा विवासेत्) Satya के मार्ग से अपने अन्तःकरण अर्थात् श्रद्धा से उसे सेवन (use) करे (उत स्वेन क्रतुना सं वदेत) और अपने प्रज्ञान से-चिन्तन से विचार करे (श्रेयांसं दक्षं मनसा जगृभ्यात्) श्रेष्ठ बल अर्थात् आत्मबल को मनोभाव से पकड़े  to use it for good, use the mind capably (rise the mind).॥

ज्ञानधन जहाँ से भी मिले ले लेना चाहिये और उसका सबसे अधिक सदुपयोग मोक्षमार्ग में लगाना है। वह मानव का श्रेष्ठ बल है ॥२॥

7.1.1 Profitability management 

1923 x-34-13

Wealth has to be attained through genuine labor.

अ॒क्षैर्मा दी॑व्यः कृ॒षिमित्कृ॑षस्व वि॒त्ते र॑मस्व ब॒हु मन्य॑मानः । तत्र॒ गाव॑: कितव॒ तत्र॑ जा॒या तन्मे॒ वि च॑ष्टे सवि॒तायम॒र्यः ॥

akṣair mā dīvyaḥ kṛṣim it kṛṣasva vitte ramasva bahu manyamānaḥ | tatra gāvaḥ kitava tatra jāyā tan me vi caṣṭe savitāyam aryaḥ ||

अ॒क्षैः । मा । दी॒व्य॒ह् । कृ॒षिम् । इत् । कृ॒ष॒स्व॒ । वि॒त्ते । र॒म॒स्व॒ । ब॒हु । मन्य॑मानः । तत्त्र॑ । गावः॑ । कि॒त॒व॒ । तत्र॑ । जा॒या । तत् । मे॒ । वि । च॒ष्टे॒ । स॒वि॒ता । अ॒यम् । अ॒र्यः ॥ १०.३४.१३

(कितव) हे द्यूतव्यसनी ! (अक्षैः-मा दीव्यः) जुए के पाशों से मत खेल (कृषिम्-इत्-कृषस्व) कृषि को जोत-खेती कर-अन्न उपजा (वित्ते रमस्व) खेती से प्राप्त अन्न-धन-भोग से आनन्द ले (बहु मन्यमानः) अपने को धन्य मानता हुआ प्रसन्न रह, क्योंकि (तत्र गावः) उस कार्य में गौएँ सुरक्षित हैं-और रहेंगी (तत्र जाया) उसमें पत्नी सुरक्षित प्रसन्न व अनुकूल रहेगी (अयम्-अर्यः सविता तत्-मे वि चष्टे) यह उत्पादक जगदीश परमात्मा मुझ उपासक के लिये कहता है कि लोगों को ऐसा उपदेश दो ॥१३॥

(कितव) हे द्यूतव्यसनी ! (अक्षैः-मा दीव्यः) जुए के पाशों से मत खेल 

(कृषिम्-इत्-कृषस्व) कृषि को जोत-खेती कर-अन्न उपजा (वित्ते रमस्व) खेती से प्राप्त अन्न-धन-भोग से आनन्द ले 

(तत्र गावः) उस कार्य में गौएँ सुरक्षित हैं-और रहेंगी (तत्र जाया) उसमें पत्नी सुरक्षित प्रसन्न व अनुकूल रहेगी 

जुए जैसे विषम व्यवहार एवं पाप की कमाई से बचकर स्वश्रम से उपार्जित कृषि से प्राप्त अन्न और भोग श्रेष्ठ हैं। इससे पारिवारिक व्यवस्था और पशुओं का लाभ भी मिलता है, परमात्मा भी अनुकूल सुखदायक बनता है ॥१३॥

God tells me (his disciples or upasaks) to go and tell people not to try to earn through game of dice. Food is to be produced in the field with own effort. Such effort helps cows to live, wife to live and she will be pleased with it.

7.1.3a Fair mode for wealth acquisition 

1933 6-19-10

Wealth has to be won by deeds of glory.

नृ॒वत्त॑ इन्द्र॒ नृत॑माभिरू॒ती वं॑सी॒महि॑ वा॒मं श्रोम॑तेभिः। ईक्षे॒ हि वस्व॑ उ॒भय॑स्य राज॒न्धा रत्नं॒ महि॑ स्थू॒रं बृ॒हन्त॑म् ॥

nṛvat ta indra nṛtamābhir ūtī vaṁsīmahi vāmaṁ śromatebhiḥ | īkṣe hi vasva ubhayasya rājan dhā ratnam mahi sthūram bṛhantam ||

नृ॒ऽवत्। ते॒। इ॒न्द्र॒। नृऽत॑माभिः। ऊ॒ती। वं॒सी॒महि॑। वा॒मम्। श्रोम॑तेभिः। ईक्षे॑। हि। वस्वः॑। उ॒भय॑स्य। रा॒ज॒न्। धाः। रत्न॑म्। महि॑। स्थू॒रम्। बृ॒हन्त॑म् ॥

हे (इन्द्र) अत्यन्त ऐश्वर्य के देनेवाले (राजन्) विद्या और विनय से प्रकाशमान ! जैसे हम लोग (ते) आपके (नृतमाभिः) अति उत्तम मनुष्य विद्यमान जिनमें उन (ऊती) रक्षण आदिकों से (नृवत्) मनुष्यों के तुल्य (वामम्) प्रशंसा करने योग्य कर्म का (वंसीमहि) विभाग करें और (श्रोमतेभिः) सुनाने योग्य वचनों से (उभयस्य) दोनों राजा और प्रजा में वर्त्तमान (वस्वः) धन का मैं (ईक्षे) दर्शन करता हूँ, वैसे आप (बृहन्तम्) बड़े (महि) आदर करने योग्य (स्थूरम्) स्थिर (रत्नम्) सुन्दर धन को (हि) ही (धाः) धारण करिये ॥१०॥

(नृतमाभिः) अति उत्तम  विद्यमान मनुष्यों (नृवत्) मनुष्यों के  (वामम्) प्रशंसा करने योग्य कर्म का (वंसीमहि) विभाग करें और 

(श्रोमतेभिः) सुनाने योग्य वचनों से (उभयस्य) दोनों राजा और प्रजा में वर्त्तमान (वस्वः) धन का मैं (ईक्षे) दर्शन करता हूँ (desire), 

वैसे आप (बृहन्तम्) बड़े (महि) आदर करने योग्य (स्थूरम्) स्थिर (रत्नम्) सुन्दर धन को (हि) ही (धाः) धारण करिये ॥

इस मन्त्र में उपमालङ्कार है। राजजनों तथा प्रजाजनों और राजा को चाहिये कि प्रशस्तों से प्रशंसित विद्या और बहुत धन की निरन्तर वृद्धि करें ॥१०॥

1934  10-31-2

A man who is desirous of wealth shall strive to win it by lawful path.

परि॑ चि॒न्मर्तो॒ द्रवि॑णं ममन्यादृ॒तस्य॑ प॒था नम॒सा वि॑वासेत् । उ॒त स्वेन॒ क्रतु॑ना॒ सं व॑देत॒ श्रेयां॑सं॒ दक्षं॒ मन॑सा जगृभ्यात् ॥

pari cin marto draviṇam mamanyād ṛtasya pathā namasā vivāset | uta svena kratunā saṁ vadeta śreyāṁsaṁ dakṣam manasā jagṛbhyāt ||

परि॑ । चि॒त् । मर्तः॑ । द्रवि॑णम् । म॒म॒न्या॒त् । ऋ॒तस्य॑ । प॒था । न॒म॒सा । वि॒वा॒से॒त् । उ॒त । स्वेन॑ । क्रतु॑ना । सम् । व॒दे॒त॒ । श्रेयां॑सम् । दक्ष॑म् । मन॑सा । ज॒गृ॒भ्या॒त् ॥ १०.३१.२

(मर्तः-द्रविणं परिचित्-ममन्यात्) मनुष्य ज्ञानधन की सब ओर से कामना करे (ऋतस्य पथा मनसा विवासेत्) अमृत अर्थात् मोक्ष के मार्ग से अपने अन्तःकरण अर्थात् श्रद्धा से उसे सेवन करे (उत स्वेन क्रतुना सं वदेत) और अपने प्रज्ञान से-चिन्तन से विचार करे (श्रेयांसं दक्षं मनसा जगृभ्यात्) श्रेष्ठ बल अर्थात् आत्मबल को मनोभाव से पकड़े ॥२॥

ज्ञानधन जहाँ से भी मिले ले लेना चाहिये और उसका सबसे अधिक सदुपयोग मोक्षमार्ग में लगाना है। वह मानव का श्रेष्ठ बल है ॥२॥

1935   4-50-9

One who helps others wins wealth.

अप्र॑तीतो जयति॒ सं धना॑नि॒ प्रति॑जन्यान्यु॒त या सज॑न्या। अ॒व॒स्यवे॒ यो वरि॑वः कृ॒णोति॑ ब्र॒ह्मणे॒ राजा॒ तम॑वन्ति दे॒वाः ॥९॥

apratīto jayati saṁ dhanāni pratijanyāny uta yā sajanyā | avasyave yo varivaḥ kṛṇoti brahmaṇe rājā tam avanti devāḥ ||

अप्र॑तिऽइतः। ज॒य॒ति॒। सम्। धना॑नि। प्रति॑ऽजन्यानि। उ॒त। या। सऽज॑न्या। अ॒व॒स्यवे॑। यः। वरि॑वः। कृ॒णोति॑। ब्र॒ह्मणे॑। राजा॑। तम्। अ॒व॒न्ति॒। दे॒वाः ॥९॥

हे मनुष्यो ! (यः) जो (अप्रतीतः) शत्रुओं से नहीं पराजित किया गया (राजा) राजा (अवस्यवे) रक्षा की इच्छा करते हुए (ब्रह्मणे) परमात्मा के लिये (वरिवः) सेवन को (कृणोति) करता है (तम्) उसकी (देवाः) विद्वान् जन (अवन्ति) रक्षा करते हैं और (या) जो (सजन्या) तुल्य उत्पन्न हुए पदार्थों के साथ वर्त्तमान (उत) भी (प्रतिजन्यानि) मनुष्य-मनुष्य के प्रति वर्त्तमान (धनानि) धन हैं उनको सहज स्वभाव से (सम्, जयति) अच्छे प्रकार जीतता है ॥९॥

हे मनुष्यो ! जो राजा परमात्मा ही की उपासना करता और यथार्थवक्ता विद्वानों की सेवा करता है, वही नहीं नाश होनेवाले राज्य और धन को प्राप्त होकर सदा ही विजयी होता है ॥९॥

The king who provides service to learned people and capable people (in fighting and wealth creation) will not be defeated and will accumulate wealth.

1936  1-125-1

One who gets up early morning gets treasure.1936

प्रा॒ता रत्नं॑ प्रात॒रित्वा॑ दधाति॒ तं चि॑कि॒त्वान्प्र॑ति॒गृह्या॒ नि ध॑त्ते। तेन॑ प्र॒जां व॒र्धय॑मान॒ आयू॑ रा॒यस्पोषे॑ण सचते सु॒वीर॑: ॥

prātā ratnam prātaritvā dadhāti taṁ cikitvān pratigṛhyā ni dhatte | tena prajāṁ vardhayamāna āyū rāyas poṣeṇa sacate suvīraḥ ||

प्रा॒तरिति॑। रत्न॑म्। प्रा॒तः॒ऽइत्वा॑। द॒धा॒ति॒। तम्। चि॒कि॒त्वान्। प्र॒ति॒ऽगृह्य॑। नि। ध॒त्ते॒। तेन॑। प्र॒जाम्। व॒र्धय॑मानः। आयुः॑। रा॒यः। पोषे॑ण। स॒च॒ते॒। सु॒ऽवीरः॑ ॥ १.१२५.१

जो (चिकित्वान्) विशेष ज्ञानवान् (प्रातरित्वा) प्रातःकाल में जागनेवाला (सुवीरः) सुन्दर वीर मनुष्य (प्रातः रत्नम्) प्रभात समय में रमण करने योग्य आनन्दमय पदार्थ को (दधाति) धारण करता और (प्रतिगृह्य) दे, लेकर फिर (तम्) उसको (नि, धत्ते) नित्य धारण वा (तेन) उस (रायस्पोषेण) धन की पुष्टि से (प्रजाम्) पुत्र-पौत्र आदि सन्तान और (आयुः) आयुर्दा को (वर्द्धयमानः) विद्या और उत्तम शिक्षा से बढ़ाता हुआ (सचते) उसका सम्बन्ध करता है, वह निरन्तर सुखी होता है ॥ १ ॥

जो (चिकित्वान्) विशेष ज्ञानवान् (सुवीरः) सुन्दर वीर मनुष्य 

(प्रातरित्वा) प्रातःकाल में जागनेवाला  (प्रातः रत्नम्) प्रभात समय में रमण करने योग्य आनन्दमय पदार्थ को (दधाति) धारण करता और (प्रतिगृह्य) दे, लेकर फिर 

(तम्) उसको (नि, धत्ते) नित्य धारण वा (तेन) उस (रायस्पोषेण) धन की पुष्टि से 

(प्रजाम्) पुत्र-पौत्र आदि सन्तान और (आयुः) आयुर्दा को (वर्द्धयमानः) विद्या और उत्तम शिक्षा से बढ़ाता हुआ (सचते) उसका सम्बन्ध करता है, वह निरन्तर सुखी होता है ॥ 

जो आलस्य को छोड़ धर्म सम्बन्धी व्यवहार से धन को पा उसकी रक्षा उसका स्वयं भोग कर दूसरों को भोग करा और दे-ले कर निरन्तर उत्तम यत्न करे, वह सब सुखों को प्राप्त होवे ॥ १ ॥

The person who gets up early and does work to acquire valuable items available in the morning time becomes wealthy, can take care of his people well and will live happily. 

7.1.3b Wealth maximization

1944   2-11-13

One shall long for riches.

स्याम॒ ते त॑ इन्द्र॒ ये त॑ ऊ॒ती अ॑व॒स्यव॒ ऊर्जं॑ व॒र्धय॑न्तः। शु॒ष्मिन्त॑मं॒ यं चा॒कना॑म देवा॒स्मे र॒यिं रा॑सि वी॒रव॑न्तम्॥

syāma te ta indra ye ta ūtī avasyava ūrjaṁ vardhayantaḥ | śuṣmintamaṁ yaṁ cākanāma devāsme rayiṁ rāsi vīravantam ||

स्याम॑। ते। ते॒। इ॒न्द्र॒। ये। ते॒। ऊ॒ती। अ॒व॒स्यवः॑। ऊर्ज॑म्। व॒र्धय॑न्तः। शु॒ष्मिन्ऽत॑मम्। यम्। चा॒कना॑म। दे॒व॒। अ॒स्मे इति॑। र॒यिम्। रा॒सि॒। वी॒रऽव॑न्तम्॥

हे (देव) मनोहर (इन्द्र) ऐश्वर्य के देनेवाले ! (ये) जो (अवस्यवः) अपनी रक्षा चाहते और (ते) आपकी (ऊती) रक्षा आदि क्रिया से (ऊर्जम्) पराक्रम को (वर्द्धयन्तः) बढ़ाते हुए आपकी रक्षा करते (ते) वे अतुल सुख को प्राप्त होते हैं जिन (ते) आपके सम्बन्ध में हम लोग (यम्) जिस (शुष्मिन्तमम्) अति बलवान् (वीरवन्तम्) वीरों के प्रसिद्ध करानेवाले (रयिम्) धन को (चाकनाम) चाहें आप (अस्मे) हम लोगों के लिये इसको (रासि) देते हो उसको प्राप्त हो हम लोग सुखी (स्याम) हों ॥१३॥

(ये) जो (अवस्यवः) अपनी रक्षा चाहते और 

(ते) आपकी (ऊती) रक्षा आदि क्रिया से (ऊर्जम्) पराक्रम को (वर्द्धयन्तः) बढ़ाते हुए आपकी रक्षा करते 

(ते) वे अतुल सुख को प्राप्त होते हैं जिन (ते) आपके सम्बन्ध में 

हम लोग (यम्) जिस (शुष्मिन्तमम्) अति बलवान् (वीरवन्तम्) वीरों के प्रसिद्ध करानेवाले (रयिम्) धन को (चाकनाम) चाहें 

आप (अस्मे) हम लोगों के लिये इसको (रासि) देते हो  हम लोग सुखी (स्याम) हों ॥

जो भी मनुष्य परस्पर की वृद्धि करते हैं, वे सब ओर से बढ़ते हैं, किसी को अच्छी कामना नहीं छोड़नी चाहिये ॥१३॥

People have to protect themselves, have to  protect others. They have to make efforts to produce wealth (dhan) as desired by them. They should follow their thoughts or desires to produce and consume things.

1946   5-55-10  (Repeat)

One shall be a master of abundant riches.

यू॒यम॒स्मान्न॑यत॒ वस्यो॒ अच्छा॒ निरं॑ह॒तिभ्यो॑ मरुतो गृणा॒नाः। जु॒षध्वं॑ नो ह॒व्यदा॑तिं यजत्रा व॒यं स्या॑म॒ पत॑यो रयी॒णाम् ॥१०॥

yūyam asmān nayata vasyo acchā nir aṁhatibhyo maruto gṛṇānāḥ | juṣadhvaṁ no havyadātiṁ yajatrā vayaṁ syāma patayo rayīṇām ||

यू॒यम्। अ॒स्मान्। न॒य॒त॒। वस्यः॑। अच्छ॑। निः। अं॒ह॒तिऽभ्यः॑। म॒रु॒तः॒। गृ॒णा॒नाः। जु॒षध्व॑म्। नः॒। ह॒व्यऽदा॑तिम्। य॒ज॒त्राः॒। व॒यम्। स्या॒म॒। पत॑यः। र॒यी॒णाम् ॥१०॥

हे (गृणानाः) स्तुति करते हुए (मरुतः) विद्वान् मनुष्यो ! (यूयम्) आप लोग (वस्यः) अति धन से युक्त (अस्मान्) हम लोगों की रक्षा कीजिये और (अंहतिभ्यः) मारते हैं जिनसे उन अस्त्रों से पृथक् (अच्छा) उत्तम प्रकार (निः, नयत) निरन्तर पहुँचाइये और (नः) हम लोगों की (जुषध्वम्) सेवा करिये। और हे (यजत्राः) मिलनेवाले जनो ! हम लोगों के लिये (हव्यदातिम्) देने योग्य दान को प्राप्त कराइये जिससे (वयम्) हम लोग (रयीणाम्) धनों के (पतयः) पालन करनेवाले (स्याम) होवें ॥१०॥

जिज्ञासुजन विद्वानों की प्रार्थना इस प्रकार करें कि आप लोग हम लोगों को दुष्ट आचरण से अलग करके धर्मयुक्त मार्ग को प्राप्त कराइये ॥१०॥ 

Pray to people with vijnan to provide you means to protect your wealth. To provide you means to fight with persons who are attacking you. Pray to them to provide services to you to become masters of wealth.

7.1.3c Multi-Sources of Wealth

1948   9-45-3

The doors of wealth shall be unbarred.

उ॒त त्वाम॑रु॒णं व॒यं गोभि॑रञ्ज्मो॒ मदा॑य॒ कम् । वि नो॑ रा॒ये दुरो॑ वृधि ॥

uta tvām aruṇaṁ vayaṁ gobhir añjmo madāya kam | vi no rāye duro vṛdhi ||

उ॒त । त्वाम् । अ॒रु॒णम् । व॒यम् । गोभिः॑ । अ॒ञ्ज्मः॒ । मदा॑य । कम् । वि । नः॒ । रा॒ये । दुरः॑ । वृ॒धि॒ ॥ ९.४५.३

हे परमात्मन् ! (अरुणम् उत त्वाम्) गतिशील आपको (मदाय) आह्लादप्राप्ति के लिये (गोभिः अञ्ज्मः) इन्द्रियों द्वारा ज्ञान का विषय करते हैं (नः रायम्) आप हमारे ऐश्वर्य के लिये (दुरः विवृधि) पापों को नष्ट करिये तथा (कम्) सुख प्रदान करिये ॥३॥

जो लोग अपनी इन्द्रियों का संयम करते हैं, वे ही उस परमात्मा के शुद्ध स्वरूप को अनुभव कर सकते हैं, अन्य नहीं 

1949  5-54-13

Wealth in thousands should dwell and should never disappear.

यु॒ष्माद॑त्तस्य मरुतो विचेतसो रा॒यः स्या॑म र॒थ्यो॒३॒॑ वय॑स्वतः। न यो युच्छ॑ति ति॒ष्यो॒३॒॑ यथा॑ दि॒वो॒३॒॑स्मे रा॑रन्त मरुतः सह॒स्रिण॑म् ॥१३॥

yuṣmādattasya maruto vicetaso rāyaḥ syāma rathyo vayasvataḥ | na yo yucchati tiṣyo yathā divo sme rāranta marutaḥ sahasriṇam ||

यु॒ष्माऽद॑त्तस्य। म॒रु॒तः॒। वि॒ऽचे॒त॒सः॒। रा॒यः। स्या॒म॒। र॒थ्यः॑। वय॑स्वतः। न। यः। युच्छ॑ति। ति॒ष्यः॑। यथा॑। दि॒वः। अ॒स्मे इति॑। र॒र॒न्त॒। म॒रु॒तः॒। स॒ह॒स्रिण॑म् ॥१३॥

हे (विचेतसः) अनेक प्रकार का संज्ञान जिनका वे (रथ्यः) बहुत रथ आदि से युक्त (मरुतः) प्राणों के सदृश प्रियजनो ! हम लोग (युष्मादत्तस्य) आप लोगों से दिये गये (वयस्वतः) प्रशंसित जीवन जिसका उस (रायः) धन के स्वामी (स्याम) होवें और (यः) जो (अस्मे) हम लोगों के लिये वा हम लोगों में (न) नहीं (युच्छति) प्रमाद करता और (यथा) जैसे (दिवः) प्रकाश के मध्य में (तिष्यः) सूर्य्य वा पुष्य नक्षत्र है, वैसे प्रकाशित होवे और हे (मरुतः) जनो ! आप लोग (सहस्रिणम्) असंख्य वस्तु है विद्यमान जिसके उसको (रारन्त) रमण करते हैं ॥१३॥

मनुष्यों को चाहिये कि सदा धनाढ्यपन का खोज करें और प्रमाद न करें ॥१३॥

1950  5-55-10

People are to be masters of plentiful riches.

यू॒यम॒स्मान्न॑यत॒ वस्यो॒ अच्छा॒ निरं॑ह॒तिभ्यो॑ मरुतो गृणा॒नाः। जु॒षध्वं॑ नो ह॒व्यदा॑तिं यजत्रा व॒यं स्या॑म॒ पत॑यो रयी॒णाम् ॥१०॥

अंग्रेज़ी लिप्यंतरण

yūyam asmān nayata vasyo acchā nir aṁhatibhyo maruto gṛṇānāḥ | juṣadhvaṁ no havyadātiṁ yajatrā vayaṁ syāma patayo rayīṇām ||

यू॒यम्। अ॒स्मान्। न॒य॒त॒। वस्यः॑। अच्छ॑। निः। अं॒ह॒तिऽभ्यः॑। म॒रु॒तः॒। गृ॒णा॒नाः। जु॒षध्व॑म्। नः॒। ह॒व्यऽदा॑तिम्। य॒ज॒त्राः॒। व॒यम्। स्या॒म॒। पत॑यः। र॒यी॒णाम् ॥१०॥

हे (गृणानाः) स्तुति करते हुए (मरुतः) विद्वान् मनुष्यो ! (यूयम्) आप लोग (वस्यः) अति धन से युक्त (अस्मान्) हम लोगों की रक्षा कीजिये और (अंहतिभ्यः) मारते हैं जिनसे उन अस्त्रों से पृथक् (अच्छा) उत्तम प्रकार (निः, नयत) निरन्तर पहुँचाइये और (नः) हम लोगों की (जुषध्वम्) सेवा करिये। और हे (यजत्राः) मिलनेवाले जनो ! हम लोगों के लिये (हव्यदातिम्) देने योग्य दान को प्राप्त कराइये जिससे (वयम्) हम लोग (रयीणाम्) धनों के (पतयः) पालन करनेवाले (स्याम) होवें ॥१०॥

जिज्ञासुजन विद्वानों की प्रार्थना इस प्रकार करें कि आप लोग हम लोगों को दुष्ट आचरण से अलग करके धर्मयुक्त मार्ग को प्राप्त कराइये ॥१०॥ 

1951   7-72-5

Wealth has to be brought from all sides.

आ प॒श्चाता॑न्नास॒त्या पु॒रस्ता॒दाश्वि॑ना यातमध॒रादुद॑क्तात् । आ वि॒श्वत॒: पाञ्च॑जन्येन रा॒या यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभि॒: सदा॑ नः ॥

ā paścātān nāsatyā purastād āśvinā yātam adharād udaktāt | ā viśvataḥ pāñcajanyena rāyā yūyam pāta svastibhiḥ sadā naḥ ||

आ । प॒श्चाता॑त् । ना॒स॒त्या॒ । आ । पु॒रस्ता॑त् । आ । अ॒श्वि॒ना॒ । या॒त॒म् । अ॒ध॒रात् । उद॑क्तात् । आ । वि॒श्वतः॑ । पाञ्च॑ऽजन्येन । रा॒या । यू॒यम् । पा॒त॒ । स्व॒स्तिऽभिः॑ । सदा॑ । नः॒ ॥ ७.७२.५

(नासत्या) हे सत्यवादी विद्वानों ! तुम लोग (आ पश्चातात्) भले प्रकार पश्चिम दिशा से (आ पुरस्तात्) पूर्व दिशा से (अधरात्) नीचे की ओर से (उदक्तात्) ऊपर की ओर से (आ विश्वतः) सब ओर से (पाञ्चजन्येन) पाँचों प्रकार के मनुष्यों का (राया) ऐश्वर्य्य बढ़ाओ और (अश्विना) हे अध्यापक तथा उपदेशको ! आप लोग पाँचों प्रकार के मनुष्यों को (आ) भले प्रकार (यातं) प्राप्त होकर सब यह प्रार्थना करो कि हे परमात्मन् ! (यूयं) आप (सदा) सदा (स्वस्तिभिः) मङ्गलरूप वाणियों द्वारा (नः) हमारे ऐश्वर्य्य की (पात) रक्षा करें ॥५॥

तुम लोग (आ पश्चातात्) भले प्रकार पश्चिम दिशा से (आ पुरस्तात्) पूर्व दिशा से (अधरात्) नीचे की ओर से (उदक्तात्) ऊपर की ओर से (आ विश्वतः) सब ओर से (पाञ्चजन्येन) पाँचों प्रकार के मनुष्यों का (राया) ऐश्वर्य्य बढ़ाओ और 

(अश्विना) हे अध्यापक तथा उपदेशको ! आप लोग पाँचों प्रकार के मनुष्यों को (आ) भले प्रकार (यातं) प्राप्त होकर सब यह प्रार्थना करो कि हे परमात्मन् ! (यूयं) आप (सदा) सदा (स्वस्तिभिः) मङ्गलरूप वाणियों द्वारा (नः) हमारे ऐश्वर्य्य की (पात) रक्षा करें ॥

मन्त्र में जो “पञ्चजनाः” पद आया है, वह वैदिक सिद्धान्तानुसार पाँच प्रकार के मनुष्यों का वर्णन करता है अर्थात् ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय, वैश्य, शूद्र और पाँचवें दस्यु, जिनको ‘निषाद’ भी कहते हैं। वास्तव में वर्ण चार ही हैं, परन्तु मनुष्यमात्र का कल्याण अभिप्रेत होने के कारण पाँचवें दस्युओं को भी सम्मिलित करके परमात्मा उपदेश करते हैं कि हे सत्यवादी विद्वानों ! आप लोग सब ओर से मनुष्यमात्र को प्राप्त होकर वैदिक धर्म का उपदेश करो, जिससे सब प्रजाजन सुकर्मों में प्रवृत्त होकर ऐश्वर्य्यशाली हों ॥ तात्पर्य्य यह है कि जो पुरुष सदा विद्वानों की सङ्गति में रहते और जिनको विद्वज्जन सब ओर से आकर प्राप्त होते हैं, वे पवित्र भावोंवाले होकर सदा ऐश्वर्य्यसम्पन्न हुए सङ्गति को प्राप्त होते हैं ॥  

 7.1.3e Social Distribution of Wealth

1956 & 1958   10-117-6

One shall not be selfish and consume all by himself.

One who eats alone is a sinner.

मोघ॒मन्नं॑ विन्दते॒ अप्र॑चेताः स॒त्यं ब्र॑वीमि व॒ध इत्स तस्य॑ । नार्य॒मणं॒ पुष्य॑ति॒ नो सखा॑यं॒ केव॑लाघो भवति केवला॒दी ॥

mogham annaṁ vindate apracetāḥ satyam bravīmi vadha it sa tasya | nāryamaṇam puṣyati no sakhāyaṁ kevalāgho bhavati kevalādī ||

मोघ॑म् । अन्न॑म् । वि॒न्द॒ते॒ । अप्र॑ऽचेताः । स॒त्यम् । ब्र॒वी॒मि॒ । व॒धः । इत् । सः । तस्य॑ । न । अ॒र्य॒मण॑म् । पुष्य॑ति । नो इति॑ । सखा॑यम् । केव॑लऽअघः । भ॒व॒ति॒ । के॒व॒ल॒ऽआ॒दी ॥ १०.११७.६

(अप्रचेताः) अप्रकृष्ट बुद्धिवाला-बेसमझ मनुष्य (मोघम्) व्यर्थ (अन्नं विन्दते) अन्नादि धन को प्राप्त करते हैं (सत्यं ब्रवीमि) मैं सत्य कहता हूँ (तस्य) उसका (सः) वह धन वैभव (वधः-इत्) वधक है-घातक ही है (अर्यमणम्) उस अन्नादि से ज्ञानदाता विद्वान् को (न पुष्यति) नहीं पालता है (न-उ सखायम्) और न ही समानधर्मी समानवंशी सम्बन्धी को पालता है-घोषित करता है, वह ऐसा (केवलादी) अकेला खानेवाला (केवलाघः) केवल पापी होता है ॥६॥

जो मनुष्य अन्न धन सम्पत्ति का स्वामी बनकर उससे किसी ज्ञान देनेवाले विद्वान् का पोषण नहीं करता न किसी वंशीय सम्बन्धी का पोषण करता है, उसका अन्नधन सम्पत्ति पाना व्यर्थ है-घातक है, वह केवल अकेले खाकर पापी बनकर संसार से चला जाता है ॥६॥

1960  10-117-5

The rich shall satisfy the poor.

पृ॒णी॒यादिन्नाध॑मानाय॒ तव्या॒न्द्राघी॑यांस॒मनु॑ पश्येत॒ पन्था॑म् । ओ हि वर्त॑न्ते॒ रथ्ये॑व च॒क्रान्यम॑न्य॒मुप॑ तिष्ठन्त॒ राय॑: ॥

pṛṇīyād in nādhamānāya tavyān drāghīyāṁsam anu paśyeta panthām | o hi vartante rathyeva cakrānyam-anyam upa tiṣṭhanta rāyaḥ ||

पृ॒णी॒यात् । इत् । नाध॑मानाय । तव्या॑न् । द्राघी॑यांसम् । अनु॑ । प॒श्ये॒त॒ । पन्था॑म् । ओ इति॑ । हि । व॒र्त॒न्ते॒ । रथ्या॑ऽइव । च॒क्रा । अ॒न्यम्ऽअ॑न्यम् । उप॑ । ति॒ष्ठ॒न्त॒ । रायः॑ ॥ १०.११७.५

(तव्यान्) धनसमृद्ध जन (नाधमानाय) अधिकार माँगनेवाले के लिये उसे (पृणीयात्) भोजनादि से तृप्त करे (द्राघीयांसम्) अतिदीर्घ लम्बे उदार (पन्थाम्) मार्ग को (अनु पश्येत) देखे-समझे (रायः) सम्पत्तियाँ (रथ्या चक्रा-इव) रथ के चक्रों पहियों की भाँति (आ वर्तन्ते-उ हि) आवर्तन किया करती हैं, भिन्न-भिन्न स्थानों में घूमा करती हैं (अन्यम्-अन्यम्-उप तिष्ठन्त) भिन्न-भिन्न स्थान को आश्रित करती हैं ॥५॥

(रायः) सम्पत्तियाँ (रथ्या चक्रा-इव) रथ के चक्रों पहियों की भाँति (आ वर्तन्ते-उ हि) आवर्तन किया करती हैं, भिन्न-भिन्न स्थानों में घूमा करती हैं (अन्यम्-अन्यम्-उप तिष्ठन्त) भिन्न-भिन्न स्थान को आश्रित करती हैं ॥

(तव्यान्) धनसमृद्ध जन (नाधमानाय)  माँगनेवाले के लिये  (पृणीयात्) भोजनादि से तृप्त करे (द्राघीयांसम्)  उदार (पन्थाम्) मार्ग को (अनु पश्येत) देखे-समझे (take the path of giving).

धनसम्पन्न मनुष्य अपने अन्न धन सम्पत्ति से अधिकार माँगनेवाले को तृप्त करे, इस प्रकार उदारता के मार्ग को अनुभव करे, क्योंकि धन सम्पत्तियाँ सदा एक के पास नहीं रहती हैं, वे तो गाड़ी के पहियों की भाँति घूमा करती हैं, आती-जाती रहती हैं ॥५॥

(Annual production from farms changes from year to year. Take care of other in difficulties when you have good harvests). 

7.1.3f  Conservation of Wealth

1961 6-71-6

One shall produce fair wealth for today and tomorrow.

वा॒मम॒द्य स॑वितर्वा॒ममु॒ श्वो दि॒वेदि॑वे वा॒मम॒स्मभ्यं॑ सावीः। वा॒मस्य॒ हि क्षय॑स्य देव॒ भूरे॑र॒या धि॒या वा॑म॒भाजः॑ स्याम ॥६॥

vāmam adya savitar vāmam u śvo dive-dive vāmam asmabhyaṁ sāvīḥ | vāmasya hi kṣayasya deva bhūrer ayā dhiyā vāmabhājaḥ syāma ||

वा॒मम्। अ॒द्य। स॒वि॒तः॒। वा॒मम्। ऊँ॒ इति॑। श्वः। दि॒वेऽदि॑वे। वा॒मम्। अ॒स्मभ्य॑म्। सा॒वीः॒। वा॒मस्य॑। हि। क्षय॑स्य। दे॒व॒। भूरेः॑। अ॒या। धि॒या। वा॒म॒ऽभाजः॑। स्या॒म॒ ॥६॥

हे (सवितः) ऐश्वर्य्य के देनेवाले (देव) दिव्यगुणयुक्त राजन् ! जैसे (हि) जिस कारण से आप (अद्य) अब (वामम्) प्रशंसा करने योग्य सुख (उ) और (श्वः) अगले दिन (वामम्) प्रशंसा करने योग्य सुख तथा (दिवेदिवे) प्रतिदिन (वामम्) अति उत्तम सुख (अस्मभ्यम्) हमारे लिये (सावीः) उत्पन्न करो उससे (अया) इस (धिया) प्रज्ञा वा कर्म से (भूरेः) बहुत प्रकार के (वामस्य) प्रशंसित (क्षयस्य) घर के (वामभाजः) वामभाज अर्थात् प्रशंसित सुख भोगनेवाले हम लोग (स्याम) हों ॥६॥

हे (सवितः) ऐश्वर्य्य के देनेवाले (देव) दिव्यगुणयुक्त राजन् !  (अद्य) अब (वामम्) प्रशंसा करने योग्य सुख (उ) और (श्वः) अगले दिन (वामम्) प्रशंसा करने योग्य सुख तथा (दिवेदिवे) प्रतिदिन (वामम्) अति उत्तम सुख (अस्मभ्यम्) हमारे लिये (सावीः) उत्पन्न करो

*(क्षयस्य)  the meaning is given as house in the bhashya. But Dr. Kannan has given the meaning of not diminishing (akshayasya)

हे राजन् ! जिससे आप हम प्रजाजनों के लिये प्रशंसनीय सुख को उत्पन्न करते और रक्षा का विधान करते हो, वैसे हम लोग सुख से धन, घर और प्रशंसित कामों के सेवनेवाले होकर आपकी आज्ञा में नित्य वर्तें ॥६॥ 

Produce wealth for today, tomorrow and for all days in the future without allowing it to diminish.

7.1.3g Poverty

1962     10-76-4

Poverty should be banished.

अप॑ हत र॒क्षसो॑ भङ्गु॒राव॑त स्कभा॒यत॒ निॠ॑तिं॒ सेध॒ताम॑तिम् । आ नो॑ र॒यिं सर्व॑वीरं सुनोतन देवा॒व्यं॑ भरत॒ श्लोक॑मद्रयः ॥

apa hata rakṣaso bhaṅgurāvata skabhāyata nirṛtiṁ sedhatāmatim | ā no rayiṁ sarvavīraṁ sunotana devāvyam bharata ślokam adrayaḥ ||

अप॑ । ह॒त॒ । र॒क्षसः॑ । भ॒ङ्गु॒रऽव॑तः । स्क॒भा॒यत॑ । निःऽऋ॑तिम् । सेध॑त । अम॑तिम् । आ । नः॒ । र॒यिम् । सर्व॑ऽवीरम् । सु॒नो॒त॒न॒ । दे॒व॒ऽअ॒व्य॑म् । भ॒र॒त॒ । श्लोक॑म् । अ॒द्र॒यः॒ ॥ १०.७६.४

(अद्रयः) हे मन्त्रोपदेश करनेवाले विद्वानों ! तुम (भङ्गुरावतः) प्रहारक प्रवृत्तिवाले (रक्षसः) दुष्ट विचारों को (अपहत) नष्ट करो (निर्ऋतिं स्कभायत) रमणतारहित या अरमणीय प्रवृत्ति को नियन्त्रित करो-रोको (अमतिम्-अपसेधत) अज्ञता को दूर करो (नः) हमारे लिए (सर्ववीरं रयिम्) समस्त प्राणों से युक्त पोषण को (आसुनोतन) सम्पादित करो (देवाव्यं श्लोकं-भरत) परमात्मदेव जिससे प्राप्त हो, ऐसे वचन को हमारे अन्दर धारण करो ॥४॥

विद्वान् जन जनता को ऐसा उपदेश करें, जिससे कि उनके अन्दर से दुष्ट विचार, अस्थिरता, अज्ञान दूर होकर वे स्वास्थ्य और परमात्मा की प्राप्ति कर सकें ॥४॥

(निर्ऋतिं स्कभायत) रमणतारहित या अरमणीय प्रवृत्ति को नियन्त्रित करो-रोको ||
The above statement is to be interpreted as thoughts which increase our poverty should be controlled.

7.2 Knowledge Management

7.2.1 Knowledge Acquisition

1971   10-130-5

By knowledge men ascend as Rsis. 

वि॒राण्मि॒त्रावरु॑णयोरभि॒श्रीरिन्द्र॑स्य त्रि॒ष्टुबि॒ह भा॒गो अह्न॑: । विश्वा॑न्दे॒वाञ्जग॒त्या वि॑वेश॒ तेन॑ चाकॢप्र॒ ऋष॑यो मनु॒ष्या॑: ॥

virāṇ mitrāvaruṇayor abhiśrīr indrasya triṣṭub iha bhāgo ahnaḥ | viśvān devāñ jagaty ā viveśa tena cākḷpra ṛṣayo manuṣyāḥ ||

वि॒राट् । मि॒त्रावरु॑णयोः । अ॒भि॒ऽश्रीः । इन्द्र॑स्य । त्रि॒ऽस्तुप् । इ॒ह । भा॒गः । अह्नः॑ । विश्वा॑न् । दे॒वान् । जग॒ती । आ । वि॒वे॒श॒ । तेन॑ । चा॒कॢ॒प्रे॒ । ऋष॑यः । म॒नु॒ष्याः॑ ॥ १०.१३०.५

(मित्रावरुणयोः-विराट्) मित्र वरुण देवता का विराट् छन्द है (इन्द्रस्य-अभिश्रीः) इन्द्र का अभिश्री छन्द है (अह्नः-इह भागः-त्रिष्टुप्) दिन का यहाँ भाग त्रिष्टुप् छन्द है (विश्वान् देवान् जगती-आ विवेश) विश्वे देव नामक देवताओं को जगती छन्द आविष्ट होता है (तेन च) और उससे (ऋषयः-मनुष्याः-चाक्लृप्रे) मन्त्रद्रष्टा, साधारण मनुष्य समर्थ होते हैं ॥५॥

उपर्युक्त देवताओं के साथ दिये हुए छन्द सङ्गत होते हैं ॥५॥

Reciting and utilising mantras in various metres related to various deities (or actions and results) rishies and people become capable of achieving results.

1972 10-139-5

One should know both truth and falsehood properly.

वि॒श्वाव॑सुर॒भि तन्नो॑ गृणातु दि॒व्यो ग॑न्ध॒र्वो रज॑सो वि॒मान॑: । यद्वा॑ घा स॒त्यमु॒त यन्न वि॒द्म धियो॑ हिन्वा॒नो धिय॒ इन्नो॑ अव्याः ॥

viśvāvasur abhi tan no gṛṇātu divyo gandharvo rajaso vimānaḥ | yad vā ghā satyam uta yan na vidma dhiyo hinvāno dhiya in no avyāḥ ||

वि॒श्वऽव॑सुः । अ॒भि । तत् । नः॒ । गृ॒णा॒तु॒ । दि॒व्यः । ग॒न्ध॒र्वः । रज॑सः । वि॒ऽमानः । यत् । वा॒ । घ॒ । स॒त्यम् । उ॒त । यत् । न । वि॒द्म । धियः॑ । हि॒न्वा॒नः । धियः॑ । इत् । नः॒ । अ॒व्याः॒ ॥ १०.१३९.५

विश्वावसुः) विश्व को बसानेवाला या विश्व में बसनेवाला (दिव्यः) मोक्षधाम का अधिपति (गन्धर्वः) वेदवाणी का धारक (रजसः-विमानः) लोकमात्र का निर्माणकर्ता परमात्मा (नः) हमें (तत्) उसका (अभि गृणातु) उपदेश करे (यत्-वा-घ-सत्यम्) जो कि सत्य ज्ञान हो (यत्-न विद्मः) जिसको हम न जानें (धियः-हिन्वानः) बुद्धियों को प्रेरित करता हुआ (नः-धियः-इत्-अव्याः) वह तू हमारी बुद्धियों की रक्षा कर ॥५॥

परमात्मा विश्व को बसानेवाला मोक्षधाम का अधिपति, वेदवाणी का धारण करनेवाला, लोकमात्र का निर्माणकर्ता है, उससे सत्य ज्ञान व जिस बात को हम न जानते हों, उस बात का उपदेश लेने और बुद्धि की रक्षा करने की प्रार्थना करनी चाहिये ॥५॥

1978a  10-2-4

Knowledgeable persons correct the faults and failures.

यद्वो॑ व॒यं प्र॑मि॒नाम॑ व्र॒तानि॑ वि॒दुषां॑ देवा॒ अवि॑दुष्टरासः । अ॒ग्निष्टद्विश्व॒मा पृ॑णाति वि॒द्वान्येभि॑र्दे॒वाँ ऋ॒तुभि॑: क॒ल्पया॑ति ॥

yad vo vayam pramināma vratāni viduṣāṁ devā aviduṣṭarāsaḥ | agniṣ ṭad viśvam ā pṛṇāti vidvān yebhir devām̐ ṛtubhiḥ kalpayāti ||

तत् । वः॒ । व॒यम् । प्र॒ऽमि॒नाम॑ । व्र॒तानि॑ । वि॒दुषा॑म् । दे॒वाः॒ । अवि॑दुःऽतरासः । अ॒ग्निः । तत् । विश्व॑म् । आ । पृ॒णा॒ति॒ । वि॒द्वान् । येभिः॑ । दे॒वान् । ऋ॒तुऽभिः॑ । क॒ल्पया॑ति ॥ १०.२.४

-(देवाः) हे द्युस्थान के ग्रहों ! (वयम्-अविदुष्टरासः) हम ज्योतिर्विद्या में सर्वथा अज्ञानी (वः-विदुषाम्) तुम ज्योतिर्विद्या के ज्ञाननिमित्तों के (यत्-व्रतानि-प्रमिनाम) जिन कर्मों-नियमों को हिंसित करते हैं-तोड़ते हैं, भूल करते हैं (अग्निः-विद्वान्) सूर्य अग्नि ज्ञान का निमित्त हुआ (तत्-विश्वम्-आपृणाति) उस सब को पूरा कर देता है (येभिः-ऋतुभिः-देवान् कल्पयाति) जिन काल क्रियाओं द्वारा वह ग्रहों को अपने सौरमण्डल के गतिमार्ग में गति करने को समर्थ बनाता है ॥४॥

ग्रहों के ज्ञान में अनभिज्ञ जन जो भूल कर देते हैं, सूर्य को ठीक-ठीक समझने पर वह भूल दूर हो जाती है। कारण कि सूर्य ही कालक्रम से ग्रहों को सर्व गति-मार्गों में चलाता है। विद्वानों के शिक्षण में कहीं अपनी अयोग्यता से भूल या भ्रान्ति प्रतीत हो, तो विद्यासूर्य महा विद्वान् से पूर्ति करनी चाहिये ॥४॥

7.2.3 Vidya (Knowledge)

1985   1-3-11

It is the inspirer of gracious thoughts.

अव॑ सृजा वनस्पते॒ देव॑ दे॒वेभ्यो॑ ह॒विः। प्र दा॒तुर॑स्तु॒ चेत॑नम्॥

ava sṛjā vanaspate deva devebhyo haviḥ | pra dātur astu cetanam ||

अव॑। सृ॒ज॒। व॒न॒स्प॒ते॒। देव॑। दे॒वेभ्यः॑। ह॒विः। प्र। दा॒तुः। अ॒स्तु॒। चेत॑नम्॥

जो (देव) फल आदि पदार्थों को देनेवाला (वनस्पतिः) वनों के वृक्ष और ओषधि आदि पदार्थों को अधिक वृष्टि के हेतु से पालन करनेवाला (देवेभ्यः) दिव्यगुणों के लिये (हविः) हवन करने योग्य पदार्थों को (अवसृज) उत्पन्न करता है, वह (प्रदातुः) सब पदार्थों की शुद्धि चाहनेवाले विद्वान् जन के (चेतनम्) विज्ञान को उत्पन्न करानेवाला (अस्तु) होता है॥

मनुष्यों ने पृथिवी तथा सब पदार्थ जलमय युक्ति से क्रियाओं में युक्त किये हुए अग्नि से प्रदीप्त होकर रोगों की निर्मूलता से बुद्धि और बल को देने के कारण ज्ञान के बढ़ाने के हेतु होकर दिव्यगुणों का प्रकाश करते हैं॥११॥

1986   1-3-12

It lightens every pure thought.

म॒हो अर्णः॒ सर॑स्वती॒ प्र चे॑तयति के॒तुना॑। धियो॒ विश्वा॒ वि रा॑जति॥

maho arṇaḥ sarasvatī pra cetayati ketunā | dhiyo viśvā vi rājati ||

म॒हः। अर्णः॑। सर॑स्वती। प्र। चे॒त॒य॒ति॒। के॒तुना॑। धियः॑। विश्वाः॑। वि। रा॒ज॒ति॒॥

जो (सरस्वती) वाणी (केतुना) शुभ कर्म अथवा श्रेष्ठ बुद्धि से (महः) अगाध (अर्णः) शब्दरूपी समुद्र को (प्रचेतयति) जनानेवाली है, वही मनुष्यों की (विश्वाः) सब बुद्धियों को (विराजति) विशेष करके प्रकाश करती है॥१२॥

इस मन्त्र में वाचकोपमेयलुप्तोपमालङ्कार दिखलाया है। जैसे वायु से तरङ्गयुक्त और सूर्य्य से प्रकाशित समुद्र अपने रत्न और तरङ्गों से युक्त होने के कारण बहुत उत्तम व्यवहार और रत्नादि की प्राप्ति में बड़ा भारी माना जाता है, वैसे ही जो आकाश और वेद का अनेक विद्यादि गुणवाला शब्दरूपी महासागर को प्रकाशित करानेवाली वेदवाणी का उपदेश है, वही साधारण मनुष्यों की यथार्थ बुद्धि का बढ़ानेवाला होता है॥१२॥ दो सूक्तों की विद्या का प्रकाश करके इस तृतीय सूक्त से क्रियाओं का हेतु अश्विशब्द का अर्थ और उसके सिद्ध करनेवाले विद्वानों का लक्षण तथा विद्वान् होने का हेतु सरस्वती शब्द से सब विद्याप्राप्ति के निमित्त वाणी के प्रकाश करने से जान लेना चाहिये। 

7.2.5 Vijnanam (Wisdom)

1993  9-9-9

Wisdom is the light which is to be won.

पव॑मान॒ महि॒ श्रवो॒ गामश्वं॑ रासि वी॒रव॑त् । सना॑ मे॒धां सना॒ स्व॑: ॥

pavamāna mahi śravo gām aśvaṁ rāsi vīravat | sanā medhāṁ sanā svaḥ ||

पव॑मान । महि॑ । श्रवः॑ । गाम् । अश्व॑म् । रा॒सि॒ । वी॒रऽव॑त् । सना॑ । मे॒धाम् । सना॑ । स्वः॑ ॥ ९.९.९

(पवमान) हे सबको पवित्र करनेवाले परमात्मन् ! (महि, श्रवः) हमको सर्वोपरि आनन्द प्रदान करो और (गाम् अश्वम्) गौ अश्वादि नाना प्रकार के ऐश्वर्य के साधन (रासि) आप हमको दें और (वीरवत्) वीरता धर्मवाले मनुष्य (सना) देवें (मेधाम्) बुद्धि और (स्वः) स्वर्ग (सना) देवें ॥९॥

जिस जाति वा धर्म पर परमात्मा की अत्यन्त कृपा होती है, उसको परमात्मा नाना प्रकार के ऐश्वर्य के साधन प्रदान करता है और शुद्ध बुद्धि तथा सर्वोपरि आनन्द का प्रदान करता है ॥

7.3 Human Resource Management

7.3.4 Varna and management 

2001  1-113-6

One for high sway, one for exalted glory, one for pursuit of gain and one for labor.

क्ष॒त्राय॑ त्वं॒ श्रव॑से त्वं मही॒या इ॒ष्टये॑ त्व॒मर्थ॑मिव त्वमि॒त्यै। विस॑दृशा जीवि॒ताभि॑प्र॒चक्ष॑ उ॒षा अ॑जीग॒र्भुव॑नानि॒ विश्वा॑ ॥

kṣatrāya tvaṁ śravase tvam mahīyā iṣṭaye tvam artham iva tvam ityai | visadṛśā jīvitābhipracakṣa uṣā ajīgar bhuvanāni viśvā ||

क्ष॒त्राय॑। त्व॒म्। श्रव॑से। त्व॒म्। म॒ही॒यै। इ॒ष्टये॑। त्व॒म्। अर्थ॑म्ऽइव। त्व॒म्। इ॒त्यै। विऽस॑दृशा। जी॒वि॒ता। अ॒भि॒ऽप्र॒चक्षे॑। उ॒षाः। अ॒जी॒गः॒। भुव॑नानि। विश्वा॑ ॥ १.११३.६

हे विद्वन् सभाध्यक्ष राजन् ! जैसे (उषाः) प्रातर्वेला अपने प्रकाश से (विश्वा) सब (भुवनानि) लोकों को (अजीगः) ढाँक लेती है (त्वम्) तू (अभिप्रचक्षे) अच्छे प्रकार शास्त्र-बोध से सिद्ध वाणी आदि व्यवहाररूप (क्षत्राय) राज्य के लिये और (त्वम्) तू (श्रवसे) श्रवण और अन्न के लिये (त्वम्) तू (इष्टये) इष्ट सुख और (महीयै) सत्कार के लिये और (त्वम्) तू (इत्यै) सङ्गति प्राप्ति के लिये (विसदृशा) विविध धर्मयुक्त व्यवहारों के अनुकूल (अर्थमिव) द्रव्यों के समान (जीविता) जीवनादि को सदा सिद्ध किया कर ॥ ६ ॥

इस मन्त्र में वाचकलुप्तोपमालङ्कार है। जैसे विद्या विनय से प्रकाशमान सत्पुरुष सब समीपस्थ पदार्थों को व्याप्त होकर उनके गुणों के प्रकाश से समस्त अर्थों को सिद्ध करनेवाले होते हैं, वैसे राजादि पुरुष विद्या न्याय और धर्मादि को सब ओर से व्याप्त होकर चक्रवर्त्ती राज्य की यथावत् रक्षा से सब आनन्द को सिद्ध करें ॥ ६ ॥

2006    10-191-2 to 4

The minds shall be of one accord, aim be common, assembly be common and thoughts be

united. The purpose be common and hearts be united for happily living together.

सं ग॑च्छध्वं॒ सं व॑दध्वं॒ सं वो॒ मनां॑सि जानताम् । दे॒वा भा॒गं यथा॒ पूर्वे॑ संजाना॒ना उ॒पास॑ते ॥

saṁ gacchadhvaṁ saṁ vadadhvaṁ saṁ vo manāṁsi jānatām | devā bhāgaṁ yathā pūrve saṁjānānā upāsate ||

सम् । ग॒च्छ॒ध्व॒म् । सम् । व॒द॒ध्व॒म् । सम् । वः॒ । मनां॑सि । जा॒न॒ता॒म् । दे॒वाः । भा॒गम् । यथा॑ । पूर्वे॑ । स॒म्ऽजा॒ना॒नाः । उ॒प॒ऽआस॑ते ॥ १०.१९१.२

सं गच्छध्वम्) हे मनुष्यों तुम लोग परस्पर संगत हो जाओ, समाज के रूप में मिल जाओ, इसलिए कि (सं वदध्वम्) तुम संवाद कर सको, विवाद नहीं, इसलिए कि (वः-मनांसि) तुम्हारे मन (सं जानताम्) संगत हो जावें-एक हो जावें, इसलिए कि (सञ्जानानाः पूर्वे देवाः) एक मन हुए पूर्व के विद्वान् (यथा) जैसे (भागम्-उपासते) भाग अपने अधिकार या लाभ को सेवन करते थे, वैसे तुम भी कर सको ॥२॥

मनुष्यों में अलग-अलग दल न होने चाहिए, किन्तु सब मिलकर एक सूत्र में बँधें, मिलकर रहें, इसलिए मिलें कि परस्पर संवाद कर सकें, एक-दूसरे के सुख-दुःख और अभिप्राय को सुन सकें और इसलिए संवाद करें कि मन सब का एक बने-एक ही लक्ष्य बने और एक लक्ष्य इसलिये बनना चाहिये कि जैसे श्रेष्ठ विद्वान् एक मन बनाकर मानव का सच्चा सुख प्राप्त करते रहे, ऐसे तुम भी करते रहो ॥२॥

7.3.6 Labor welfare 

2008   4-57-8

The farmers shall plough the land happily.

शु॒नं नः॒ फाला॒ वि कृ॑षन्तु॒ भूमिं॑ शु॒नं की॒नाशा॑ अ॒भि य॑न्तु वा॒हैः। शु॒नं प॒र्जन्यो॒ मधु॑ना॒ पयो॑भिः॒ शुना॑सीरा शु॒नम॒स्मासु॑ धत्तम् ॥८॥

अंग्रेज़ी लिप्यंतरण

śunaṁ naḥ phālā vi kṛṣantu bhūmiṁ śunaṁ kīnāśā abhi yantu vāhaiḥ | śunam parjanyo madhunā payobhiḥ śunāsīrā śunam asmāsu dhattam ||

पद पाठ

शु॒नम्। नः॒। फालाः॑। वि। कृ॒ष॒न्तु॒। भूमि॑म्। शु॒नम्। की॒नाशाः॑। अ॒भि। य॒न्तु॒। वा॒हैः। शु॒नम्। प॒र्जन्यः॑। मधु॑ना। पयः॑ऽभिः। शुना॑सीरा। शु॒नम्। अ॒स्मासु॑। ध॒त्त॒म् ॥८॥

-जैसे (फालाः) लोहे से बनाई गई भूमि के खोदने के लिये वस्तुएँ (वाहैः) बैल आदिकों के द्वारा (नः) हम लोगों के लिये (भूमिम्) भूमि को (शुनम्) सुखपूर्वक (वि, कृषन्तु) खोदें (कीनाशाः) कृषिकर्म्म करनेवाले (शुनम्) सुख को (अभि, यन्तु) प्राप्त हों (पर्जन्यः) मेघ (मधुना) मधुर आदि गुण से (पयोभिः) और जलों से (शुनम्) सुख को वर्षावे, वैसे (शुनासीरा) अर्थात् सुख देनेवाले स्वामी और भृत्य कृषिकर्म करनेवाले तुम दोनों (अस्मासु) हम लोगों में (शुनम्) सुख को (धत्तम्) धारण करो ॥८॥

कृषिकर्म्म करनेवाले मनुष्यों को चाहिये कि उत्तम फाल आदि वस्तुओं को बनाय के हल आदि से भूमि को उत्तम करके अर्थात् गोड़ के उत्तम सुख को प्राप्त हों, वैसे ही अन्य राजा आदि के लिये सुख देवें ॥८॥ 

2009  4-57-4

The steers and men shall work happily.

शु॒नं वा॒हाः शु॒नं नरः॑ शु॒नं कृ॑षतु॒ लाङ्ग॑लम्। शु॒नं व॑र॒त्रा ब॑ध्यन्तां शु॒नमष्ट्रा॒मुदि॑ङ्गय ॥४॥

śunaṁ vāhāḥ śunaṁ naraḥ śunaṁ kṛṣatu lāṅgalam | śunaṁ varatrā badhyantāṁ śunam aṣṭrām ud iṅgaya ||

शु॒नम्। वा॒हाः। शु॒नम्। नरः॑। शु॒नम्। कृ॒ष॒तु॒। लाङ्ग॑लम्। शु॒नम्। व॒र॒त्राः। ब॑ध्य॒न्ताम्। शु॒नम्। अष्ट्रा॑म्। उत्॑। इ॒ङ्ग॒य॒ ॥४॥

हे खेती करनेवाले जन ! जैसे (वाहाः) बैल आदि पशु (शुनम्) सुख को प्राप्त हों (नरः) मुखिया कृषीवल (शुनम्) सुख को करें (लाङ्गलम्) हल का अवयव (शुनम्) सुख जैसे हो, वैसे (कृषतु) पृथिवी में प्रविष्ट हो और (वरत्राः) बैल की रस्सी (शुनम्) सुखपूर्वक (बध्यन्ताम्) बाँधी जायें, वैसे (अष्ट्राम्) खेती के साधन के अवयव को (शुनम्) सुखपूर्वक (उत्, इङ्गय) ऊपर चलाओ ॥४॥

खेती करनेवाले जन उत्तम हल आदि सामग्री, वृषभ और बीजों को इकट्ठे करके खेतों को उत्तम प्रकार जोत कर उनमें उत्तम अन्नों को उत्पन्न करें ॥४॥

7.3.7 Succession management 

7.4 Relationship Marketing

2014  4-9-7

One shall quickly listen to others’ calls.

अ॒स्माकं॑ जोष्यध्व॒रम॒स्माकं॑ य॒ज्ञम॑ङ्गिरः। अ॒स्माकं॑ शृणुधी॒ हव॑म् ॥७॥

asmākaṁ joṣy adhvaram asmākaṁ yajñam aṅgiraḥ | asmākaṁ śṛṇudhī havam ||

अ॒स्माक॑म्। जो॒षि॒। अ॒ध्व॒रम्। अ॒स्माक॑म्। य॒ज्ञम्। अ॒ङ्गि॒रः॒। अ॒स्माक॑म्। शृ॒णु॒धि॒। हव॑म्॥७॥

हे (अङ्गिरः) प्राण के सदृश प्रिय राजन् ! जिससे आप (अस्माकम्) हम लोगों के (अध्वरम्) न्यायव्यवहार और (अस्माकम्) हम लोगों के (यज्ञम्) विद्वानों के सत्कार आदि क्रियामय व्यवहार को (जोषि) सेवन करते हो इससे (अस्माकम्) हम लोगों के (हवम्) शब्द अर्थ सम्बन्धरूप विषय को (शृणुधि) सुनिये ॥७॥

हे राजन् ! जिससे कि आप हम लोगों की रक्षा करनेवाले प्रिय हैं, इससे अर्थी अर्थात् मुद्दई और प्रत्यर्थी अर्थात् मुद्दायले के वचनों को सुन के निरन्तर न्याय विधान करो ॥७॥

2015  8-80-4

One shall help and work for others.

इन्द्र॒ प्र णो॒ रथ॑मव प॒श्चाच्चि॒त्सन्त॑मद्रिवः । पु॒रस्ता॑देनं मे कृधि ॥

indra pra ṇo ratham ava paścāc cit santam adrivaḥ | purastād enam me kṛdhi ||

इन्द्र॑ । प्र । नः॒ । रथ॑म् । अ॒व॒ । प॒श्चात् । चि॒त् । सन्त॑म् । अ॒द्रि॒ऽवः॒ । पु॒रस्ता॑त् । ए॒न॒म् । मे॒ । कृ॒धि॒ ॥ ८.८०.४

(शतक्रतो) हे अनन्तकर्म्मा सर्वशक्तिमान् परमात्मन् ! तुझसे (अन्यं) दूसरा कोई (मर्डितारम्) सुखकारी देव (नहि) नहीं है। (अकरं) यह मैं अच्छी तरह से देखता और सुनता हूँ। (बळा) यह सत्य है, इसमें कुछ भी सन्देह नहीं है। हे (इन्द्र) इन्द्र ! इस हेतु (नः) हम लोगों को (त्वं) तू (मृळय) सुखी बना ॥१॥

ईश्वर ही जीवमात्र का सुखकारी होने के कारण सेव्य और स्तुत्य है ॥१॥ (Seems different mantra)

7.7 Time management 

2041   5-79-9

One shall not delay to perform his tasks.

व्यु॑च्छा दुहितर्दिवो॒ मा चि॒रं त॑नुथा॒ अपः॑। नेत्त्वा॑ स्ते॒नं यथा॑ रि॒पुं तपा॑ति॒ सूरो॑ अ॒र्चिषा॒ सुजा॑ते॒ अश्व॑सूनृते ॥९॥

vy ucchā duhitar divo mā ciraṁ tanuthā apaḥ | net tvā stenaṁ yathā ripuṁ tapāti sūro arciṣā sujāte aśvasūnṛte ||

वि। उ॒च्छ॒। दु॒हि॒तः॒। दि॒वः॒। मा। चि॒रम्। त॒नु॒थाः॒। अपः॑। नः। इत्। त्वा॒। स्ते॒नम्। यथा॑। रि॒पुम्। तपा॑ति। सूरः॑। अ॒र्चिषा॑। सुऽजा॑ते। अश्व॑ऽसूनृते ॥९॥

 (सुजाते) उत्तम विद्या से प्रकट हुई (अश्वसूनृते) बड़े ज्ञान से युक्त (दिवः) प्रकाश की (दुहितः) कन्या के सदृश वर्त्तमान उत्तम आचरणवाली स्त्रि ! तू (अपः) कर्म को (चिरम्) बहुत काल पर्यन्त (मा) नहीं (तनुथाः) विस्तार कर (यथा) जैसे (रिपुम्) शत्रु को (तपाति) संतापित करती है, वैसे (स्तेनम्) चोर को सन्तापित कर और (त्वा) तुझको कोई भी (न) नहीं सन्तापयुक्त करे और जैसे (अर्चिषा) तेज से (सूरः) सूर्य सब को तपाता है, वैसे (इत्) ही तू दुष्टजनों को सन्तापित करके हम लोगों को (वि, उच्छा) अच्छे प्रकार वसाओ ॥९॥

इस मन्त्र में वाचकलुप्तोपमालङ्कार है। जो स्त्री और पुरुष मन्द, आलसी और चोर नहीं होते हैं, वे सूर्य्य के सदृश प्रकाशित होते हैं ॥९॥

7.11 Kaizen 

2054  1-31-8

One shall improve upon the rites with new performance.

त्वं नो॑ अग्ने स॒नये॒ धना॑नां य॒शसं॑ का॒रुं कृ॑णुहि॒ स्तवा॑नः। ऋ॒ध्याम॒ कर्मा॒पसा॒ नवे॑न दे॒वैर्द्या॑वापृथिवी॒ प्राव॑तं नः ॥

tvaṁ no agne sanaye dhanānāṁ yaśasaṁ kāruṁ kṛṇuhi stavānaḥ | ṛdhyāma karmāpasā navena devair dyāvāpṛthivī prāvataṁ naḥ ||

त्वम्। नः॒। अ॒ग्ने॒। स॒नये॑। धना॑नाम्। य॒शस॑म्। का॒रुम्। कृ॒णु॒हि॒। स्तवा॑नः। ऋ॒ध्याम॑। कर्म॑। अ॒पसा॑। नवे॑न। दे॒वैः। द्या॒वा॒पृ॒थि॒वी॒ इति॑। प्र। अ॒व॒त॒म्। नः॒ ॥

हे (अग्ने) कीर्त्ति और उत्साह के प्राप्त करानेवाले जगदीश्वर वा परमेश्वरोपासक ! (स्तवानः) आप स्तुति को प्राप्त होते हुए (नः) हम लोगों के (धनानाम्) विद्या सुवर्ण चक्रवर्त्ति राज्य प्रसिद्ध धनों के (सनये) यथायोग्य कार्य्यों में व्यय करने के लिये (यशसम्) कीर्त्तियुक्त (कारुम्) उत्साह से उत्तम कर्म करनेवाले उद्योगी मनुष्य को नियुक्त (कृणुहि) कीजिये, जिससे हम लोग नवीन (अपसा) पुरुषार्थ से (नित्य) नित्य बुद्धियुक्त होते रहें और आप दोनों विद्या की प्राप्ति के लिये (देवैः) विद्वानों के साथ करते हुए (नः) हम लोगों की और (द्यावापृथिवी) सूर्य प्रकाश और भूमि को (प्रावतम्) रक्षा कीजिये ॥ ८ ॥

मनुष्यों को परमेश्वर की इस प्रकार प्रार्थना करनी चाहिये कि हे परमेश्वर ! आप कृपा करके हम लोगों में उत्तम धन देनेवाली सब शिल्पविद्या के जाननेवाले उत्तम विद्वानों को सिद्ध कीजिये, जिससे हम लोग उनके साथ नवीन-नवीन पुरुषार्थ करके पृथिवी के राज्य और सब पदार्थों से यथायोग्य उपकार ग्रहण करें ॥ ८ ॥

2055  1-105-15

Let the rite be born anew.

ब्रह्मा॑ कृणोति॒ वरु॑णो गातु॒विदं॒ तमी॑महे। व्यू॑र्णोति हृ॒दा म॒तिं नव्यो॑ जायतामृ॒तं वि॒त्तं मे॑ अ॒स्य रो॑दसी ॥

brahmā kṛṇoti varuṇo gātuvidaṁ tam īmahe | vy ūrṇoti hṛdā matiṁ navyo jāyatām ṛtaṁ vittam me asya rodasī ||

ब्रह्मा॑। कृ॒णो॒ति॒। वरु॑णः। गा॒तु॒ऽविद॑म्। तम्। ई॒म॒हे॒। वि। ऊ॒र्णो॒ति॒। हृ॒दा। म॒तिम्। नव्यः॑। जा॒य॒ता॒म्। ऋ॒तम्। वि॒त्तम्। मे॒। अ॒स्य। रो॒द॒सी॒ इति॑ ॥ १.१०५.१५

हम लोग जो (ऋतम्) सत्यस्वरूप (ब्रह्म) परमेश्वर वा (वरुणः) सबसे उत्तम विद्वान् (गातुविदम्) वेदवाणी के जाननेवाले को (कृणोति) करता है (तम्) उसको (ईमहे) याचते अर्थात् उससे माँगते हैं कि उसकी कृपा से जो (नव्यः) नवीन विद्वान् (हृदा) हृदय से (मतिम्) विशेष ज्ञान को (व्यूर्णोति) उत्पन्न करता है अर्थात् उत्तम-उत्तम रीतियों को विचारता है वह हम लोगों के बीच (जायताम्) उत्पन्न हो। शेष अर्थ प्रथम मन्त्र के तुल्य जानना चाहिये ॥ १५ ॥

किसी मनुष्य पर पिछले पुण्य इकट्ठे होने और विशेष शुद्ध क्रियमाण कर्म करने के विना परमेश्वर की दया नहीं होती और उक्त व्यवहार के विना कोई पूरी विद्या नहीं पा सकता, इससे सब मनुष्यों को परमात्मा की ऐसी प्रार्थना करनी चाहिये कि हम लोगों में परिपूर्ण विद्यावान् अच्छे-अच्छे गुण, कर्म, स्वभावयुक्त मनुष्य सदा हों। ऐसी प्रार्थना को नित्य प्राप्त हुआ परमात्मा सर्वव्यापकता से उनके आत्मा का प्रकाश करता है, यह निश्चय है ॥ १५ ॥

7.13 Value System and ethical practices 

2086  10-67-2

One shall be straight forward.

ऋ॒तं शंस॑न्त ऋ॒जु दीध्या॑ना दि॒वस्पु॒त्रासो॒ असु॑रस्य वी॒राः । विप्रं॑ प॒दमङ्गि॑रसो॒ दधा॑ना य॒ज्ञस्य॒ धाम॑ प्रथ॒मं म॑नन्त ॥

ṛtaṁ śaṁsanta ṛju dīdhyānā divas putrāso asurasya vīrāḥ | vipram padam aṅgiraso dadhānā yajñasya dhāma prathamam mananta ||

ऋ॒तम् । शंस॑न्तः । ऋ॒जु । दीध्या॑नाः । दि॒वः । पु॒त्रासः॑ । असु॑रस्य । वी॒राः । विप्र॑म् । प॒दम् । अङ्गि॑रसः । दधा॑नाः । य॒ज्ञस्य॑ । धाम॑ । प्र॒थ॒मम् । म॒न॒न्त॒ ॥ १०.६७.२

(ऋतं शंसन्तः) वेदज्ञान का उपदेश करते हुए (ऋजुदीध्यानाः) सरल स्वभाववाले परमात्मा का ध्यान करते हुए (दिवः-पुत्रासः) ज्ञानप्रकाशक परमात्मा के पुत्रसमान परमऋषि (असुरस्य वीराः) प्राणप्रद परमेश्वर के ज्ञानी (अङ्गिरसः) अङ्गों के स्वाधीन प्रेरित करनेवाले संयमी (विप्रं प्रदं दधानाः) विशेषरूप से तृप्त करनेवाले प्रापणीय परमात्मा को धारण करते हुए उपासक (यज्ञस्य प्रथमं धामं मनन्त) सङ्गमनीय परमात्मा के प्रमुख धाम-स्वरूप को मानते हैं ॥२॥

आदि सृष्टि में परम ऋषि वेदज्ञान का उपदेश करते हैं, वे परमात्मा के ध्यान में मग्न हुए परमात्मा के पुत्रसमान, अपनी इन्द्रियों के स्वामी-संयमी होते हैं। वे परमात्मा के स्वरूप को यथार्थरूप से जानते हैं, वैसे ही दूसरों को भी जनाते हैं ॥२॥

7.16 Productivity management 

2113  10-22-8

One who does not work is a social evil.

अ॒क॒र्मा दस्यु॑र॒भि नो॑ अम॒न्तुर॒न्यव्र॑तो॒ अमा॑नुषः । त्वं तस्या॑मित्रह॒न्वध॑र्दा॒सस्य॑ दम्भय ॥

akarmā dasyur abhi no amantur anyavrato amānuṣaḥ | tvaṁ tasyāmitrahan vadhar dāsasya dambhaya ||

अ॒क॒र्मा । दसुः॑ । अ॒भि । नः॒ । अ॒म॒न्तुः । अ॒न्यऽव्र॑तः । अमा॑नुषः । त्वम् । तस्य॑ । अ॒मि॒त्र॒ऽह॒न् । वधः॑ । दा॒सस्य॑ । द॒म्भ॒य॒ ॥ १०.२२.८

(अकर्मा) जो सत्कर्मशून्य-धर्मकर्मरहित (दस्युः) पीडक तथा (अमन्तुः) दूसरे को मान न देनेवाला गर्वित (अन्यव्रतः) अन्यथाचारी (अमानुषः) मनुष्यस्वभाव से भिन्न (नः-अभि) हमारे पर अभिभूत होता है-हमें दबाता है-सताता है (तस्य दासस्य) उस नीच जन का (वधः) जो हननसाधन है (त्वम्-अमित्रहन्) तू क्रूरजन के हन्ता परमात्मन् या राजन् ! (दम्भय) उसे नष्ट कर ॥८॥

भावार्थभाषाः -धर्म-कर्मरहित, गर्वित, अन्यथाचारी, मनुष्यस्वभाव से भिन्न, दूसरों को दबानेवाले, सतानेवाले को परमात्मा या राजा नष्ट किया करता है ॥८॥

7.17 Competition management 

2122  2-40-5

Overcome in all encounters 

विश्वा॑न्य॒न्यो भुव॑ना ज॒जान॒ विश्व॑म॒न्यो अ॑भि॒चक्षा॑ण एति। सोमा॑पूषणा॒वव॑तं॒ धियं॑ मे यु॒वाभ्यां॒ विश्वाः॒ पृत॑ना जयेम॥

viśvāny anyo bhuvanā jajāna viśvam anyo abhicakṣāṇa eti | somāpūṣaṇāv avataṁ dhiyam me yuvābhyāṁ viśvāḥ pṛtanā jayema ||

विश्वा॑नि। अ॒न्यः। भु॒व॒ना। ज॒जान॑। विश्व॑म्। अ॒न्यः। अ॒भि॒ऽचक्षा॑णः। ए॒ति॒। सोमा॑पूषणौ। अव॑तम्। धिय॑म्। मे॒। यु॒वाभ्या॑म्। विश्वाः॑। पृत॑नाः। ज॒ये॒म॒॥

हे अध्यापक और उपदेशको ! जो (अन्यः) भिन्न भाग (विश्वानि) समस्त (भुवना) लोकों में प्रसिद्ध पदार्थों को (जजान) उत्पन्न करता जो (अन्यः) और (अभिचक्षाणः) प्रकट वाणी का विषय (विश्वम्) संसार को (एति) प्राप्त होता उन दोनों (सोमापूषणौ) शान्ति और पुष्टि गुणवाले वायु का उपदेश देकर (मे) मेरी (धियम्) बुद्धि की तुम दोनों (अवतम्) रक्षा करो जिससे (युवाभ्याम्) तुम दोनों के साथ हम लोग (विश्वाः) समस्त (पृतनाः) मनुष्यों को (जयेम) उत्कर्ष दें ॥५॥

जो वायु सब लोकों को धरता और जो शब्द प्रयोग वा श्रवण का निमित्त है, उसके विज्ञान कराने से सब मनुष्यों की उन्नति करनी चाहिये ॥५॥

7.18 Change management 

2126  10-85-27

Be vigilant, closely united, happy and prosperous in the new environment

इ॒ह प्रि॒यं प्र॒जया॑ ते॒ समृ॑ध्यताम॒स्मिन्गृ॒हे गार्ह॑पत्याय जागृहि । ए॒ना पत्या॑ त॒न्वं१॒॑ सं सृ॑ज॒स्वाधा॒ जिव्री॑ वि॒दथ॒मा व॑दाथः ॥

iha priyam prajayā te sam ṛdhyatām asmin gṛhe gārhapatyāya jāgṛhi | enā patyā tanvaṁ saṁ sṛjasvādhā jivrī vidatham ā vadāthaḥ ||

इ॒ह । प्रि॒यम् । प्र॒ऽजया॑ । ते॒ । सम् । ऋ॒ध्य॒ता॒म् । अ॒स्मिन् । गृ॒हे । गार्ह॑ऽपत्याय । जा॒गृ॒हि॒ । ए॒ना । पत्या॑ । त॒न्व॑म् । सम् । सृ॒ज॒स्व॒ । अध॑ । जिव्री॒ इति॑ । वि॒दथ॑म् । आ । व॒दा॒थः॒ ॥ १०.८५.२७

इह ते प्रियम्) हे वधू ! इस पतिगृह में तेरा अभीष्ट (प्रजया समृध्यताम्) सन्तति के साथ समृद्ध हो (अस्मिन् गृहे) इस घर में (गार्हपत्याय, जागृहि) गृहस्थ कर्म के लिये सावधान हो-संयम से गृहस्थकर्म आचरण कर (एना पत्या) इस पति के साथ (तन्वं संसृज) स्वशरीर को सम्पृक्त कर-संयुक्त कर (अध) पुनः (जिव्री) तुम दोनों जीर्ण-वृद्ध हुए भी (विदथम्) परस्पर सहानुभूतिवचन (आवदाथः) भलीभाँति बोलो ॥२७॥

स्त्री का अभीष्ट पतिगृह में है, जो सन्तान के साथ पूरा होता है, गृहस्थ संयम से करना चाहिए, वरवधू वृद्ध होने पर भी मीठा हितकर बोलें ॥२७॥

2127  10-85-36

Bring happy fortune to the new environment.

गृ॒भ्णामि॑ ते सौभग॒त्वाय॒ हस्तं॒ मया॒ पत्या॑ ज॒रद॑ष्टि॒र्यथास॑: । भगो॑ अर्य॒मा स॑वि॒ता पुरं॑धि॒र्मह्यं॑ त्वादु॒र्गार्ह॑पत्याय दे॒वाः ॥

gṛbhṇāmi te saubhagatvāya hastam mayā patyā jaradaṣṭir yathāsaḥ | bhago aryamā savitā puraṁdhir mahyaṁ tvādur gārhapatyāya devāḥ ||

गृ॒भ्णामि॑ । ते॒ । सौ॒भ॒ग॒ऽत्वाय॑ । हस्त॑म् । मया॑ । पत्या॑ । ज॒रत्ऽअ॑ष्टिः । यथा॑ । असः॑ । भगः॑ । अ॒र्य॒मा । स॒वि॒ता । पुर॑म्ऽधिः । मह्य॑म् । त्वा॒ । अ॒दुः॒ । गार्ह॑ऽपत्याय । दे॒वाः ॥ १०.८५.३६

(ते हस्तम्) हे वधू ! तेरे हाथ को (सौभगत्वाय गृभ्णामि) सौभाग्य के लिये मैं पति ग्रहण करता हूँ (मया पत्या) मुझ पति के साथ (यथा जरदष्टिः-असः) जैसे ही तू जरापर्यन्त सुख भोगनेवाली हो (भगः-अर्यमा सविता) ऐश्वर्यवान् परमात्मा, पुरोहित, जनक-तेरा पिता (पुरन्धिः-देवाः) नगरधारक राजकर्मचारी, ये सब देवभूत पूजनीय महानुभाव (गार्हपत्याय) गृहस्थाश्रम के पति होने के लिये (त्वा मह्यम्-अदुः) तुझे मेरे लिये देते हैं ॥३६॥

विवाहसम्बन्ध परमात्मा के आदेशानुसार पुरोहित, पिता, नगराधिकारी इनके साक्षित्व में होना चाहिए। पति-पत्नी का सम्बन्ध गृहस्थ में एक दूसरे को जरापर्यन्त पालन के ढंग का होता है ॥३६॥


अप॑ हत र॒क्षसो॑ भङ्गु॒राव॑त स्कभा॒यत॒ निॠ॑तिं॒ सेध॒ताम॑तिम् । आ नो॑ र॒यिं सर्व॑वीरं सुनोतन देवा॒व्यं॑ भरत॒ श्लोक॑मद्रयः ॥

apa hata rakṣaso bhaṅgurāvata skabhāyata nirṛtiṁ sedhatāmatim | ā no rayiṁ sarvavīraṁ sunotana devāvyam bharata ślokam adrayaḥ ||

अप॑ । ह॒त॒ । र॒क्षसः॑ । भ॒ङ्गु॒रऽव॑तः । स्क॒भा॒यत॑ । निःऽऋ॑तिम् । सेध॑त । अम॑तिम् । आ । नः॒ । र॒यिम् । सर्व॑ऽवीरम् । सु॒नो॒त॒न॒ । दे॒व॒ऽअ॒व्य॑म् । भ॒र॒त॒ । श्लोक॑म् । अ॒द्र॒यः॒ ॥ १०.७६.४

(अद्रयः) हे मन्त्रोपदेश करनेवाले विद्वानों ! तुम (भङ्गुरावतः) प्रहारक प्रवृत्तिवाले (रक्षसः) दुष्ट विचारों को (अपहत) नष्ट करो (निर्ऋतिं स्कभायत) रमणतारहित या अरमणीय प्रवृत्ति को नियन्त्रित करो-रोको (अमतिम्-अपसेधत) अज्ञता को दूर करो (नः) हमारे लिए (सर्ववीरं रयिम्) समस्त प्राणों से युक्त पोषण को (आसुनोतन) सम्पादित करो (देवाव्यं श्लोकं-भरत) परमात्मदेव जिससे प्राप्त हो, ऐसे वचन को हमारे अन्दर धारण करो ॥४॥

विद्वान् जन जनता को ऐसा उपदेश करें, जिससे कि उनके अन्दर से दुष्ट विचार, अस्थिरता, अज्ञान दूर होकर वे स्वास्थ्य और परमात्मा की प्राप्ति कर सकें ॥४॥

Section and Sub-sections of Chapter 7

7.1 Financial management 

7.1.1 Profitability management 

7.1.2 Capital structure Planning 

7.1.2a Financial intermediaries 

7.1.3 Wealth 

7.1.3a Fair mode for wealth acquisition 

7.1.3b Wealth maximization 

7.1.3c Multi-Sources of wealth 

7.1.3d Enjoyer of wealth 

7.1.3e Social distribution of wealth 

7.1.3f Conservation of wealth 

7.1.3g Poverty 

7.2 Knowledge management 

7.2.1 Knowledge acquisition 

7.2.2 Knowledge propagation 

7.2.3 Vidya (Knowledge) 

7.2.4 Avidya (Ignorance) 

7.2.5 Vijñanam (Wisdom) 

7.3 Human Resource Management 

7.3.1 Employee remuneration 

7.3.2 Equal remuneration 

7.3.3 Personality management 

7.3.3a  Annamaya or physical personality 

7.3.3b Pranamaya or energetic personality 

7.3.3c Manomaya or emotional personality 

7.3.3d Vijñanamaya or intellectual personality 

7.3.3e Anandamaya or creative personality

7.3.3f Vedic Personality pyramid 

7.3.4 Varna and management 

7.3.5 Asrama and management 

7.3.6 Labor welfare 

7.3.7 Succession management 

7.4 Relationship marketing 

7.5 Trade and commerce 

7.6 Social responsibilities 

7.6.1 Protection of poor 

7.6.2 Absence of profiteering 

7.6.3 Protection of interests of workers 

7.6.4 Protection of interests of Farmers 

7.6.5 Protection of interests of animals 

7.6.6 Sponsorship 

7.6.7 Rejection of evil 

7.7 Time management 

7.8 Quality system 

7.9 Total Quality Management 

7.10 Benchmarking 

7.11 Kaizen 

7.12 Culture Management 

7.12.1 Cultural Practices 

7.12.2 Music 

7.12.3 Dance 

7.12.4 Sports 

7.12.5 Recreation 

7.12.6 Cultural diversity 

7.13 Value System and ethical practices 

7.14 Corporate Governance 

7.15 Globalization

7.16 Productivity management 

7.17 Competition management 

7.18 Change management 

7.19 Managing oneself 

7.20 Summary 

Chapter 8. Vedic Model of Excellence


Act with one mind and one thought


Deeds shall be pure


One who does not work is a social evil.


Rigveda tells to strive for harmony, understanding and togetherness. Universal brotherhood is prescribed by it.

"Common be your prayers. Common be your goal.


One recites rigveda


One builds a ship with oars to support


Additional Materials


January 2005

Project: Spirituality in Management, Leadership and Human Development


Subhash Sharma

Indus Business Academy

Better Management & Effective Leadership Through the Indian Scriptures

Narayanji Misra

Pustak Mahal, 18-Sept-2007 - Management in literature - 207 pages

Management as a subject and various theories associated with it are largely considered as brainchild of the West. the moment this topic is raised, the names of western thinkers, such as F.W. Taylor, Robert Owen and Peter F. Drucker, come to our mind. However, the fact is that all the management theories and hypotheses propounded so far, draw heavily from the Indian scriptures. Indian sages and gurus, like Sukra, Kautilya and Vedavyas laid the foundation to better management through their literary works as early as in the pre-Christian era. This book, Better Management and Effective Leadership through the Indian Scriptures, aims at discovering the treasure hidden in the Indian texts, making the management scholars all over the world feel proud of our literary heritage and appreciate the farsightedness of the Indian thinkers. It is an endeavour to reveal that, be it in any sphere of academics, Indian scholars were in no way secondary to their western counterparts; they were rather the precursors.

Ud. 15.8.2022
