July 26, 2024

Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.- Blogger Profile - Bioknol - Knol 1 by NRAO

Prof. Dr. Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.

Blogging With Passion to Share Knowledge Acquired With Facilities of the Society with the Society.

Now offering 
Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course

NRao Blogs - Blogs of Narayana Rao

Global Top Blogs

Visited by Million+ Users during 2007 to 2020
Visited by 100,000+ industrial engineers during 2007 to 2020

Top 100 Industrial Engineering Online Articles. Top articles of  Industrial Engineering Knowledge Center  http://nraoiekc.blogspot.com

My Blog Directory

Top YouTube Video of Mine.

26.7.2024  - 51,050+ Views.
ప్రభుత్వ పాలన శాస్త్రం - పరిచయం - ప్రొఫెసర్ నారాయణ రావు
(Public Administration - Introduction in Telugu)

Industrial Engineering Principles -  #IISE 2017 Conference Presentation -  Video. 
9635+  Views. 

Updates on Blog 26.7.2024, 25.6.2020, 

Knol Platform Related Information


Presently Global Number One Individual English Knol Author. Global Number Two Individual Knol Author My portfolio has more than 2.7 million page view (14.4.2011) My knol portfolio reached one million page views on (15.4.2010) in Knol Statistics I am a faculty member in National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE). My post-graduation is in industrial engineering. My doctoral research thesis is in the area of capital markets. I am happy to share things that I collect for my learning, teaching and research through online platforms like knol and blogs.


  • Narayana Rao

 Knol Author Foundation Congratulates Professor Rao for Achieving 100,000 Page Views a Month through a Press release


Global Number One Individual English Knol Author

(From 3.11.2009)
Highest page views per day: 4122 page views
Highest visitors per day: 3262
Highest unique visitors 3031
(All on 14.11.2011)
Knol Page Views and Visitors - Historical Record - K.V.S.S. Narayana Rao

Member of Knol Author Foundation 


Knolling With Passion to Share Knowledge Acquired With Facilities of the Society with the Society.
Shifting the attention to Blogger platform to make Knol live there also further

I am a faculty member in National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE).

I did post graduation in industrial engineering and did the doctoral research work in capital markets.
"It is the writer who might catch the imagination of young people and plant seed that will flower and come to fruition." - Issac Assimov.

Moving Some Knols to Blogs

Most of the knols will move to Annotum-Word Press site/blog.
Started new blogs. Posting some of the knols related to them there to provide a more focused content to visitors.

Book Information, Reviews and Summaries


Nrao - Blogs
Management Theory Review
Industrial Engineering Review
History and Importance of the Day

My Subject Interests

My present teaching interests are:
Knols to support my teaching

Equity Research Course at NITIE, Mumbai

Introduction to Industrial Engineering - Course at NITIE

Investment Banking Course at NITIE, Mumbai

 Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. - Knol Home Page (Contains a directory of my knols)
Knols Posted: 5000 (24.7.2011)
Page views: 3055 per day (peak), 2575 (average)

My TOP 800 Knols


Top Knols by Page Views of Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.

50 knols with more than 6000 page views
700 knols with more than 1000 page views
800 knols with more than 800 page views                                                                 

Narayana Rao - Knol Page Views data from Google Analytics

Monthly page views crossed 100,000

One million cumulative page views crossed in Google Analytics stats.

Monthly visitors: 52,138 Historical record 
Monthly Page views 74,660 Historical record

Knol Page Views and Visitors - Historical Record - K.V.S.S. Narayana Rao

Narayana Rao - Internet - Online  Articles Page Views data from Google Adsense

I am going to register 2 million page views in adsense count by end of this month for my online articles in my blogs and on Knol.

Two Million Page View Online Article Author - April 2011

Knol Counter Information

Weekly Page View Record: 69,556  - 23.4.2011 (Global Number One for the week)
Cumulative Page views: 2,793,950


  • Popular Knols 1  (5000 page views and more)
    Popular Knols 2  (3000 page views to 5000)
    Popular Knols 3  (1000 page views to 3000)
    Interesting Knols (500 page views to 1000)
    Rec. Rev. Knols  (Up to 500 page views)
    Recently Posted/Created Knols - New Knols - Narayana Rao
Knol Books
List of Knol Books by Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.
List-2 of Knol Books by Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.
Recently Posted Knol Book Chapters


New Ideas

Knol Books
Goal of Knol: Knol Authors 100,000 - Knols 1 million - Top 100 Website
Goal of Knol - Year July 2010 - July 2011
Country Knol Day

India Knol Day
India Knol Directory

Request knol authors to announce knol day of their country. Already prepared sub-directories of knols for some countries. Initiated sub-directories for more countries to help in promoting knols related to the country through knol day events and promotion.

Knol Sub-Directory - Argentina
Knol Sub-Directory - Brazil - Interesting Knols
Knol Sub-Directory - Paraguay
Knol Sub-Directory - Venezuela

Knol Days of Subjects

Knol Day of Industrial Engineering
It is a successful event. Requesting knol authors to announce knol day of their subjects.

Great Content, Ideas and Thoughts on Knol
Interesting New Knols
Trending Knols
Knol Author News - July 2010
Potential 100,000 Page View Knol Authors

Knol Directory of Interesting Knols
Knol Author Directory


Knol platform has to support world days by announcing the world days sufficiently in advance and encouraging knol authors to write about various dimensions related to the issue.

World Days or International Days to Highlight Challenges

My Comment on 


Encouraging publication of unpublished Ph.d Thesis
 Knol Author Recruitment - Double the Number of Knol Authors

A public online publishing platform like knol requires large number of authors who write on diverse areas and topics. Existing authors have to participate in encouraging their intellectual neighbors to write for knol. If each author can recruit one author before 30th June 2009, the author base can double.

My  knols - lists

Popular Knols - Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. - List 1 (5000 page views and more)
Popular Knols - Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. - List 2 (3000 page views and more)
Popular Knols - Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. - List 3   (1000 page views and more)
Interesting Knols  (500 page views and more)
Rec. Rev. Knols 
My Knol Projects

1. Management Knowledge Revision Knols

2. Industrial Engineering - An Important Human Engineering Discipline
I write on Industrial Engineering . My post graduation is in Industrial engineering.
I strongly believe that industrial engineering is a very useful discipline contributing to the improvement in productivity of each and every person and thus to his material well-being, comfort, safety and health. Industrial engineering is to be treated as one of the functional areas of management like marketing or finance. Like finance, whose activities spread into each and every department of an organization, industrial engineering also has application in the proceses and systems used in every function and engineers the work of persons employed in every department. Industrial engineering has enterprisewide responsibility.

According to me industrial engineering has two core areas:

1. Human Effort Engineering 
2. Systems Efficiency Engineering 

Industrial engineers aspire to be systems engineers and they have reason to aspire for it as they already have specific roles in systems design and operation and they can take up leadership of systems design process. Hence industrial engineering programs have to teach systems engineering and emphasize the management dimension of systems design. According to me the management component of industrial engineering course must concentrate on management of industrial engineering department and function, systems design management and management of objectives of industrial engineering like productivity, operator comfort, safety, health and income, and operator related quality etc.
I collected my knols in the area of industrial engineering in the knol:
Industrial Engineering - Knols of Narayana Rao K V S S
3. Investment Management
My doctoral work is on return on equity shares. My present teaching interests are in the areas Security analysis, mergers and acquisitions,  Issue of securities (Investment banking) and Management of securities market intermediaries.
Due to various reasons (Professional necessity) and interest, I studied and taught number of subjects in Natural Sciences,  Social Sciences, Engineering, Industrial Engineering, and Management and I plan to write about some of the issues in these subjects over a period of time. 
I write on many subjects from Accounting to Zoology, Both accounting and zoology are important subjects for industrial engineers. While,  I am writing on many subjects, my special expertise at post-doctoral level  is in long term investment methods and strategies. In rest of the subjects, I have academic qualifications as I took number of these subjects in my undergraduate, post graduate and doctoral courses.  I write revision articles in these subjects based on some standard text books. These articles are useful to me for  revising and updating my knowledge base and I believe, there are also useful to many for their revising and updating the knowledge in these subjects. Every knowledge worker needs to revise and update his knowledge. I hope my knols facilitate this activity to some extent.
My first knol was on Focus of Industrial Engineering. My contention is that focus of Industrial Engineering is efficiency - human efficiency and system efficiency. Functional design of systems is the job of other specialists and industrial engineers make the systems efficient both at the design stage as well as later as the system is in operation. The role of industrial engineers in systems design can be that way two fold - system efficiency design  and coordinating the system design process.

Current status of my Knol Projects  


Posted 4000 knols.
Posted 150 knol books. For these knol books around 1500 chapters are to be created.

(17th October 2010)

I posted more than 2960 knols so far.
The main theme of my knol portfolio is revision articles. 
My aim is to provide revision or review articles for graduates of industrial engineering and management so that they can refresh their knowledge periodically. My effort of writing articles in all the subjects of the curriculum is to demonstrate that by appropriate committed effort, we can retain our learning of multiple subjects over a long period of time.
Only when we retain a large number of principles and recollect them, we take decisions properly when the occasion comes. According to me we are all incurring a huge amount of cost of ignorance.
My advocacy is that knowledge workers have to make special efforts to retain, revise, refresh and update their knowledge.
I also made a directory of interesting knols and there are around 250 sub-directories supporting the main directory.
Security Analysis
 India - BSE Sensex Companies - Information and Equity Research
(This knol and related knols will provide information and equity research developed by my students in the subject as class assignments of their course(Jan-March 2009). This dissemination plan is as per my paper  "Independent Equity Research from Business Schools: A Possibility" published in AIMS International Journal on Management www.aims-international.org/AIJM/2-2-5.pdf).

Page Views of my Knol Portfolio

Knol Page Views and Visitors - Historical Record - K.V.S.S. Narayana Rao 
Highest page views per day: 3055 page views on 14.6.2011
(As per Google analytics data)

13.7.2011: 3602 knols, Collections 1267, Total: 4869
1.7.2011 Knols: 3516, Collections: 1227 Total: 4743, Monthly visitors 74,820

17.10.2010:  Number of knols posted 2960. Global author rank in page views: 4, Rank in number of articles posted 1 (Monthly visitors number crossed 36,000 and page view number crossed 51,000 in Google Analytics stats)
Page views on 9.6.2010: 1,151,848, Number of knols posted 2385. Global author rank in page views: 4, Rank in number of articles posted 1.
Page views on 15.4.2010: 1,001,112, Number of knols posted 2250. Global author rank in page views: 4, Rank in number of articles posted 1.
Page views on 26.1.2010: 7,20,000, weekly page views: 23,000, Number of knols posted 2002, Author rank in page views: 3, Rank in number of article 1.

Page views on 1.1.2010: 663,174; Global  Author rank in number of page views: 3, Rank in number of article 1.
Global Number One Individual English Knol Author

Page views on 3.9.2009: 2,90,996; Author rank in number of page view: 4, Rank in number of article 1.
Page Views on 13.8.2009: 2,51,483; Present author rank in number of page views: 5; Rank in number of articles 1.
Page views on 31.7.2009: 2,30,443; Present rank in number of page views: 6; Rank in number of articles: 1
Page views on 19.6.2009: 1,54,529
My page views were 68,802 on 26th February 2009


Invitation to Visitors to get Involved

I look forward to contribution from the readers of my knols to improve them as required. Let us all utilize the wiki technology to create materials useful to us and our fellow professionals all over the world. I am intentionally creating number of open collaboration knols and moderated collaboration knols  to prompt visitors to get involved.

My Knol Directory

I am preparing a directory of my knols with subject classification to facilitate access.

The main subject directory is: 


To further objective of research to practice dialogue, I started the pattern of giving relevant research papers yearwise in management concept knols. I request researchers and research scholars to add to the research papers and enrich the bibliography.

Management Concept Knol Directory aa-az
hits counter

Updated on 19 June 2020,  11 April 2020
3 May 2019



I would like to take the opportunity of congratulating you on your brilliant result!

Sergio Casiraghi - 23 Nov 2011
Google should donate Knol to blogger and make it Wikiblogger. Otherwise allow migration to Blogger also without collaborative writing.

But word press-annotum is good for collaborative writing.
Narayana Rao - 23 Nov 2011
Thank you for the encouragement and appreciation.
Narayana Rao - 14 Oct 2011


Thanks for your comments. I will certainly let you know when I complete new Knols. I have a series of knols planned.


Trent Tormoehlen - 28 Sep 2011


Respected Sir,
First of all I'd like to thank you, because of you Today we have won AIMS 2010 INNOVATIVE PEDAGOGY award for KNOLs.
Congratulations to you sir, for the kind of efforts you have put in to achieve this and as a result of that the kind of reward our college have got. Congratulations once again.
Mahesh Hase - 30 Aug 2010

Friendship Day Greetings from a Fellow Knol Author and KAF member

E-Knol Greetings

Support India Knol Month Campaign

About Friendship Day

Knol Author Foundation - English Language Author Chapter

Help Knol Author Community to grow
Narayana Rao - 01 Aug 2010

Hi Narayana

Could you explain me, why a subdirectory for Venezuela.? What is the directory?
Artur Landerzon Barrera Garcia - 21 Jul 2010

Hi Mr. Rao

I am Emma from Coreventus Malaysia. My company is a business intelligence provider, where we provide conferences and training. In July 2010, we will organize a conference on Cost Reduction in Manufacturing. One of the key areas of the conference is on the execution of systems such as TPM, Lean Manufacturing and etc to help reduce cost and maximize productivity. If you are interested, do you mind sending me your e-mail address and contact number, so that i can send your the conference draft and my company profile. Your co-operation is highly appreciated. TQ
Anonymous - 06 May 2010
Thank you for the information.

About Hindi

Dear Narayan Rao ji

as I was going through the Hindi works you suggested, I wanted to point out a few things

1. Most of the Hindi articles there use a very defective Hindi. Some of them simply look like machine translations. Something should urgently be done for that.

2. I have a group of 450 people who will be collaborating with me in Hindi writing on Knol which will be launched this month. The 450 are in a google group which is promoted by http://www.Sarathi.info

सस्नेह -- शास्त्री

हिन्दी ही हिन्दुस्तान को एक सूत्र में पिरो सकती है
Shastri JC Philip - 17 Feb 2010
Dear Doctor

What you had written is right. Same thing is happening in English articles written by persons from various countries where English is not the main language.

In official language workshop they are encouraging people to write in Hindi without worrying too much about the correctness. That is to encourage people to start.

I think practically many of these knols will go to dustbin as they will not get many page views.

I am very happy to know that 450 people will be coming onto knol. We need more and more knol authors to make knol viable and this is a very big number. I congratulate you on the achievement.

With best regards
Narayana Rao - 17 Feb 2010
Thanks Narayan Rao ji

for your kind comments. My desire is to get into Hindi in a big way, and have been building up a list of people who wish to write.

I hope to launch it all soon!

with greetings

सस्नेह -- शास्त्री

हिन्दी ही हिन्दुस्तान को एक सूत्र में पिरो सकती है
Shastri JC Philip - 17 Feb 2010


Please join my group at <a href = "http://groups.google.com/group/knol-authors">Knol-Authors</a>


Where banning of Knolians is not allowed.
Will Johnson - 16 Feb 2010
Yes I will. One more attempt at organizing and exciting knol authors is always welcome.
Narayana Rao - 16 Feb 2010


Good Morning,

It appears we understand the vital need for wisdom in our current civilization.

I have been studying thinking as a set data processing processes for a while now and believe that perspective may yield some very useful tools and techniques to help others implement the use of wisdom in their lives.
The human brain is indeed an incredible organ but its rightful place is as our slave, not our master.

We each have a unique data set of information, experiences, and emotions. It is HOW we use our data that decides everything in our lives.
From the perspective of data handling, we need new definitions to expand and explain old concepts in ways that are understandable and applicable.


These examples are provided to offer my only available credentials.

I just published a 'knol," titled "Getting Wisdom"
My agenda is to open it to those who recognize the nature and value inherent is gaining and using Wisdom as an additional place to place links and discuss those articles and the processes in gaining and applying wisdom.
Hopefully it will attract those who not only have studied the wise but also are motivated to help others seeking wisdom.

If you are interested, the knol address is:

Sincere Thanks,
Douglas McKee
Douglas McKee - 16 Jan 2010

Hi Narayana Rao

You are part of the "Best of the Knol - Jury"

A decision is waiting.
Please write a comment, then I will make your to an author of this site:


Andreas Kemper - 04 Nov 2009

Message from Bill Gaw

Mr. Rao,

Some of your writings are appearing on my Knol. Please visit my Knol (Bill Gaw) and your comments would be appreciated.

Bill Gaw
Bill Gaw - 10 Oct 2009
Mr. Bill Gaw

Thank you for the information and invitation.
Narayana Rao - 10 Oct 2009

Hello Narayana Rao

Excuse me, I do not know how to invite you to review this Knole


Please give me your opinion about the Knole.

My best wishes to you.
Artur Landerzon Barrera Garcia - 18 Jul 2009

Hello Narayana Rao KVSS

I miss your nominatings and votings for the Knol of the Month


Andreas Kemper - 24 Jun 2009
Dear Andreas Kemper

Thank you for your nice words.

I must have some interesting knol to nominate. Next month I shall as I have written two knols on interesting themes this month.

Now I also feel knol platform has good performance in the last one year and hence it will prosper in the next year.
Narayana Rao - 24 Jun 2009

Hello professor

Thank you very much for asking about my studies, indeed they are going well, I am writing a lot of papers and I will adapt them for knol in summer, when I have more time. In the meantime, I check the bulletin board and see the new improvements of Knol regularly so I try to be updated!

Best regards, I admire your work
Jesús Martín Calvo - 06 Apr 2009

100.000 Page views

Prof. Rao,

Please accept my congratulations for reaching this milestone in advance and in winning the silver medal in Best knol of the month contest for Stock Market Poems. Your publishing of student course work was a historic first as many of your other suggestions in taking new directions and improvements.
Krishan Maggon - 02 Apr 2009
Thank you for the nice words.

Stock market poems happened by an accident. Dr. Subhash Sharma read two of his poems and gave his book of poems in a conference. That immediately prompted me to write something. And as fellow knol authors said they were good, I could approach my colleagues in the institute to go through them. Because they liked them, comments followed and also controversy followed.

I hope the best knol competition attracts more knol authors to nominate their knols and thereby increase the list of good knols. I request you to nominate one of your recent knols for the competition. You many nominate others knols. But each author must have at least one self knol to nominate every month if he is active. The competition must bring out a big list of knols which authors themselves feel are worthy of special attention.

I am waiting for reactions from one or two more knol authors on research conference proposal.
Narayana Rao - 02 Apr 2009

Top Viewed Authors


Congratulations on your promotion to Number 14
Will Johnson - 17 Mar 2009
Thank you

Your monitoring is useful. But I think many good authors are yet to start writing on the platform. Once they enter the rankings may change entirely. Also some authors may learn what works on knol and increase their output accordingly.

The other interesting measure could the page views per week of top 100 authors at the present. This number can be changed to 200 authors, etc. etc in future. The increase in popularity of Knol will be indicated by such a measure.
Narayana Rao - 17 Mar 2009

Top Viewed Authors

Congratulations on your promotion to Number 20

Will Johnson - 12 Mar 2009

Thank you

Dear Professor Narayana Rao,

thank you for inviting me to your California project. This is about to prompt me to create a "California in poetry" knol (or rather a series of knols). When it's somewhat developed, you may consider it for inclusion in your (our?) California list of knols.

Best regards,
Włodzimierz Holsztyński - 09 Mar 2009

1000th knol : Best Knol for March 2009 Prof Rao 1000th knol


Is there a direct link to your 1000 knol?


Best Knol for March 2009 Prof Rao 1000th knol (a direct link is required)


Thanks for the information and nominating our knols as winners.

I suggest that the knol community join me in congratulating Prof Rao in reaching a significant step and milestone by becoming the first author to write over 1000 knols. I wish to nominate his 1000th knol as the best knol of the month March 2009 (to be selected by Prof Rao). This is good for the entire knol community.

Krishan Maggon - 01 Mar 2009

The Collaborative Book Project

Dear Professor Narayana,
Could you please send us your email?
Manuel Menendez - 07 Feb 2009

Dear professor

I would like to be a very active member at the bulletin board, but these weeks I have my almost-final exams on Law and Economy so I have very few time to write and think about it, I hope you understand and wish me success, in a few time I will become a very active member giving my sights and ideas.
Thank you
Best regards
Jesús Martín Calvo - 31 Jan 2009

Professor Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.

Dear Professor Narayana Rao K.V.S.S.
I respectfully think that it is time for you to re-assess the direction that you are taking with your contribution to the Knol project. It is obvious from your hundreds of Knols that you are an avid supporter of the project but unfortunately the majority of these posts don't conform with the Knol project's 'Best writing practice' standard.

Because of this you have not been recognized in the Knol Author's Top 800 award. Other members of the Knol Author's foundation have been recognized - The Judge (19th best author position), Kalle (227), Andreas (255), Jesus (392) and Sajid (678) but your work has not been acknowledged.

As a key leader in the Knol Author Foundation, I believe it is incumbent upon you to set the example for all Knol authors and so I would think it better for both you and the project, that you refocus your extensive energy on making your existing Knols better, rather than continue to post work that does not meet the Knol 'Best Practice' standard. Professor, I think that now is the time for all us foundation authors, to refocus on quality - not just quantity.

Peter Baskerville - 27 Jan 2009
I understand fully that to-date your focus has been more on setting up the structure or skeleton for future work (which is great), but I believe that the Knol project now needs those structures filled with quality content and formatted in a way that makes for a great user experience. Thank you for being so understanding of my advice.
Peter Baskerville - 27 Jan 2009
Dear Baskerville

I thank you for the comment. Yesterday only I read your knol on writing knols in the top 10 ranks. I have set up a specific direction for my knol project. Management knowledge revision. I want to develop a community of authors who get involved in this effort from my contacts around me. It will take some time as it is a new activity. I also added two more themes as my knol projects. Branches of knowledge and Management Concepts directory. Once again the scope is vast and work progresses at a slow rate and it has to be done in stages.

But the information you gave is very important piece that I have to halt and reflect upon my enthusiasm.

Thank you once again
With best regards
Narayana Rao - 27 Jan 2009

Thanks for the invitation, Narayana

I'll post some thoughts today and it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Simon Harris
Simon Harris - 29 Dec 2008

Lets spread your immense expertise to the mind sciences. Lets expand the insights of engineering to the life sciences.

Dear Prof. Rao:
The breath and vision of your knols is amazing. The most creative and cutting edge science today is engineering. Look at biology, look at chemistry, look at medicine their top catergory is now bio-engineering,
chemical engineering, the latest madical devices are all marvels of cutting edge engineering. Why not expand your field of Management Theory and Practise to my field of emotional intelligence education and maybe explore all other fields where your expertise can transfer the benifits of your insights?
Here I am talking about wisdom in different ways and you saying so beautifully engineering is efficiency - human efficiency! You gave me the idea that wisdom can also be defined as a tool for mastering human efficiency. I thought of writing a knol on wisdom as human efficiency. But I think that this honor belongs to you. Please consider writing a knol on 'Wisdom as Human Efficiency.' Lets start some new fields. Lets start using insights in engineering management and apply them to the mind sciences. Lets upgrade all the mind sciences to engineering sciences(alot of this has already been done).
Kind regards
Sajid Khan

Sajid Khan - 05 Nov 2008

Good afternoon from Holland

Thank you for your intrest and motivation. Please write a comment on Knol Debates.

Karin Kruijff

Karin Kruijff - 20 Oct 2008
Thank you Ms. Karin Kruijff.

You message made me think. I posted a suggestion.

I suggested that the debate should ask authors to write knols on the issue and the debate page must have a provision to show the link to such knols written in response to the opening knol of the debate.

There should be a moderator who goes through the comments and knols written on the debate topic and writes a summary knol. Such a summary knol could be forwarded to concerned decision makers as well as press for appropriate coverage. I think the knol community will get excited with such a format. I already went and made request to my colleague who is a faculty in environment management to write a comment on subsidies to alternative energy projects.

Thank you once again for providing a direction to my thinking. I came out with the idea of mailstorming. Now we have to say knolstorming. One knol leads to another knol that embodies the knowledge gained by the author so far but was consolidated into a knol because of another knol that triggers the thought or points out the need for such a knol.
Narayana Rao - 20 Oct 2008

Ther is nothing fuzzy about educating the brain to the level where it sprouts wisdom.

Dear Prof. Rao:
You have a very well grounded and well deserved knack for presenting
relevant, timely and complex ideas in a simple and easy to understand
format. I would like you to consider my original ideas on emotional
intelligence and wisdom and try to integrate them
in your university curriculum. Please share my work in your circle.

Also if you need anything from New York please let me know.

Kind regards

Sajid Khan

Please review my latest knol:

The benefits of knowing that wisdom is a fragrance of the mind.
Knowing what wisdom is, we can take the right steps to create wisdom
minds enmasse.
Email Print
Sajid Khan
The 4th R foundation, surfmasterclub.com,The Wisdom Express,
Shypower, Brain Power Club
comments: 0
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Since ancient times man has been intrigued by wisdom. The ancients
knew the importance of wisdom. However in spite of all the research
they could not figure out wisdom. So they tried to teach wisdom by
teaching it attributes. Even to this day we define wisdom more or
less as the ancients defined wisdom. As a result the current wisdom
education is just as it has always been, a very long process that has
mixed results. Since over a 1000 years wisdom was considered too
complex to be taken up as a complete subject on its own. In the
current era Dr. Vivian Clayton took up the research of wisdom but
even she gave it up after many years of serious research because she
found that wisdom was too fuzzy to understand.
She made the same mistake that every one else makes. When it comes to
wisdom research we stand on the shoulders of Aristotle to look for
further clues to understanding wisdom. Well in the case of wisdom
Aristotle's shoulder should have long been abandoned. Wisdom is like
the ro...*
Alternative titles

"The brain is a real physical entity. There is nothing fuzzy about
the brain. The brain can be developed into a healthy physical and
emotional entity. It can be developed to the level where it will
generate wisdom."

The way main stream education understands wisdom today has a big
effect on how wisdom education is pursued.
As we don't know exactly what wisdom is we try to understand wisdom
through its attributes. And we teach wisdom's attribute like love,
respect, honesty, grace more or less by showing the benefits of these
qualities and by persuading the student to realize that acquiring the
attributes of wisdom is good for the student. Thus we teach each
quality one at a time and mainly through persuasion. However when the
brain is at a lower level the very being of the person is composed of
ignorance generated qualities. The very essence of the person is
composed of -2, -1 and +1 attributes.

Suppose a person is fundamentally -1 and you persuade him to become
good what you are actually doing is telling him to behave in a +2
manner, the best he can do is pretend and act +2. Pretending to be +2
and being +2 are two different qualities. Thus he does not change
from the inside he just takes on the role of a +2. He struggles with
his inside being -1 and just pretends in society of being +2. Thus
his wisdom education is never authentic. All he learns is a mask of
wisdom behavior that covers his real -1 being. No wonder there is no
enthusiasm in universities to teach wisdom education as current
wisdom education falls far short of making the student wise.

Wisdom is a quality that sprouts automatically when the brain becomes
emotionally super mature. At the premature level the brain sprouts
ignorance. At the immature level it is a mixture of mostly ignorance
along with some wisdom. At the mature level it is a mixture of
ignorance and mostly wisdom. At the super mature mind level it is
wisdom. Thus real wisdom education means educating the brain to
become +2. Which is attainable by deprogramming the brain of the
root causes of ignorance. Taking out -2 ignorance elevates the brain
to -1 ignorance. Taking out -1 ignorance elevates the brain to +1.
Taking out the trophy self image of +1 results in the brain becoming

Just as you cannot teach wisdom by teaching wisdom you cannot take
out ignorance by trying to take out ignorance.Taking out ignorance
which is a fragrance is possible only by removing the reasons why
this ignorance is generated in the brain in the first place. Thus you
have to remove all the buried memories of the negative upbringing
episodes that are still running in the unconscious brain. Each
negative incident has to be relived and experienced again in the
light/context of the persons current life. Thus wisdom education is
more of a therapy than a regular education.

*Wisdom is like the root of the tree and its attributes are the
branches.. We try to cultivate the branches without cultivating the
root. Non main stream institutions have been trying to teach wisdom
with mixed results. Main stream institutions see these mixed results
and get discouraged to start wisdom education of their own. Also they
don't dare teach any topic that they cannot define within scientific
terms. Well I am now defining wisdom as the fragrance of the fully
developed emotionally intelligent (+2) super mature brain/mind. I
have found that the attributes of wisdom are generated automatically
by a fully developed emotional intelligent brain. Just as a premature
-2 brain will automatically generate ignorance a fully educated brain
will generate wisdom.

The brain is a real physical entity. There is nothing fuzzy about the
brain.. The brain can be developed into a healthy physical and
emotional entity. It can be developed to the level where it will
generate wisdom.

The kind of fruit a tree will bear will depend on how healthy its
roots are.. Whether the brain will sprout wisdom or ignorance depends
on the emotional educational level of the brain. So wisdom education
is developing lessons and exercises that will make the brain super

Sajid Khan - 26 Sep 2008

July 19, 2024

Basic Management Theory - Principles of Management and Practice in Various Business Functions

 Definition of Management - F.W. Taylor

Management is  knowing exactly what you want men to do, and then seeing that they do it in the best and cheapest way. - F.W. Taylor.

The art of management has been defined, "as knowing exactly what you want men to do, and then seeing that they do it in the best and cheapest way.

Definition of Management - F.W. Taylor


Business is exchange of goods or services. There are  production-supply function and marketing-selling function in any business at the core. There is division of labor and  more specialized functions are now existence.

Management of a business of an individual or of a firm starts at the instant one person has thought of doing business to earn income. Once the actual business of producing and exchanging or selling the goods or services start it is conceived as an ongoing business. No doubt individuals stop doing business and business firms are closed. So in practice we can see many business closures. In a broad way, management of business extends from the instant an idea to do business germinates in a person's mind to the instant it is closed.

In modern terminology, the important steps or functions in a management are: 

Planning: Deciding whether there is a profitable business opportunity are not?

Organizing: Determining which resources or needed to do the business and their division into units allocated to specific individuals to use them and do business activities. The activities include operational activities and managerial activities. Managerial activities keep taking place all the time in a business. 

Resourcing: All resources identified as requirement for doing a business or business activity are to be acquired and provided to the individuals to do activities.

Directing: The individuals appointed to do business and managerial activities have to be directed by the managers concerned in the outputs required and the process to be used.

Controlling: After giving directions, managers to observe and check or measure whether the activities are giving desired outputs and performance. If there is a gap, they have to take managerial actions to reduce the gap.

Review of Evolution of Management in Various Business Functions - Departments

1. Evolution of Management Thought and Theory
2. Evolution of Scientific Management
3. Principles and Laws of Management - Taylor (1903 & 1911) and Gillette & Dana (1909)
4. Science and Philosophy of Management - A. Hamilton Church (1914) & Oliver Sheldon (1924)
5. Principles of Management - Henri Fayol (1916), Koontz & O'Donnell
6. Evolution of Production Management 
7. Evolution of Productivity Management
8. Evolution of Marketing Management
9. Evolution of Human Resource Management
10. Evolution of Organizational Behavior
11. Evolution of Accounting
12. Evolution of Financial Management
13. Evolution of Supply Management and Supply Chain Management
14. Evolution of Business Logistics Management
15. Industrial Management - Evolution of The Subject

Management - Etymology of the Word.

OED's earliest evidence for management is from 1598, in the writing of John Florio, author and teacher of languages.

John Florio and the introduction of management into the English vocabulary
April 2012, Journal of Management History 18(2):129-136



Interesting 1791

A treatise on the culture of the cucumber; shewing a new and advantageous method of cultivating that plant, with full directions for the management thereof, and the degree of heat it requires on every day of the year; and a meteorological journal of the weather and temperature of the climate in lat. 51 20£ north, long. 0 1£ east of London. By James M'Phail 

Search Results for Books on Management during 1700-1790

Interesting 1835

The philosophy of manufactures : or, An exposition of the scientific, moral and commercial economy of the factory system of Great Britain / by Andrew Ure, 1835

Interesting - Third Book within it. Moral Economy of the Factory System.

"Philosophers, in every age of the world, have contrasted the supineness of the beneficent principle in man, with the activity of the malevolent; but, satisfied with stating the fact, they left it as a problem for revelation to solve."  In page 282

Search Results - Factory Management - 1830-1839


The Origin of Management is Sustainability: Recovering an Alternative Foundation for Management
Stephen Cummings and Todd Bridgman
Published Online:30 Nov 2017https://doi.org/10.5465/ambpp.2014.25


The new science of management decision
H.A. Simon

Thoughts on the treaty now agitating between government and the East India company, shewing the conceived defects of the propositions drawn up by the Court of directors : and containing a new set of propositions, perhaps more advantageous to the public, to the East India company, and the oppressed inhabitants of Hindostan / by Archibald Mitchell
Mitchell, Archibald.

Review of Evolution of Basic Management Theory and Functional Management Subjects

Browse  Online MBA Management Theory Handbook

Review of Management

1. Evolution of Management Thought and Theory
2. Evolution of Scientific Management
3. Principles and Laws of Management - Taylor (1903 & 1911) and Gillette & Dana (1909)
4. Science and Philosophy of Management - A. Hamilton Church (1914) & Oliver Sheldon (1924)
5. Principles of Management - Henri Fayol (1916), Koontz & O'Donnell
6. Evolution of Production Management 
7. Evolution of Productivity Management
8. Evolution of Marketing Management
9. Evolution of Human Resource Management
10. Evolution of Organizational Behavior
11. Evolution of Accounting
12. Evolution of Financial Management
13. Evolution of Supply Management and Supply Chain Management
14. Evolution of Business Logistics Management
15. Industrial Management - Evolution of The Subject

Review of selected research papers in various management areas

Basic Management Theory is used in all functional management subjects.

Ud. 20.7.2024
Pub. 21.7.2019