Elective Course 4: Bhartiya Management
Course Credits: 2
Course Outcomes:
● CO1: Understand the management lessons from ancient Indian philosophy and texts
● CO2: Applying the contexts from Indian philosophy in management discussion
● CO3: Analysing the Indian philosophical approaches to Leadership, Sarvodaya, Satyagraha and Trusteeship
● CO4: Evaluating the impact of Indian philosophical approaches in management of self and life skills
● CO5: Formulate Bhartiya Management Thought for Management Decision making,
Leadership development
Unit /
Content CO
1 Bharatiya Management - Tenets & Relevance:
A. Tenets of Bharatiya Management : The synthesis of important dimensions of Indian Culture , Indian
Philosophy & Management
B. Role & Relevance of Self-Management & Social development; Swami Vivekananda's Four Yoga
(Bhakti, Karma, Jnana & Raja Yoga)
CO1, CO2 5
2 Human Values Enrichment & Dimensions of Good
A. Human Values Enrichment: Significance of the Theory of the Purusarthas ( Dharma , Artha, Kama &
B. Good Governance approach: Bhagvad Gita's approach on Lokasamgraha & Mahatma Gandhi's
emphasis on Sarvodaya.
CO1, CO2,
3 Management Lessons from Ancient Texts:
A. Management Insights from Mahabharata - Lessons of Strategic Management from Mahabharata &
Bhagwat Gita
B. Management Lessons from Arthashastra
C. Management Lessons from Panchatantra
CO2, CO3,
4 Leadership Lessons from Indian Philosophy:
A. Philosophy of Yoga : Patanjali's Yoga
approach on Astanga Marga
B. Saptanga Model of Leadership: Reflections on
Kautilya's Arthashastra
C: Samkhya philosophy, ‘Guna’ concept of Indian
Vedic philosophy
D: Rajarshi Leadership; Indian Philosophy and
Servant Leadership
CO4, CO5 5
A. Focus on life Skills Management &
Significance of Indian scriptures
B. Indian Philosophy & context of Social Responsibility & Sustainable Development.
C. Trusteeship concept of Mahatma Gandhi
D. Practical Application of Indian Philosophical Principles in Business - Discussion on Case Studies
CO4, CO5 5
Text Books:
1. Management by Values, by Chakraborty S K
2. Values of Ethics for Organization: Theory and Practice,by Chakraborty S. K.
3. Rajarshi Leadership, by S.K. Chakraborty & Debangshu Chakraborty
Reference Books
1. Leadership & Motivation: Cultural Comparisons, by Debangashu Chakraborty, S.
K. Chakraborty
2. Spirituality in Management: Means or End?, by S.K. Chakraborty, Debangshu Chakraborty
3. Leadership and Power: Ethical Explorations, by S. K.Chakraborty, Pradip Bhattacharya
4. The Arthashastra - Kautilya (translation by L N Rangarajan), Penguin Books
5. Indian Models of Economy, Business and Management Paperback,
by Kanagasabapathi P, Third Edition, Prentice Hall India Learning Private Limited
6. Economic Sutra: Ancient Indian Antecedents to Economic Thought, by Satish Y Deodhar, Penguin Portfolio
Other Suggested Reading:
1. https://ebooks.inflibnet.ac.in/mgmtp05/chapter/indian-thought-and-management/
2. https://ebooks.inflibnet.ac.in/hrmp01/chapter/246/
3. https://egyankosh.ac.in/bitstream/123456789/92306/1/Unit-9.pdf
Vedic Management - Krishna Yajurveda Statements - Mantras
Vedic Business and People Management Related Statements in RigVeda - A Selection
Rig Veda and Functions of Management - Planning to Control
Vedic Management - Management Related Statements in RigVeda - Areas of Management