September 13, 2024

Political Strategies in Use for Acquiring and Using Power in Organizations

Definition of politics in organizations

Luthans proposes the following definition describing it as a comprehensive definition drawn from the literature.

"Organizational politics consists of intentional acts of influence undertaken by individuals or groups to enhance or protect their self-interest when conflicting courses of action are possible."

Strategies for acquiring and using power for political purposes

Maintain alliances with powerful people

Embrace or demolish

Exhibiting confidence

Divide and rule

Manipulate classified information

Accumulate and use IOUs

Attacking and blaming others

Progress one step at a time

Wait for a crisis

Take counsel with caution

Be aware of critical resources and controlling them

Building personal stature

Withdrawing from petty disputes

Creating a sponsor-protégé relationship

Using research data to support one’s point of view


Fred Luthans, Organizational Behavior

Ud. 14.9.2024
Pub. 24.11.2011  Post changed from Google Knol to this blog.

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