April 7, 2022

Goal Setting for Self and Subordinates


A to Z - Activities, Competencies, Education and Training of Engineering Supervisors - Article Series

A person with goal has more motivation to plan and do the work as per plan. Supervisors must create goals for himself and encourage operators to set goals. Goals can be in learning new tasks, new processes and new skills. Goals can be for production quantities in a day, week or month. Goals can be in the area of health.

Taylor Task Management

Taylor emphasized the principle of goal setting and he advocated differential piece rate. If an operator produces above a scientifically designed task quantity, he will receive an extra piece rate. The reason is to make operator to commit to the goal with the promise a significant extra payment for reaching the goal.

Short Interval Scheduling

1 comment:

  1. Goals are always important, definitely. Without a goal it's kind of like paddling around in a circle for no reason.
    Tasha's Thinkings: YouTube - What They Don't Tell You (and free fiction)
