September 9, 2024

Tata Steel - Applications of Theory of Constraints (TOC) in Continuous Improvement, Productivity Improvement and Industrial Engineering

Thefollowing are the top ten practices on the EDGE portal, ranked according to AdvantEDGE points, which areearned on the basis ofthe number of views, shares, likes,commentsand discussions related to the practice.

Number one is:

1 Application ofTheory ofConstraints in SupplyChain Tata Steel

So TOC application practice is the most read application in the database of best practices in TATA group companies.

To know more about other exciting activities on the Portal or foradditionalinformation related to the Tata Best Practices Initiative, visit 

Tata Steel launches 'ASPIRE Unlimited' Campaign based on the 'Theory of Constraints'

Bangalore, June 02, 2005

Tata Steel launched "ASPIRE Unlimited" as part of its continuous march towards excellence in all spheres of its business processes. The programme was launched by Mr B Muthuraman in the presence of Dr Eliyahu M Goldratt.  The Company has appointed Goldratt Consulting Limited of UK for implementing its 'Viable Vision Programme', which has been branded by Tata Steel as "Aspire Unlimited" and will run as a campaign internally. It is based on the principles of "Theory of Constraints" (TOC) developed by Dr Eliyahu M Goldratt.

Dr Goldratt explained that the Theory of Constraints looks at business problems from a system level, in contrast to some other methods that are focused on specific processes. Focusing on Viable Vision implementations, he further emphasised on the need to identify and capitalise on those few elements that govern an organisational system.

The programme is expected to deliver measurable improvements in operational performance and profitability. The scope of the programme is primarily aimed at steel business unit, which includes mines, collieries, iron and steel operations. The programme will also include the Company's Project Management and profit centres like Tubes Division, Wire Division and Tata Growth Shop. The entire programme will operate under the overall ASPIRE programme - the Tata Steel brand for integrated set of improvement interventions adopted by the company since 2003. The ASPIRE programme aims to ensure a manifold acceleration in the pace of growth and make Tata Steel Economic Value Added (EVA) Positive on a sustainable basis.


Bimlendra Jha keynote on Tata Steel India's Viable Vision journey using Theory of Constraints

2007 Keynote.

In this keynote, Bimlendra Jha, presents the inspirational history ofTata Steel with a specific focus on their Viable Vision journey where they partnered with the team from Goldratt to use Theory of Constraints to dramatically accelerate and increase profitability and ROI.

Applying TOC in Tata Steel - Bimlendra Jha - 2008 Presentation


Tributes to Eli

Bimlendra Jha's comments and phtos are also there.


Interview with Mr. Bimlendra Jha, Tata Steel - What does it take to become a TOC company?

April 1, 2020

Mr. Bimlendra Jha is a B. Tech in Ceramic Engineering from IIT Varanasi and a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management, Marketing and Finance from XLRI Jamshedpur. He has been associated with Tata Steel Ltd. for nearly three decades and over the past six years, he has held multiple leadership roles including CEO Tata Steel UK and Executive Director on the Board of Tata Steel Europe, looking after operations in UK, Sweden, and Canada. He has been actively involved in strategic portfolio restructuring and supply chain transformation in Europe and market development, sales and brand management, and innovation in construction practices in India. This includes the design of new processes in Marketing, Value Selling, Channel Loyalty programs and launch of new product concepts such as SuperLinks and BuildWise.

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